Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 048 [Ding Lan visits the secret realm of the blue sea]

"Buzz buzz..."

Another bright golden light rippled out from the formation.

The formation outside Fu Nianzhen's palace was easily upgraded by Xu Changan.

"Thank you, junior brother!" Fu Nianzhen looked at her second-level formation and thanked her happily, but she asked uneasily: "Junior brother, you helped me upgrade this formation. You won't spy on me later." The big formation!”

Xu Changan suddenly felt insulted:…………

"Junior brother, don't look like that!" Fu Ninzhen said, "I'm not afraid that you will peek at me taking a shower..."

Xu Changan said: "Senior sister, I am only 17 years old and I am not interested in women yet!"


"By the way, Senior Sister!" Xu Changan took out another God-Calling Talisman and said, "This is for you. After being activated, it can form a barrier that will last for two months. If someone touches it with spiritual consciousness, it can His consciousness bounced back to bite him, making him feel better!"

"Thank you, junior brother!"

While he was talking, a stream of light suddenly flew over from the sea of ​​clouds.

"Senior Brother Xu!" A crisp voice came from mid-air.

The flowing light fell to the ground and transformed into a female cultivator wearing a dark green robe. The female cultivator had a graceful figure and fair skin like jade. She smiled slightly, and the single pear vortex on the right side was revealed.

The visitor is none other than Ding Lan.

Fu Nianzhen asked: "Who is this?"

Xu Changan said: "Junior sister Ding Lan from Guanyun Peak!"

Fu Nianzhen's face instantly became solemn, with a hint of coldness in her eyes, and she scolded Ding Lan, who was at the seventh level of Qi Refining stage in front of her, in an immature voice: " Among the seven upper peaks, Tiandu Peak and our Wanghe Peak have the highest seniority. When your master Qingling saw my master, he also wanted to call him uncle, so you should call junior brother Xu uncle. Why are you like this? impolite?"

Ding Lan took a deep breath and said quickly: "Yes, Ding Lan has met Uncle Xu!"

Xu Changan smiled bitterly and said: "Hey, I'm just my uncle. I haven't seen you in the past five years. Junior sister Ding... oh... nephew Ding, you have reached the seventh level of the Qi refining stage. It's really impressive!"

"Is your master good to you?"

"Very good!" Ding Lan stood in front of Xu Changan and stared at him, saying: "In recent years, I have been urged by my master to practice, either in seclusion or listening to Taoism. I have no time to go down the mountain to see you. I heard that you were visiting a few days ago. The peak master of He Peak has accepted a disciple of Five Elements Spiritual Root, and after asking around I found out it was you, so I came to see you!"

"Master Nephew Ding is a guest from afar!" Fu Ninzhen said: "Don't stand here anymore, go to my dojo, have a cup of spiritual tea, and you two fellow countrymen can renew their old friendship!"

The three of them entered Fu Nianzhen's dojo, and sat down separately as guest and host, each with a cup of spiritual tea in front of them.

"Uncle Xu!"

"No!" Xu Changan waved his hand and said, "Ding Lan, you should call me Senior Brother Xu from now on. This Senior Uncle Xu sounds awkward to me!"

"Okay!" Ding Lan nodded and said: "I heard Master said that in one month's time, there will be an opportunity for the sect's Blue Sea Secret Realm to be opened once in thirty years. By then, all the people in the Qi Refining Period will All inner disciples can enter it to find their own opportunities!”

"I would like to ask, Senior Brother Xu, are you going?"

"If we go, how about we form a team together?"

Ding Lan stared at Xu Changan with an expectant expression on her face.

"Junior Sister Ding, this is inappropriate!" Fu Ninzhen said: "According to the rules, Junior Brother Xu is from our Wanghe Peak. Even if he is going to explore the secret realm, he is going with our Wanghe Peak disciples. How can he go with us?" Are you guys watching Yunfeng together?"

Ding Lan said: "There are many dangers in this secret realm. Not only are there various ferocious beasts and spiritual beasts, but there are even late-stage or even peak-level demon kings. My junior brother's cultivation level is not high, so I can protect him!"


As he spoke, Ding Lan's tyrannical aura turned on.

Fu Nianzhen said: "Presumptuous!"


Another wave of momentum came out of Fu Nianzhen.

Both of them are monks at the seventh level of Qi refining stage, and their strength and aura are similar.

Xu Changan, on the other hand, said with a bitter face: "Can you two withdraw your magical powers? If you continue, I will be crushed by you!"

This was Xu Changan's exaggeration, but he did feel a little uncomfortable under the pressure of the two men.

Only then did the two of them withdraw their momentum.

Xu Changan said: "Don't argue, let me ask you, which one of you has been to the secret realm?"

Both shook their heads.

The secret realm is opened once every thirty years. The three of them were not born when it was last opened, so naturally no one has been there.

"Look, you don't even know what the secret realm is!" Xu Changan said: "I have read the sect's ancient records. It is said that when the secret realm is opened, the disciples are assigned to them immediately after entering it, and their positions are not fixed. , even if we want to form a team, we have to be able to form a team!"


The two of them were confused for a while. They didn't know this statement existed.

"Senior brother... do you know?" Ding Lan asked Xu Changan.

Fu Nianzhen also looked over.

Xu Changan nodded and said: "I had nothing to do some time ago. I have seen some secrets of the sect and have a certain understanding of the secret realm!"

"This secret realm was actually left by Patriarch Bihai!"

It is rumored that thousands of years ago, there were fourteen small sects scattered on the fourteen peaks here of Taixuan Sect. Patriarch Bihai, the golden elixir master of Taixuan Sect, was ordered to come and forcibly brought these fourteen peaks together. In one place, the lower sect Taixuanmen, headed by the upper sect Taixuanzong, was formed.

From then on, Bi Hai Patriarch stayed in Tai Xuan Sect and became the head of Tai Xuan Sect!

In order to strengthen the disciples of the sect and unite this scattered sect, Bi Hai Patriarch transformed his magic weapon into a small world and threw it into the sea of ​​clouds in front of Bi Hai Peak, which is now Bi Hai Secret Realm.

This Bi Hai Secret Realm opens every thirty years. Because the secret realm is actually derived from a powerful magic weapon, its rules prohibit cultivators with cultivation above the twelfth level of Qi Refining from entering.

The masters of each peak are basically unable to enter, and only disciples can enter.

Over time, many natural treasures have evolved in the Bi Hai Secret Realm, and there are various spirit beasts guarding it, making it one of the holy places of Tai Xuan Sect. Whenever this secret realm is opened, it is a major event of Tai Xuan Sect.

The open and secret struggles between the fourteen peaks are also revealed in the treasure hunting in this secret realm. They often compare how much they have harvested and fight against each other.

Later, it became a rule that the amount of disciples' harvest in each secret realm would be the basis for the sect's public resources to be tilted in the next thirty years.

For example, spiritual energy!

The fourteen peaks of Taixuan Sect are located on a spiritual vein. In order to make better use of this spiritual vein, the Bihai Patriarch arranged a huge spiritual gathering array on the peaks, with fourteen exits leading to each peak.

The size of these fourteen exits can be adjusted. According to the results of the secret realm trial, these fourteen spiritual energy exits are adjusted every thirty years.

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