Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 466 [Innate magic weapon, initial understanding of the rules]

Dabai is gone!

Xu Changan was a little sad, but also relieved.

Dabai is his good friend. If it can grow up, it's okay to leave for a while.

There will always be time to meet again in the future.

Putting aside the emotion of Dabai's departure, Xu Changan came to the Golden Talisman Space again, sat cross-legged on the ground, and continued to retreat.

Because the ninth level of the Golden Core could not continue to break through, Xu Changan did not continue to practice the fire attribute Dantian. Anyway, there are still various other attributes to practice.


Let's start with the metal system!

The rest of the attributes are all in the first level of the Golden Core Stage, and only one thunder attribute is still hovering in the first level of the Foundation Establishment Stage.



The golden spiritual energy between heaven and earth turned into a hundred-foot tornado, and condensed again above Xu Changan's dojo.

However, because of the cover of the fourth-grade illusion array, this huge tornado would not be noticed by others.

While practicing, Xu Changan continued to comprehend the [Great Zhou Array Outline] and [Basic Mechanism Refining Method].

At the same time, the root of Taoism in his body that was born from eating [Yun Dao Dan] suddenly sprouted and turned into a few roots, rising from the void and entering the earth.

He began to comprehend the rules of heaven and earth.

It is not an easy thing to comprehend the power of the rules of heaven and earth.

Often the higher the comprehension, the more tenacious the root of Taoism, and the more rules of heaven and earth can be communicated at the same time.

For example, Uncle Qingxu in the past, put jute on his head to communicate with heaven and earth, and at the same time absorbed the power of billions of laws between heaven and earth, instantly understood, and returned to his true self in one thought.

Xu Changan naturally couldn't learn this way of comprehending Taoism.

However, thanks to the top-quality [Yun Dao Dan] and Xu Changan's own qualifications, the root of Taoism in his body was also strong enough, so although it was the first time to comprehend Taoism, he was able to communicate with all the five elements including gold, wood, water, fire, and earth.

Not only the five elements.

The rest of the thunder and ice attributes can also be felt.

Xu Changan estimated that this was related to his seven spiritual roots.

Comprehending the power of rules at once seemed extremely weak in the eyes of Uncle Qingxu, but in the entire cultivation world, it was already rare.

Many times, some cultivators can only feel one kind of rule power in their lifetime.

For example, most Yuanying cultivators with single-attribute spiritual roots.

All debts will always be repaid in another way.

Xu Changan took out a tea leaf for enlightenment from his storage bag and put it in his mouth.

At the same time, the Wanfa Stone containing [Space Rules] was also held in Xu Changan's hand.

Comprehend it!

One year!

Two years!

Three years!

There is no time in the mountains, and years are not counted in cultivation.

In a flash, one hundred and twenty years have passed.

Xu Changan opened his eyes.

Looking at the huge golden talisman spinning above his head, he felt as if he was in another world.

One hundred and twenty years of retreat and enlightenment almost made his mind collapse.


He took a deep breath and looked around.

The Immortal Underworld Fire is gone!


It is completely gone, eaten up by Xu Changan's [Red Lotus Karma Fire].

After eating the Immortal Underworld Fire, the Red Lotus Karma Fire has grown a lot, from the size of a palm and two feet high before to the size of a bucket and ten feet high now.

At this moment!

The Red Lotus Karma Fire is burning next to Xu Changan.

It has opened up a space of about ten feet.

Beyond ten feet, it is all water.

Taiyi True Water.

Without the Immortal Underworld Fire, Taiyi True Water occupied the entire Golden Talisman Space, except for the space opened up by the Red Lotus Karma Fire.


Xu Changan shouted.

The door connecting the Golden Talisman Space and the small world was opened by him.

A ray of light was cast into it.

And the Taiyi True Water seemed to have a spirit, and after seeing the opened passage, it flew out in a whoosh.

It thought it was free from now on, so it casually found an abyss in the mountains and hid.

Don't you know, it's just from a small prison to another bigger prison.

All the time, it's still under Xu Changan's eyes.

After closing the passage connecting the small world and the Golden Talisman Space, Xu Changan also stepped out of the Golden Talisman Space and came to the outside world.

120 years in the Golden Talisman Space.

Only twelve years have passed outside.

During these 120 years of retreat, Xu Changan's understanding of the rules of heaven and earth has improved by one level.

Let's put it this way, theoretically, it should be possible to break through from the ninth level of the Golden Core Stage to the tenth level.

Or even more.

But in fact, he didn't break through.

Xu Changan knew that this had nothing to do with comprehension.

It was because the retreat time was too long. Retreat too long is not a good thing for cultivators. Sometimes, for those cultivators who have the root of Taoism and can comprehend the rules of heaven and earth, it is even counterproductive.

Lack of experience.

Once experienced, Xu Changan dared to guarantee that he would break through soon.

This is the aspect of enlightenment.

In addition, in the past 120 years, Xu Changan has also cultivated the other six Dantians, including gold, wood, water, earth, ice, and thunder, to the ninth level of the Golden Core Stage.

In other words, seven Dantians, seven Golden Cores, all nine levels.

The spiritual power stored in each of his Dantians is several times stronger than that of ordinary cultivators of the same level. The seven Dantians added together are already extremely powerful.


In the valley outside the Taoist temple, Xu Changan waved his hand and an axe fell into his hand.

A deep red axe.

This thing is the material of the Creation of Heaven, the Golden Mother of the Creation of Heaven, or the Mother of Ten Thousand Golds.

It was obtained from the Zhenwu Jedi.

Xu Changan refined it a little and then put it into the Dantian of the fire attribute to warm it up.

Now, including the time in the Golden Talisman Space, this thing has been warmed up in his body for about 170 years.

Not bad.

Buzz buzz buzz...

The fire attribute spiritual power in Xu Changan's body moved slightly and poured into it.

On the originally rough rough, a series of restrictions were opened.





Xu Changan counted them, a total of 21.

Under the warming of the invisible time, Taoism and Xu Changan's own Tao, this axe has automatically grown 21 layers of restrictions.

It makes people feel incredible.

According to the rules of the cultivation world, 21 layers are already a top-grade magic weapon.

Not bad!

It is indeed a material for the creation of the world, it is really powerful.

And because it is a self-nurturing material, although there are twenty-one restrictions on it, it does not need to be refined at all.

Xu Changan suppressed the desire to test the power of the axe and put the treasure back into his dantian.

After all, this is the valley of Yueguo Hall.

If an axe fell and chopped off a small hill, it would be a big problem.

Xu Changan took a step forward and walked to the entrance of the valley.

The cultivation level of the disciple Fu Chu has also been improved from the fifth level of the foundation-building period to the seventh level of the foundation-building period.

It seems that this kid is not stupid.

He does not spend all his time refining pills, but also knows how to practice!

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