Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 481 [Old Taoist in yellow robe, student Su Dai]

Yan State, Jidu!

Golden platform.

The tall Emperor Yan, with his back on his back, walked alone on the huge golden stage, back and forth.

For some reason, he felt extremely uneasy today.

Although, the Yan army has arrived at Zishui and is about to attack Linzi City.

"Your Majesty!" A chamberlain walked up to Emperor Yan and knelt down on the ground. His eyes were red with tears in his eyes: "Your Majesty, my condolences... Su... Mr. Su, passed away!"

A broken special jade token appeared in front of Emperor Yan.

"Pfft..." Emperor Yan spurted out a mouthful of blood.

He took three steps back with a bang, then sat down on the ground exhausted.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty..."

The waiters outside heard the commotion and walked in one by one.

"Your Majesty, my condolences!"

"Your Majesty, my condolences!"

Everyone burst into tears.

Emperor Yan closed his eyes and said calmly: "Tell Le Xiang the news and ask him to cross the Zi River within ten days, capture Linzi City, and avenge the old Prime Minister's country!"

"Yes!" The chamberlain kowtowed.

Emperor Yan said: "The envoys sent to Yue can set off!"


"Finally!" Emperor Yan took a deep breath: "Pass this order, starting from me, all the incense and luck on all members of the royal family will be cut off to support the frontline war!"

"No!" The chamberlain refused this time: "Your Majesty, you must not do it... The power of incense you have now is only a third-grade national warrior. If it weakens further, how will you protect yourself..."

"Bold!" Emperor Yan was furious: "Execute immediately!"

"That's right!" He thought for a while and then said: "The second prince personally went deep into the Zhenwu Jedi a few years ago and broke an arm in order to find the broken sword. There is no need to take back the power of incense in him!"

"Everyone else, take them all back and support Le Xiang!"

"Ji Zi..."

"Oh Ji brother Ji Zi..."

Daqi, Linzi City!

A man in plain clothes, who looked to be in his forties, suddenly jumped out of the crowd and came to Su Qin's body.

He sat down on the ground with a flop.

Then, with trembling hands, he pieced the separated body together bit by bit.

" brother Ji Zi...wuhuwuhu..."

Piecing it together and crying at the same time.

The leading general next to him looked at the man and asked sternly: "Who are you?"

The plain man looked at the general coldly and said, "I am Su Dai, the brother of Su Qin!"

"It turns out he is an accomplice of the traitorous prime minister. Come on, capture it for me!" The general, a third-grade national warrior, thrust forward with his spear.



Su Dai broke the spear directly without making any move.

The general was immediately shocked and said: "Second-grade national warrior? No... is it the Nascent Soul Power?"

"My brother's death was his own choice, so I don't want to kill anyone today!" Su Dai looked at the general with sharp eyes: "But if someone prevents me from collecting the body, I would rather die than give it a try!"



The palm force flew out like an overwhelming force, and the surrounding soldiers were directly shaken away by this powerful energy wave.

Su Dai no longer paid attention to them, but took out a piece of white cloth and pieced together his brother's body bit by bit to wrap it up, forming a complete human shape.

Not far away, on the cluster of black hemp, dense aura circulated and rippled out in circles.

The aura belonging to the sages suddenly filled the entire Linzi City.

The big guys inside and outside the city who were paying attention to Su Qin also saw Yu Dao's numbness at this moment.

As a result, countless people swarmed in, and the sword light filled the sky.

A golden elixir monk landed on the ground and wanted to snatch it, but Su Dai slapped him away.

Another Yuanying monk came.

Su Dai was only a late-stage Great Nascent Soul. Although he could block one or two people, he could not block more and more people.

He could only wave his hand to take away the shenma and put it in his storage bag.


A second-grade national warrior stepped into the void and glared at Su Dai: "Leave Shenma behind, and you can leave with Su Qin's body!"

"Otherwise, you will die without a burial place today!"

Linzi Imperial Palace!



"What should we do now?"

"Your Majesty wants to kill everyone and block the news that Su Qin is a sage!"

"There are too many people. If we kill them all, it will arouse the anger of God!"

At the entrance of the palace, four veterans surrounded Tian Dan.

The general of Qi State just took office yesterday.

It was none other than Xu Changan's old friend, Tian Dan.

Tian Dan looked at the four ministers in front of him, nodded and said: "You guys wait for me, I will go into the palace to persuade His Majesty!"

He hurriedly ran into the palace.

Dozens of candles were lit in the somewhat dim hall.

The old Emperor Qi was wearing a royal robe and a crown.

He stared at Tian Dan and frowned slightly: "General, do you mean to abandon Linzi City?"

"Yes!" Tian Dan said: "Now the Yan army is on the north bank of Zi River. Originally, we were capable of fighting, but now that Su Qin is dead, our chance of winning is gone!"

"Yes!" Emperor Qi took a deep breath and said harshly: "This guy is cunning, but he is also a sage?"

Today's Emperor Qi can be said to be riding a tiger with difficulty.

He had just seen through Su Qin's trick and killed his car, but he never expected to kill a sage.

Once this kind of thing gets out, his prestige as the Emperor of Qi will plummet to the freezing point.

The other countries will also have more excuses to attack Qi.

Killing the saints is a big mistake!

"So your majesty!" Tian Dan said: "We can't fight now, we can only retreat!"

"If we fight, Linzi will be broken without a doubt, and the main force of our Great Qi will be wiped out; if we retreat, although we lose the capital, we can preserve our military strength, and it will not be difficult to find the flaws of the Yan army and regroup in the future!"

The Emperor of Qi asked: "Where to retreat?"

Tian Dan said: "Jimo!"

"This place is the ancestral land of our Great Qi, it is easy to gather luck, and it is easy to defend and difficult to attack!"

"Okay!" The Emperor of Qi nodded and agreed: "I can retreat, but the news of the saint Su Qin today must be blocked for me!"

"The common people can be spared, but they must be locked up!"

"Su Dai, kill him!"


An old man in a dirty yellow Taoist robe stood beside Su Dai at some point.

He exuded a choking stench, but at this moment, his eyes were looking at Su Qin, who was wrapped in white cloth on the ground, with a serious look.

"Who are you?" Su Dai looked at the yellow-robed old man in shock.

The old man said: "Su Qin is my disciple!"


Hearing this, Su Dai knelt on the ground: "Su Dai, meet the senior!"

"Yes!" The old man nodded and said: "You are Su Qin's brother, Su Dai, not bad..."

"Come with me, you can be my outer disciple, and practice Taoism under me for sixty years!"

"Yes!" Su Dai knew that his brother had just passed away, and he was a little overjoyed, but he couldn't hide his inner joy. He hurriedly lifted the front hem and knelt again and said: "Student Su Dai, meet the master!"

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