Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 470 [Pure Sword Intention, Top-Grade Golden Elixir]

"Friend Qianchou, I have admired you for a long time!"

The powerful Yuanying said words that were neither salty nor bland!

Xu Changan stood behind Taoist Qianchou, his eyes flickered slightly, and wisdom emerged from them.

He also took a look at the cultivation levels of the people in front of him.

Tian Wen, the tenth level of cultivation in the golden elixir stage!

Fu Jian Zhenren, a third-level cultivation in the Nascent Soul stage.

The tallest one is the tall fellow Daoist Hong, who is at the seventh level of Nascent Soul.

It turned out that Taoist Hong and Taoist Qianchou were close friends. Later, Taoist Hong joined Tian Wen and became his disciple.

Although this kind of practice is very shameful in Xuanmen, Tian Wen couldn't stand it because Tian Wen gave him so much.

Fellow Daoist Hong was reserved at first, but later he stopped caring so much.

Now that Tian Wen is in trouble, he is still Lord Mengchang after all, and he has a lot of resources in his hands. Xuanmen monks all over the world still flock to him.

Tian Wen came to the Yue Kingdom, and when he saw everyone here practicing swordsmanship, he couldn't help but want to learn it. It happened that the Emperor of Yue did not dare to offend such a world-famous young master, so he entertained him well and even gave him a wisp of [Chunjun]. Sword Intent].

This ray of sword intent was so powerful that Tian Wen could not comprehend it directly, so he came to Yueguotang with his disciples, hoping to refine this [Pure Jun Sword Intent] into a Ningzhen Pill. In this way, take the Ningzhen Sword Pill. If you understand the meaning of the sword, you can get twice the result with half the effort.


Several people entered Taoist Qianchou's dojo together.

Sit down according to priority.

Qianchou sat in the main seat, and Tian Wen sat in the VIP seat.

Next are Daoyou Hong, Master Fu Jian and Xu Changan.

"Everyone!" Qianchou said: "It's easy to talk about alchemy. I have arranged for our Yueguotang's best alchemist, Brother Minghe, to personally refine the Condensing Pill for you!"

"This is Junior Brother Minghe!"

Qianchou pointed towards Xu Changan.

Xu Changan stood up and raised his hands to everyone: "I'm here to scream!"

"Oh?" Tian Wen was a little surprised.

He thought that Taoist Qianchou, the master of Yueguotang, would personally make elixirs for him.

But I didn't expect that this master at the Nascent Soul stage would not take action, but would arrange for a disciple at the Golden Core stage. Isn't this perfunctory?

"Fellow Daoist Qianchou!" Fellow Daoist Hong immediately became dissatisfied: "We are close friends. General Tian has come all the way, so why can't he still help you?"

"What's the point of asking a monk at the golden elixir stage to make elixirs for our general?"

"Hahahaha..." Qianchou laughed loudly and said: "Fellow Daoist Hong, you misunderstood. The reason why I asked Junior Brother Minghe to make alchemy for you is because Junior Brother Minghe's alchemy skills are superior to me!"

"Even though he has a golden elixir cultivation level, he is already an amazing fourth-grade alchemist!"

"Oh?" Everyone looked at Xu Changan in surprise.

Xu Changan cupped his hands: "If you want to refine [Ningzhen Sword Pill], please bring out the materials!"

"Okay!" Tian Wen waved his hand, took out a jade box and a jade bottle, and said, "Mr. Minghe, these are my materials, take a look!"

Xu Changan took it over and looked at it. It was indeed the material for refining the [Condensing Pill].

What was placed in the jade bottle was [Pure Jun Sword Intent].

"Mr. Minghe!" Tian Wen said: "I know that the rule in this world of cultivation is that only five ingredients can be used to refine one pill!"

"However, because this [Pure Jun Sword Intent] is extremely rare, I cannot provide you with five copies. If you have other needs, you can ask for them!"

"As long as it's what I have, it's okay!"

Tian Wen looked at Xu Changan.

