Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 465 [Climbing the Dragon Emperor to Atlantis]

The divine beast roared, and the sound instantly spread throughout the entire small world.

Xu Changan, who was standing in the void, was not affected too much by this earth-shattering roar, but the countless other insects and beasts in the entire small world were all trembling and lying low on the ground.


The body of the divine beast continues to change.

His legs grew longer, thinner, and thinner.

The originally short white tail now trailed behind it, twice as long as the body, and it showed nine colors and was extremely dazzling.

When Dabai stepped out from the distance and landed opposite Xu Changan, Xu Changan simply couldn't recognize this guy.

Except for the long rabbit-like ears, the rest of its body has changed.

Not only has the shape changed, but the color has also changed.

Today's Dabai's whole body is mainly purple and gold, mixed with the other nine colors of light, and he looks very gorgeous.

"Babai, is that you?"

Xu Changan's throat moved twice and he said a few words dryly.

The mythical beast on the opposite side that seemed to be in illusory time and space also made a human voice: "It's me, my friend!"

The sound was not loud, but very thin, like the sound of an underage little girl.

Baymax can finally speak.

"Why are you like this?" Xu Changan breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as Dabai still recognizes this master.

Dabai said: "Born as a divine beast, it was easy to be targeted by its natural enemies when it was young, so it automatically concealed some of its own talents. Now that I have broken through to the Nascent Soul realm, my true body has awakened!"


Xu Changan nodded.

I see.

Dabai is indeed a great mythical beast.

"Then...will I still be your master from now on?" Xu Changan looked at Dabai, who he no longer recognized.

Dabai shook his head and said: "Xu Changan, you have never been my master!"

Xu Changan felt a little sour.

That’s right!

He has never been Dabai's master.

He found this guy in the back mountain of Chenjiabao when he first entered the world of cultivation. At that time, they lived together in the valley.

However, they are not in a master-servant relationship.

The two can be said to be interdependent.

Until later.

It is a natural beast and will not become anyone's pet.

"You are my friend!" The voice with a childish tone sounded solemnly: "You are my life and death friend. The two of us have shared hardships, life and death together!"

Xu Changan felt hot in his heart.


Xu Changan suddenly thought of a very crucial thing and asked: "Dabai, who are you?"

Dabai: (●—●)……

"I am a divine beast, not a thing!"

There was some complaint in Dabai's tone, but it still said: "I didn't know what kind of divine beast I was before, but now after advancing to Nascent Soul, my bloodline and inheritance have awakened!"

"I also understand my origin!"

"I originally belong to the fairy world, but I am the divine beast [Deng Long Emperor Jian]."

Xu Changan:? ? ?

"Denglong Dihuan, what is this? I have never heard of it."

"It's Jian!" Dabai said: "But because he specializes in killing dragons, he got the title of Dragon Emperor Jian!"

"As a member of our clan, we can only prove the Tao by killing dragons!"

Dabai's voice was clear and serious.

Xu Changan said: "I don't understand, but it sounds like it's very powerful!"

Dabai said: "Xu Chang'an, thank you for protecting my childhood with your great luck. This kindness will never be forgotten!"

"But as a strong man, you will not live under the protection of others forever!"

"Now that I have awakened my bloodline inheritance, I can no longer rely on your protection to grow. The only way to become stronger by riding on the Dragon Emperor's sword is to kill!"

"Xu Changan, I'm going to Daxizhou!"

"Ah?" Xu Changan was stunned: "You mean, you will leave me in the future?"


Buzz buzz...

Dabai's whole body flashed with light and turned into that stupid big rabbit again. It walked up to Xu Changan, rubbed Xu Changan's body with its fluffy hair, and said with some reluctance: "This is a process, it is The call of my blood and heritage!”

"I'm going to find my own path!"

"Brother Xu Changan, I have to leave!"

"Be careful yourself!"

Xu Changan stretched out his hand and rubbed Dabai's head several times.

"Same for you!" Xu Changan whispered: "Be safe, I will go to Daxizhou in the future, and I will look for you then!"

"But how can you go to Daxizhou?"

This is a problem.

Legend has it that in ancient times, Emperor Zhou sealed the land that could not be enlightened.

No one from any country can go there.

Dabai said: "I have my own way!"

A few days later!

Dayan Kingdom, Lulong County, Zhenwu Jedi!

A huge, snow-white, rabbit-like mythical beast landed at the entrance to Zhenwu Jedi Land.


In the desperate situation, the evil spirit is gushing out.

Streams of black air spurted out from the mouth of the valley, swirling endlessly.

Although this Zhenwu Jedi has not been opened, there are still many people lingering here.

Seeing such a snow-white rabbit falling down, someone became interested and wanted to catch it.

But the rabbit turned into a ferocious beast in an instant, opened its mouth wide, and with a roar, a Nascent Soul was torn into pieces by him.

The rest of the people were all trembling and fled in all directions.

Dabai didn't care, turned his head and rushed into the Zhenwu Jedi.

Without the suppression of the power of the stars, the evil spirit here was many times stronger than when Xu Changan came in.

However, Dabai was not afraid.

It roared loudly, and then sucked in a lot of evil energy in its mouth like a long whale sucking water, and its body began to expand violently.

One foot!

Ten feet!



Deep in the Zhenwu Jedi Land, the statue of the Emperor where the immortal was buried suddenly flew out and landed next to Dabai.

"Are you Emperor Zhou?" Dabai's voice was clear and childish.

The statue whose back can only be seen forever said: "That's right, what a dragon emperor! You came to me, aren't you trying to kill the black dragon I suppressed underground and attain enlightenment?"

"If you think so, you are wrong, because it is not a real dragon!"

Emperor Zhou's voice was calm, but there was a majestic momentum.

"Besides!" Emperor Zhou said, "Even if I am just a remnant of my soul, even if you cultivate for another ten thousand years, you still won't be able to succeed as long as I am here!"

Dabai nodded: "Yes, I know this. I heard that Lulong County was originally called Dragon Slaying County in ancient times. You must have killed real dragons here. I came here just to admire your dragon-slaying aura, and to seek for it." My own way!"

Emperor Zhou said: "That's a misinformation. I said that the one sealed here is not a real dragon!"

"Then!" Dabai said: "This junior is being reckless... I have another question to ask!"

Emperor Zhou said: "Say!"

Dabai said: "I beg the Emperor of Zhou to send me to Xizhou!"

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