Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 049 [Ten times the time, blood beads exhausted]

Taixuan Upper Seven Peaks!

A stream of green light suddenly rushed from the sea of ​​clouds to the west, and the speed was extremely fast.

The stream of light tore through the waves in the sea of ​​clouds, plowed a deep gap in the clouds, and then fell on a peak at the westernmost end of the sea of ​​clouds.

Looking east from the peak, you can get a glimpse of the whole sea of ​​clouds.

It is really turbulent and boundless.

Especially the vast red clouds at sunrise, from a distance it looks like a red sea, and there is a mist of purple air rising from it, like an endless fairyland.

"What a beautiful view!" A tall man in a dark green Taoist robe with gold thread embroidered on the collar looked at the surging sea of ​​clouds in front of him and couldn't help but exclaimed.

Among the fourteen peaks of Taixuan, Guanyun Peak has the most beautiful and spectacular scenery.

"Meet the senior brother of Tiandu Peak..."

A disciple of Guanyun Peak looked at Cheng Bufan who had just landed on the peak, and was so scared that he immediately bowed and didn't dare to move.

This is the senior brother.

The eldest brother is not only the eldest brother of Guanyun Peak, but also the eldest brother of the entire Taixuan Sect’s fourteen peaks, and the eldest brother of everyone in the inner and outer mountain gates.

The best among the second-generation disciples, the top disciple of Tianxuan Sect Master Zhenren, and the cultivation of the twelfth level of Qi Refining.

Not to mention ordinary disciples, even the elders on the ordinary peaks are polite to Cheng Bufan.

He is very proud of his ability.

It is said that it took him less than thirty years to cultivate from the first level to the twelfth level of Qi Refining. This can be said to be a monster among monsters.

"Swish..." Cheng Bufan ignored the disciple who saluted, and flew out with his feet, heading towards the main hall of Guanyun Peak.

"Huh..." Seeing Cheng Bufan walk away, the disciple who just saluted breathed a sigh of relief.

"Hello, uncle!" Cheng Bufan was neither humble nor overbearing when he saw Qing Ling Zhenren. His tall figure slightly bowed forward: "Disciple is here to see Junior Sister Ding Lan!"

"Ding Lan..." Qing Ling's goose yellow sleeves gently gathered around her. She looked at Cheng Bufan and said with a smile: "Coincidentally, she is not here now. It is said that a fellow villager was accepted as the thirteenth true disciple by Ming He Zhenren of Wanghe Peak, so she went to visit!"

"Fellow villager?" Cheng Bufan frowned slightly.

"Yes!" Qing Ling said: "Ding Lan came to the sect to pay homage to the master, and it was thanks to this fellow villager. This kid has two Taixuan Immortal Orders in his hand, so we accepted them both into the sect!"

Cheng Bufan frowned even more.

He has been madly pursuing this junior sister recently, but the junior sister actually has a fellow villager?

He didn't even know about this?

And this fellow villager actually gave Ding Lan such a precious treasure as the Immortal Order, which shows that the relationship between the two is extraordinary.

Cheng Bufan's frown was relieved, but his eyes flickered with coldness.

Qingling Zhenren didn't know whether it was intentional or unintentional. She said: "The two should be childhood sweethearts. Last time, the boy could only go to the outer sect. I thought they would never meet again. Unexpectedly, by chance, this boy actually got the favor of your uncle Minghe!"

"Uncle!" Cheng Bufan bowed: "Disciple will take his leave first..."



Xu Changan sent Ding Lan away and returned to his own dojo!

The formations outside the dojo closed layer by layer.

After confirming three times, Xu Changan set up a two-level forbidden god formation inside his palace.

He then sat cross-legged and began to adjust his mind.

There is still a month before the opening of the Blue Sea Secret Realm. What can be done in this month?

Xu Changan frowned. If he swallowed the blood beads to refine them, he could refine about three medium-grade blood beads in a month.

Too slow!

Now Xu Changan has reached the fourth level of Qi Refining Stage, and he has started to practice the fifth level of Nine Nether Blood Sutra.

It would be fine if he didn't practice, but once he practiced, he realized that it would take eight years to break through the fifth level, even with the blood beads to supplement his practice.

After all, it took him four and a half years to break through from the third level to the fourth level.

So it can be imagined that the time for each subsequent breakthrough will only be longer!

So what if he has the blood beads? In just a hundred years, he still cannot break through the limit of his life span and reach the foundation-building stage.

But Xu Changan was not discouraged.

"I remember that the time flow in the Golden Talisman Space seems to be faster, but I don't know if it's true, and I don't know how much faster it is than the outside world!"

"Then let's give it a try!"

Xu Changan lit a stick of incense and inserted it in front of the futon.


The next moment, his body flashed into the Golden Talisman Space, and he also inserted a stick of incense in front of him.

It was visible to the naked eye that the incense in the golden talisman space burned faster. It was not until he replaced the tenth incense and burned it completely that the incense outside was completely extinguished.

"Hiss, hiss, hiss..." Xu Changan was very shocked by this result.

In other words, it took ten incense sticks inside to last for one incense stick outside.

The conclusion is: the space-time flow rate inside the golden talisman is ten times that of the space-time flow rate outside.

Great, if this is the case, wouldn't it be twice the result with half the effort if I enter it to practice?

"Just do it!"

Xu Changan immediately entered the golden talisman space again, then sat cross-legged on the ground and began to practice.

He took out a medium-grade blood bead and swallowed it in one gulp.

"Ah..." The feeling of pain came.

Xu Changan did not dare to neglect it, and immediately operated the fifth level of the Nine Nether Blood Sutra to start practicing.

The golden talisman on his head rotated slowly and tirelessly, and hundreds of millions of golden runes on his body rushed out and retracted on it, like waves.

The surrounding area was a space of ten thousand feet.

Outside the space was a gray mist. As for what the mist was, Xu Changan didn't know, because he couldn't reach the edge of this ten thousand feet space.

No matter how he walked, he was standing still in the middle.

Fortunately, although he couldn't walk to the edge, he could use this ten thousand feet space freely. He only needed a thought to move the things inside to any corner.

Swallowing blood beads!

Practicing the Nine Nether Blood Sutra!

Xu Changan even cooked spiritual rice and ate spiritual meat in the golden talisman space.

About every ten days, he could refine the blood and qi in a blood bead.

One by one!

A full 170 days passed.

Xu Changan's only remaining 17 medium-grade blood beads were consumed by him.

The cultivation resources were completely exhausted.

He still had more than 100 high-quality blood beads and more than 200 top-quality blood beads.

However, because the higher-quality blood beads were more difficult to obtain, he was reluctant to swallow them now, and had to make plans for future cultivation.

Isn't the trial going to start soon?

There must be many spirit beasts in the trial land.

Xu Changan took a step and walked out of the golden talisman.

One hundred and seventy days passed inside, but because time was accelerated ten times, only seventeen days passed in the outside world.

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