He is a man of great means.

"Junior brother, I don't know something!" At this time, Qianchou also stood up and said: "There are ten famous swords in the world. Among them, the Yue Emperor wears the [Pure Jun Sword] among the ten famous swords. The Yue Emperor is not only the leader of the Yue Kingdom, The emperor is a sword cultivator who has reached the peak of the divine transformation stage. This wisp of his sword intention is a lifelong understanding of the art of swords!"

"Nature is very precious, no need to say more!"

Qianchou said this to smooth things over for Tian Wen, proving that this pure Jun sword intention is indeed rare.

Xu Changan nodded, looked at Tian Wen and said: "After the elixir is completed, I will give you eight high-grade ones. I want the remaining four!"

"What do you think, General?"

He looked at Tian Wen indifferently, just like looking at an ordinary guest who came to ask for elixirs.

It doesn't mean that he has any different thoughts just because he is Tian Wen.

Tian Wen's eyes lit up slightly and he said, "Eight top-grade pieces?"

"you sure?"

Xu Changan nodded: "Of course!"

"Hmph..." Behind Tian Wen, the short Master Fu Jian suddenly snorted coldly and said: "Your Excellency is very talkative, and he said eight top-grade coins as soon as he opened his mouth!"

"I heard that this alchemy has a success rate, and the Ningzhen Pill is a fourth-grade golden elixir. Are you sure you can make it in one go?"

"If you spoil your material, please be careful and I won't be polite!"

Xu Changan ignored him, but looked directly at Tian Wen and said, "General, do you agree?"

"You..." Fu Jianzhen was so angry that he almost exploded: Damn it, a little golden elixir, how dare you ignore me like this?

I am Nascent Soul!

"Okay!" Tian Wen said; "I promise you that no matter what quality of elixir you refine, I will only take eight top-grade pills!"

Xu Changan stops talking nonsense!

He waved his hand and the Hundred Refining Cauldron was sacrificed.

Buzz buzz...

Forbidden God Formation!

Calming Talisman!

The two barriers opened instantly.

Just this move left everyone stunned.


A wisp of red flame emerged from the void in front of Xu Changan.

Red Lotus Karma Fire.

This thing can be used as pill fire, and as long as it is not used against the enemy, others will not know what kind of fire it is.

Xu Changan began to refine the pill in front of everyone.

Ningzhen Pill, a fourth-grade pill.

The Taoism involved is different, and the pills are also different, but the refining techniques are exactly the same.

This kind of pill is the fourth-grade pill that Xu Changan refines the most.

Practice makes perfect, it is no exaggeration.

With the blessing of two drops of his own blood, an hour later, twelve green streams of light shot up into the sky, and then were forcibly pulled back by Xu Changan's powerful divine consciousness and were collected into a porcelain bottle by him.

The pill is made.

"Hiss...hiss..." As the saying goes, experts see the doorway and laymen see the excitement. Others are not very interested in Xu Changan's alchemy techniques, but Taoist Qianchou, who is close at hand, feels numb all over after seeing this technique.

Xu Changan's calmness in refining pills and his confidence in mastering everything made him feel that his alchemy skills were several times higher than his.

"How is it, Junior Brother, what quality?"

Qianchou was excited and expectant.

Xu Changan stared at the twelve green Ningzhen Sword Pills in the porcelain bottle.

After a few breaths, he said, "I have fulfilled my mission. Eight top-grade Ningzhen Sword Pills, please keep them!"

Swish, swish, swish...

Eight top-grade Ningzhen Sword Pills were ejected and landed on Tian Wen's side.

Qianchou asked, "Where are the other four?"

Xu Changan did not hide them, and directly waved his hand, and the other four also flew out and landed in front of him.

On each pill, there was a powerful sword intent gushing out, and the mist was flowing on it, and the sword thunder was roaring.

Each pill had four pill patterns imprinted on it.

"Top-grade..." Qianchou was shocked and lost his composure. He stood up and yelled, "It's actually four top-grade pills?"

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