Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 468 [The power of the divine axe, the infant lotus matures]


Xu Changan's mind moved, and his finger pointed out.

In the distant void, the red karma fire turned into a red sword.

This sword was only a few feet in size, but it absorbed the fire spirit power between heaven and earth crazily, and the sword became bigger and bigger.

"Come again!"

Xu Changan pointed again.

The giant sword composed of the fire lotus karma fire collapsed, and countless flames regrouped together to form a thick fire shield with a radius of three feet.

Xu Changan tried this several times and found that this red lotus karma fire could not only be transformed into an attack power, but also form a defensive object.

Of course, as for how powerful it is, it will take time to determine it in actual combat.

He put away the karma fire in one thought.

The next moment, another solid dark red axe appeared in Xu Changan's hand.

This is a magic weapon nurtured with the materials of the opening of the sky.

It has no name yet.

Xu Changan thought for a moment and said, "I got you from the Zhenwu Jedi, and you were nurtured by the mother of all gold. From today on, you will be called [Zhenwu Jinmu Axe]!"

In fact, Xu Changan also wanted to give the axe a more awesome name.

For example, the Heaven-Slaying Axe!

The Heaven-Opening Axe!

And so on!

But the name can be changed later. If it is too big at the beginning, it will cause some unnecessary taboos.

The Jinmu Axe is good!

"Cut!" Xu Changan held the axe in his right hand, and then the spiritual power in his body poured into it crazily. The axe instantly grew to a size of thirty feet, lying in the void, majestic and awe-inspiring.

A series of unparalleled pressures spread from it.

Just when Xu Changan locked onto a certain mountaintop, some power of the rules of heaven and earth suddenly fell on the giant axe.

Block time and freeze the void.

Although the restraint of this power of time and space rules is very weak, it can also lock a great cultivator in the Nascent Soul stage for a breath.

But one breath was enough.


With unparalleled power, a red light shone from the huge and heavy dark red axe, and then fell on the mountaintop a hundred feet away.

The violent energy exploded, and this mountain peak of a hundred feet collapsed directly under this axe and turned into dust.

Destroying mountains and breaking seas, it is the same.

"So strong!" Xu Changan looked at his axe, and his eyes lit up: Another great help.

With the power of this blow, even a cultivator in the Nascent Soul stage would not dare to resist it, right?

Turning back and coordinating with the magical power of [Nine Suns Patrolling the Sky], it would definitely crush the same level.

"Huh..." Xu Changan took a deep breath and put away the axe, his eyes exuding strong confidence, he muttered to himself faintly: "Under the Nascent Soul, I am invincible!"

This is absolute confidence.

The basis of this confidence comes from seven powerful Dantian and Jindan that crush the same level, from the top-grade magic weapon [Zhenwu Jinmu Axe] nurtured by this material of creation, from the peerless magical power [Nine Days Patrolling the Sky], and the powerful divine thoughts.

Add to that the Asura disk and the Devouring Talisman.

Which Jindan can fight?

Xu Changan even thought that if he cooperated with the Seven Evil Ghost Banner and launched an attack with lightning speed, he might be able to kill the mighty in the early stage of the Nascent Soul.

Buzz buzz buzz...

At this moment, a ray of light suddenly rose into the sky in the small world.

Xu Changan turned his head and looked at the place where the light was.

The next moment, he teleported to the edge of a lake.

On the lake, lotus leaves are everywhere!

In the center of the lake, there is another huge lotus platform, and twelve colorful lotus seeds on the lotus platform sprouted a hazy fairy light.


Xu Changan was overjoyed: Five-color infant lotus.

He flew up and picked all twelve five-colored infant lotuses.

This thing was planted by him when he just condensed the golden elixir and transformed into the image of Master Minghe to open a shop in Jidu.

Counting carefully, it has been forty-five years.

Forty-five years outside, the time flow rate in this small world is ten times that outside, which is four hundred and fifty years.

Mature in four hundred and fifty years.

Xu Changan nodded.

He could understand.

In the Ruins of Seeking Benevolence, the piece of bone mud cloud that looked like white porcelain gave birth to a five-colored infant lotus, which matured once every three hundred years.

But that piece of bone mud was divided into two by Xu Changan, half of which was left in the Ruins of Seeking Benevolence, and the other half was thrown into his own small world.

And this half in the small world was divided into two by him, one quarter was used to nurture the five-colored infant lotus, and one quarter was used to nurture the enlightenment tea tree.

Therefore, it is completely understandable that this one-quarter of the original bone mud took a little longer to nurture the five-colored infant lotus.

Then, all the lotus flowers and lotus leaves in the lake withered.

However, Xu Changan did not need to plant again, as there was still a piece of white lotus root underneath, which could continue to take root and grow.


After taking a breath, Xu Changan moved his eyes away from the lake where the five-colored infant lotus was, and looked at the other spiritual plants.

There were already thousands of rule grasses.

The enlightenment tea tree had grown to a thickness as thick as a man's embrace, with densely packed leaves on it, numbering tens of thousands.

The hibiscus tree was the most powerful, having grown to a height of a thousand feet, even taller than some small mountains.

Unfortunately, even so, no immortal mulberry was produced on it, and no wood-attributed origin was produced.

There were countless other second- and third-grade spiritual herbs.

There were patches of them, but there were no higher-level ones.

Xu Changan frowned slightly, and another thing came to mind.

Refining the Pohua Pill.

Now, he has reached the ninth level of the Golden Core Stage, and he is only one step away from the tenth level of the Great Perfection. It can be said that he will reach the tenth level soon.

He has reached the tenth level, and the twelfth level is not far away.

It is time to prepare the [Pohua Pill].

But he still lacks two raw materials for refining the Pohua.

There are four main materials for the Pohua Pill, namely: Five-Colored Infant Lotus, Millennium Spirit Cicada, Three-Light Dew and Bitter Wood Winter Root.

We have the Five-Colored Infant Lotus and Millennium Spirit Cicada, but we still lack the Three-Light Dew and Bitter Wood Winter Root.


It's time to prepare.

This is Yueguo Hall, the most powerful place for alchemy in the entire Yue Kingdom, and the Bitter Wood Winter Root is produced in Yue Kingdom.

Otherwise, go and ask the great elder of Yueguo Hall, Taoist Qianchou?

Xu Changan took a step out and left the small world.

"Meet the Second Elder!"

As soon as Xu Changan left the valley, a disciple ran over to salute him.

This disciple was also in the Jindan stage, but only in the third level of the Jindan stage.

"You are..." Xu Changan did not know him.

"My disciple's master is Taoist Qianchou. My master asked the Second Elder to go to his temple, saying that there is something important to discuss!"

Xu Changan nodded.

Although he was the Second Elder of Yueguo Hall in name, in fact, he was a freeloader.

He has been practicing in Yueguo Hall for nearly 20 years.

And he has not made any contribution.

"Okay!" Xu Changan nodded and said, "I am also going to ask the Great Elder for some advice. You lead the way!"

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