Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 482 [Divine Means, Envoy Yan Arrives]

"Pack up and follow me!"

The dirty yellow-robed Taoist looked at Su Dai.

Su Dai nodded, stood up from the ground, waved his hand to put his brother Su Qin's body into the storage space, and then cleaned up the scene.

When the old man saw that he had packed up, he stretched out his skinny hand to grab Su Dai's clothes. Before Su Dai could react, he suddenly found that he was above the void.

Looking down from a high place, the entire Linzi city was in sight.

The Zi River in the north was surging, and further north, there were the dense and endless camps of the Yan army.

The army was well organized and the troops were awe-inspiring.

The old man landed in the void and did not leave the sky immediately. Instead, he looked at Su Dai and asked, "Where are you going?"

Su Dai said, "I will return to the capital Luoyang first, bury my brother Ji Zi's body in my hometown, and then follow my master to practice Taoism!"

The old man in yellow robe nodded and said, "Then I will send you to Luocheng!"

Before he finished speaking, several streams of light flashed in the surrounding sky, and suddenly blocked the old man's retreat.

There were four people coming, all of whom were first-class national scholars.

That is, they were cultivators comparable to the God Transformation Stage.

The old Taoist in yellow robe smiled and asked, "You little guys, do you want to stop me, an old man?"

The leader drew his sword and looked at the old man and said, "Old senior, you can leave, but my emperor has ordered that Su Dai must stay!"

The old man sneered, "Your emperor is not my emperor, and I don't need to listen to his orders. Today I will take my disciples away, who dares to stop me?"


The swords in the hands of the other three people in front of him were also drawn out.

"Old Taoist priest, if that's the case, let's see what you can do!"

The old man smiled and said, "Four little Yuanying kids, are you qualified to stop me?"

"Hahahaha..." The leader laughed and said, "You are old and blurry, I am Chunyu Yiqu, the chief of the Great Qi Dynasty, a first-class national scholar, not the Yuanying kid you mentioned!"

The other people also laughed.

They are all first-class national scholars.

The old man's face was solemn, and he said, "If I say you are, you are!"



The old man didn't see how he made a move, and saw the power of the endless laws of Zhoutian turned into flowing clouds to cover the four people.

Bang bang bang...

A sound!

The four people didn't suffer any damage, but the incense power on their bodies was forcibly taken away by people with great magic power and means.

Ninety percent of the incense power on their bodies was gone, and the remaining ten percent was blessed on their bodies. The first-class national scholar instantly became a second-class.

Isn't it the Nascent Soul?

"Four little Nascent Soul babies!" The old man in yellow robe said coldly: "Is what I said false?"

At this time, the four people's hands and feet were already cold, and they didn't know how to answer.

"Senior, calm down!"

Another stream of light flew from a distance and landed in the void.

The person who came was none other than Tian Dan, who had just served as the general of the Great Qi.

Tian Dan landed in front of the old man in yellow robe and said, "Senior, His Majesty has ordered that Su Dai must stay!"

The old man looked at Tian Dan with a flash of his eyes, and said with a chuckle, "Tian Dan, Tian Dan, I can't kill you. You are now an unparalleled national hero, and you will have another mission and opportunity in the future."

"However, you underestimate me too much!"

"It's not that there are no fusion and Mahayana in this world, but the cultivators who have cultivated to such a level have disdained to fight in the world. I am afraid of the power of heaven and earth and the power of cause and effect, and I haven't fought with others for many years."

"Then, look at this finger of mine, can you block it?"

The old man in yellow robe raised his right hand slightly, and the dirty yellow sleeves slid down his arm, revealing a dry forearm.

I saw that his spiritual power was like a river, and then his skinny fingers pointed fiercely at the Zibo River in the north. The Zishui River, which was dozens of miles wide and flowing down, was frozen in the riverbed like ice.

It seemed ordinary and without golden light, but this ordinary magical power made Tian Dan shudder.

It was said that the Xuanmen monks in the world had reached the extreme, and they could control the power of the rules of heaven and earth with one thought, and urged mountains and seas to break, and reverse the heavenly power. This old man sealed the entire Zishui River with one finger. This was because he had understood the space rules between heaven and earth to an extraordinary level, so he could have such a stroke of genius.

Tian Dan thought that he was far behind, so he bowed his hands and said, "The great power of the predecessor is beyond the reach of the junior!"

He looked up again, but where were the figures of the yellow-robed old man and Su Dai in this void? They had disappeared long ago.

Tian Dan turned his head to the north and looked at the Zishui River again.

The sealed river rumbled with the sound of thunder again, and it flowed thousands of miles away.


In a blink of an eye, half a month passed.

Xu Changan walked out of the Golden Talisman Space and left the dojo.

Half a month outside, in fact, he had spent half a year in the Golden Talisman Space.

This strand of [Ningzhen Sword Pill] supported Xu Changan in comprehending the sword for half a year.

In the past six months, he has gained a lot.

Let's put it this way, Xu Changan has learned by analogy through his understanding of the sword, and has a feeling that all methods have the same destination.

He feels that the opportunity should come soon.

Once he encounters that opportunity node, he will be able to break through and reach the tenth level of the Golden Core Stage.

From the ninth level to the tenth level, it seems to be just an ordinary breakthrough.

However, for a monk like Xu Changan, who has developed Tao roots in the golden elixir stage, this breakthrough from the late golden elixir stage to the golden elixir great perfection is comparable to a breakthrough.

Once you set foot on it, your strength can be greatly improved.

Put it this way.

When he was at the ninth level of the Golden Core, he beheaded the early stage monks of Nascent Soul, relying on surprise and the opponent's carelessness.

But once you reach the tenth level of the Golden Core, you can fight against the monks at the early stage of the Nascent Soul stage. You don’t need to sneak attack. You can win them head-on.

It's just so outrageous.

"Master...Master, Master, Master, Master..." Ning Chu ran to Xu Changan in a panic.

Xu Changan said: "You realized it so quickly?"

He thought that Fu Chu had mastered the [distraction technique] he gave him.

As a result, Negi Chu shook his head and said, "No, I haven't started yet. There's something big happening. The person you've been waiting for is here!"

Xu Changan:? ? ?

Didn't understand.

Negi Chu said: "People from the Yan State...there are people from the Yan State coming to look for you!"

Xu Changan turned around and arrived at the mouth of the valley.

Here, there was a middle-aged man wearing the uniform of an envoy from the Kingdom of Yan. After seeing Xu Changan, he asked with some confusion: "Minghe?"

Xu Changan nodded: "Are you the envoy of Yan State?"

"Yes!" The middle-aged man immediately raised his hands to Xu Chang'an: "Guo Tao, deputy envoy of the State of Yan, has met Mr. Xu!"

He knew that Minghe was just a fake name, and the real envoy was Xu Changan.

Xu Changan nodded and said: "I have been waiting for so many years, and you are finally here!"

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