Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 480 [Five horses torn apart, bloody black hemp]

"Go ahead, comprehend it well, and tell me when you're done, I'll make you a puppet of the Jindan stage!"

Xu Changan waved his hand.

He can now make puppets of the Yuanying stage, so puppets of the Jindan stage are no problem.

After sending Fu Chu away, Xu Changan returned to the Jinfu space and took out two porcelain bottles.

The two porcelain bottles were filled with Ningzhen Dan.

Moreover, they were both Ningzhen Jiandan with sword attributes.

It's just that the sword intent is different.

One of the porcelain bottles, four top-grade pills, is filled with Chunjun Jianyi!

In the other porcelain bottle, the Ningzhen Dan contains the [Zhenwu Sword Intention].

This Zhenwu Sword Intention is the Ningzhen Dan that was refined when he was in the Zhenwu Jedi Sword Valley. Xu Changan has never tried to take it to comprehend it.

Now it can start.

Among the Yue people, almost all Xuanmen cultivators know how to comprehend the sword.

And the sword cultivators are also known as the strongest cultivators in the same realm.

Xu Changan decided to comprehend the sword, not for the sake of being the strongest, but to learn more about Taoism to see if it could help him break through.

So the question is, which one should be comprehended first?

In theory, the Chunjun sword meaning belongs to the current Emperor Yue, who is at the peak of the Spiritualization Stage.

And the Zhenwu sword meaning is likely to belong to the Zhou Emperor or the Zhenwu Emperor.


Needless to say, the Zhenwu sword meaning is definitely stronger.

Then start to comprehend from the weaker one, from the shallower to the deeper.

Xu Changan took out a Ningzhen Sword Pill containing the Chunjun sword meaning and swallowed it.


Qi State, Linzi City!

Countless people were running around in a hurry with their luggage.

The originally wide streets were full of carriages.

From time to time, carriages collided with each other, and helpless wails were heard.

In the void above Linzi City, there were constantly national warriors flying over with swords, shouting to the people.

"Don't panic, the general has his own strategy to repel the enemy, and your majesty has already come up with a plan to stop the Yan army!"

But it was useless!

No matter how the national heroes screamed above their heads, the people were fleeing everywhere.

"Hurry up... I heard that the Yan army has already fought to the north of Zibo River, and they will definitely cross the river to fight in the next two days!"

"We can't hold it anymore, we will be defeated!"

"Linzi City is about to fall!"

The people were in a panic.

The whole street was full of panicked people.

At this time, a team of soldiers wearing black armor holding spears flowed out of the official road like water.

Behind the team of about hundreds of soldiers, there was another huge prisoner car.

In the prisoner car was a white-haired old man.

The old man closed his eyes and stood in the prisoner car, skinny and proud.

"Prime Minister Su..."

"It's really Prime Minister Su..."

"What did Prime Minister Su do wrong to be locked up?"

The fleeing common people suddenly quieted down and looked at the incredible things in front of them.

Prime Minister Su was the prime minister of Qi State, the chief architect of the six countries who had received the seals of the prime ministers and united against Qin.

How could such a person be put into a prison car?

The general who led the soldiers, wearing a red tassel, raised his spear high to the sky, and then shouted, "The traitor Su Qin is a spy sent by Yan State and Qin State to our great Qi State. He has been in power for decades, and he has been exhausted and scheming, day by day, wasting our great Qi State's strength, so that the Qi army is now surrounded by enemies, and has been defeated repeatedly, and was beaten to Zibo by the Yan army!"

"Such a traitor must not be kept!"

"Today, the emperor of Qi will issue an oral order to tear him apart!"


The screams of several fierce horses spread to the street.

A soldier opened the prisoner car that held Su Qin and dragged him down from it.

A national hero who is supported by the incense will always be controlled by others.

Su Qin was once an unparalleled national hero, comparable to an old monster in the Refining Void Stage.

However, once the power of incense was taken back by the country, he was just an ordinary octogenarian without any cultivation, and he was in his twilight years, miserable.

"Su Qin... His Majesty said, give you a bowl of wine, drink it and you can go on the road!"

"Send it over!"

The general waved his hand.

Then a soldier came to Su Qin with a bowl of sake.

Su Qin smiled coldly, and a contemptuous smile appeared on his old face covered with blood and wrinkles.

He refused to drink.

"Su Qin!" The general rode his horse and circled around Su Qin for a few times, saying, "Your Majesty asks you, do you have any regrets now that you are dying?"


Su Qin laughed and said, "Su Qin, no regrets!"

"It's just that I hate it... I hate to see the Yan army enter Linzi City with my own eyes!"

The general with a red tassel on his head was furious and said, "Old man, you are looking for death!"

He put away the spear in his hand, but took out a soft whip and whipped Su Qin's body several times.

"Hiss, hiss, hiss..." Su Qin trembled all over and said, "General, please show mercy and give me a quick death. Stop beating me... It hurts, it hurts, it hurts!"

"It hurts?" The general laughed, "You are the Prime Minister Su, and you are acting like this?"

Su Qin's face was bitter, "I am just a mortal, and I can't bear the pain of the flesh... If you send me to death quickly, how about I give you an opportunity?"

The general's face suddenly became solemn and said, "What opportunity is it?"

Su Qin said, "After I die, the aura on my body will turn into a strand of black hemp. This is the [Hemp of Yudao God]. You can take it away at that time. How about it?"

"Hahahaha..." The general laughed and said, "Old man, I am also a third-rank national scholar. I also know that the Yudao Shenma you are talking about is the thing left by the ancient sages after their death. You, a treacherous prime minister, can also transform the Yudao Shenma?"

"Ridiculous, ridiculous!"

Su Xiang said, "How do you know that I am not a sage?"

The general said, "Hahahaha... the sage who cried out in pain?"

Su Xiang shook his head, "The sages are also human beings, and they also know pain!"

The thick hemp ropes tied the old man in white lying on the ground from five directions.

The old man lay on the ground, his face showing an unprecedented peace. He looked at the sky and smiled slightly: "Master, the disciple is going..."

Hiss hiss hiss...

Horses neigh!

A red blood rain was thrown into the void.

The countless people watching on the street were frightened and retreated one after another.

The next second, Su Xiang's blood fell to the ground, and the blood gathered together again like a living thing, and then a black and white breath condensed from the blood and suddenly entered the ground.

In an instant, a strand of black hemp broke through the soil and appeared out of thin air.

It was hazy and seemed like a dream or reality.

The people around him widened their eyes.

Some people couldn't help but shout: "Saint!"

"Hua La La..." The throbbing crowd on the street all knelt on the ground.

Hua La...

The soldiers also knelt one by one.

Only the general on the horse was left, looking at Su Xiang's corpse not far away and the tall cluster of black hemp on the ground, and said as if he had been in another world: "What a saint!"

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