Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 469 [Tian Wen arrives, Qianchou is shocked]

Enter the valley of Taoist Qianchou.

The spiritual power in this valley is even stronger than that in the valley where Xu Changan is.

"Junior Brother Minghe, hehehe... Long time no see. You have been in seclusion for twenty years, right?"

Taoist Qianchou looked at Xu Changan with a smile on his face.

His dojo was very clean, almost empty except for a futon.

"I've met senior brother!" Xu Changan quickly saluted.

Qianchou said: "After twenty years of seclusion, Junior Brother must have made a breakthrough..."

As he spoke, Qianchou's mind swept over Xu Changan.


There's no after that.

"This... this... this..." He was so shocked that he could hardly speak: "Junior Brother Minghe, you, you, you... are you at the ninth level of the Golden Core?"

So shocked.

How can this be?

Twenty years?

Ninth floor!

It was upgraded from the sixth floor to the ninth floor.

Go crazy!

This is the golden elixir period, not the foundation building period.

The key is to have three floors in twenty years.

Xu Changan smiled and said: "My little brother took [Yun Dao Pill] before and developed Tao roots, so I encountered some obstacles in my practice. Over the years, I have broken through the obstacles. Naturally, I have made rapid progress, and I have broken through the third level in a row!"

This is a statement.

But obviously, Taoist Qianchou didn't believe it.

He felt that either Xu Changan's qualifications were unparalleled, or Xu Changan had peerless cultivation techniques.

Incredible qualifications?

You are someone who can make alchemy, and you have at least three spiritual roots: gold, wood, and fire. How can you be so talented?

That must be a unique skill!

"Hi..." Qianchou sighed deeply and said, "Junior brother, you are really a great talent. No wonder the elder of Yan Guotang, Taoist Shenzhao, praised you so much. It's really unbelievable!"

Xu Changan cupped his hands and said, "I don't know what's the matter with senior brother calling me?"

Qianchou put aside the matter of Xu Changan's cultivation and said with a smile: "You should have heard about Qi State General Tian Wen!"

"I've heard of it!" Xu Changan said: "Mr. Mengchang is famous all over the world. Who doesn't know him?"

"Well!" Qianchou said: "An old friend of mine introduced Tian Wen here, saying that he wanted to come to our Yueguotang to seek elixirs. In view of Tian Wen's reputation, I naturally dare not neglect it, but you also know, junior brother, My alchemy skills are limited!”

"So, when Tian Wen comes to ask for the elixir later, you must be there. When the time comes to refine the elixir, junior brother, come!"

"Okay!" Xu Changan agreed immediately and said, "As long as it is a fourth-grade elixir or lower, there will be no problem!"

"Hahaha..." Qianchou said, "That's great!"

"Junior brother, please go back. I will let you know when Tian Wen comes in a few days!"

After Xu Changan leaves!

Taoist Qianchou directly contacted Taoist Shenzhao, the great elder of Yan Guotang, through the unique communication method between the Great Zhou Dantang.

After understanding it, Qianchou was even more shocked.

"Hiss, hiss..." His expression was extremely shocked.

"Master, what's wrong?" Qianchou's disciple Wang Xi looked at his master and asked, "Second Elder, does he have a problem?"

"Hmph..." Qianchou said coldly: "Is there a problem? Of course, there is a big problem!"

"What's the problem?" Wang Xi, who is already at the third level of the Golden Core Stage, narrowed his eyes and said, "Master, if necessary, this disciple can lead someone to deal with him!"

Qianchou looked at his disciple coldly and asked: "Wang Xi, how many years have you advanced to the Golden Pill?"

Wang Xidao: "Ashamed, my disciple has been forming elixirs for more than 130 years!"

Qianchou asked again: "What level are you at now?"

Wang Xidao: "Disciple is at the third level of Golden elixir!"

Qianchou said calmly: "Second Elder Xu Changan was a monk at the first level of the Golden Core forty-six years ago. Now, only forty-six years have passed, and he is already at the ninth level of the Golden Core..."

"This..." Wang Xi trembled: "Master, how is this possible?"

"It's impossible. He has been promoted to eight levels in a row for more than 40 years. This is absolutely impossible, even if he possesses such heaven-defying skills!"

Wang Xi felt that his intelligence was insulted.

How could anyone in the world advance so quickly in spiritual practice?

Qianchou's brows also furrowed: If Taoist Shenzhao didn't lie, then Xu Changan's speed was indeed outrageous.

Wang Xi was right, no matter how powerful his skills were, it would not be possible for him to be so fast.

"There is another possibility!" Qianchou took a deep breath and whispered: "This is the only possibility that I can think of!"

Wang Xigong cupped his hands and said, "Please, sir!"

Qianchou said: "Reincarnation!"


Wang Xi was shocked.

For reincarnators, that is, those who were powerful in their previous lives, if they awaken the memories of their previous lives in advance, it is still possible to practice at this speed.

"Yes!" Wang Xidao: "The second elder must be a reincarnation person!"

"Wang Xi!" Qianchou said: "Master knows that you are very dissatisfied with Xu Changan, the second elder, and you are keeping it in your heart, but I tell you, you must be convinced even if you are not convinced!"

"Go down and tell all the disciples to be polite when you see the second elder in the future, and never offend this person!"

"This person is definitely not a thing in the pool!"


A few days later, a car pulled by a huge spiritual beast stopped at the entrance of the Great Zhou Dantang Yueguotang.

From the car, a burly man wearing white robes stepped out.

This man is the famous Mengchang Jun, and the former supreme military commander of the Great Qi State. He once led the army to swallow up half of the territory of the Yan State.

What a pity!

A few years ago, the Yan State counterattacked the Qi State with the support of the Qin State, the Han State, the Wei State and the Zhao State, and defeated the Qi army.

Tian Wen was dismissed from the position of general by the Qi Emperor because of his poor command, and many court officials petitioned the Qi Emperor to execute Tian Wen to thank the world and the ancestors.

Tian Wen was so scared that he fled directly to the Yue State.

Behind Tian Wen, there were two retainers.

These two retainers, one tall and one short, were both cultivators in the Nascent Soul stage.

"Meet General Tian!" Qianchou personally went to the door to greet him and saluted Tian Wen.

Of course!

Tian Wen used to be a general, and with the help of national luck, he was once an unparalleled national scholar, who could compete with the Xuanmen Lianxu period cultivators.

But now he is not, his national luck and incense power were taken back by the Qi Emperor.

But fortunately, Tian Wen himself has spiritual roots, both earth and wood, and the length of the wood spiritual root is as long as seven.

So he is also a cultivator, with the tenth level of the great perfection of the Jindan period.

On the other hand, he has a fief in Xue, which can also gather the power of incense.

Although it is small, it is enough to make him a second-grade national scholar!

"Daoyou Qianchou, I have heard of your great name for a long time!" Although Tian Wen is only a Jindan, because of his status, he and Qianchou, a Yuanying, are just Daoists.

"Don't dare..." Qianchou was respectful and bowed to the two doormen beside Tian Wen: "Hahaha, Daoyou Hong, we are old friends!"

The tall Daoyou Hong smiled and said: "Yes, Daoyou Qianchou, this is my good friend, Master Fujian!"

He pointed to the short Yuanying next to him.

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