Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 485 [Envoy from Qi, the Emperor of Yue’s plan]

"Your Majesty, are you going to destroy the Kingdom of Yue?"

Suddenly, a very discordant voice came from the harmonious hall.

A minister in a white official robe came out, holding a tablet and saluted the King of Yue, saying: "Your Majesty, if Your Majesty insists on doing what he wants and ignores the people of Yue, then I have nothing to say!"

"If Your Majesty still cares about the people, then kill the envoy of Yan immediately, and our Qi and Yue will be at peace forever!"

Xu Chang'an's eyes turned slightly and looked at the minister in white.

Obviously, this is not a minister of Yue.

Ministers of Yue don't have such courage.

This is a Qi person, could it be, an envoy of Qi?

"Oh!" The Emperor of Yue put down his sword and looked at Xu Changan and said, "Envoy from Yan, this is Tian Jian, the envoy from Qi. He came to my country of Yue to ask me to send troops to help Qi and deal with your country of Yan together!"

"Hehehe... Now, I am in a dilemma!"

The Emperor of Yue looked at the two of them with a smile and said, "I don't know who to help?"

Xu Changan nodded, he also understood.

At this time, Qi was on the verge of destruction, it would be strange if they did not seek foreign aid!

It is normal for the envoy of Qi to arrive in Yue and ask Yue to send troops to rescue.

"Your Majesty, of course we will send troops to save our Qi!" Tian Jian hurriedly said: "Now our Qi capital Linzi has fallen, but what your majesty doesn't know is that although our Qi has lost two-thirds of its counties, its luck has not weakened, its strength is still there, and its main force has not been damaged!"

"If your majesty retreats to Jimo, then Le Yi will definitely send troops to attack!"

"Let's put it this way, the battle in Jimo is the main battle between the two sides!"

"And there are only two results of the battle, one is that Yan wins and Qi is destroyed!"

"One is that Qi wins and Yan withdraws!"

"But no matter which result, it is not good for your majesty!"

The Emperor of Yue said calmly: "Tell me, why is it not good for our Yue country?"

Tian Jian said: "If Yan wins this battle, then Yan will become As the strongest among the nations, the territory of Yan will border your Yue. Your Majesty, think about it. If Yan destroys Qi, who will be the next? "

Without waiting for the King of Yue to answer, Tian Jian said: "That is your Yue!"

"Can your Yue compete with the powerful Yan?"

The King of Yue remained calm and looked at Tian Jian indifferently: "Go on!"

"Yes!" Tian Jian continued: "If my Qi wins, Yan withdraws, and your Yue does not rescue, then my Qi and your Yue will no longer be brothers. When Chu invades your Yue, my Qi will either watch from the sidelines or take advantage of the situation!"

"Hehe... Your Majesty, no matter what, the day of your Yue's demise is not far away!"

Tian Jian's logic is very simple, and he said it politely.

In fact, it shows two attitudes: first, if Yan wins, it will definitely destroy your Yue; second, if Yan loses and you do not rescue our Qi, then our Qi will definitely retaliate.

No matter which one, your small country of Yue can't afford it.

"Envoy from Yan!" The Emperor of Yue looked at Xu Chang'an calmly and asked, "What do you say?"

Xu Chang'an clasped his hands and said, "Your Majesty, I want to ask the envoy of Qi a few questions?"

"Okay!" The Emperor of Yue smiled and said, "Just ask!"


Xu Chang'an turned his head and looked at Tian Jian, the envoy of Qi, and asked, "Envoy from Qi, I want to ask you, why did my Yan country invade your Qi country?"

This question is very sharp.

Xu Chang'an stood on the moral high ground all of a sudden.


Everyone knows that it was not Yan who started it first. It was your Qi country that bullied our Yan country and hit us at our doorstep. We are just fighting back.

The Qi envoy could not admit it, but just tried to defend himself: "Of course it was your Yan emperor who was doing evil things, wanting to dominate the world and swallow up Qi!"

"Oh!" Xu Changan asked: "My Yan State is doing evil things? Then why did Han, Qin, Zhao, and Wei help us instead of you?"

The Qi envoy had no way to answer this question.

Xu Changan then asked: "May I ask the Qi envoy, where is the Song State, Qi's neighboring country, now?"

Killing people and hurting their hearts!

This question made the Qi envoy speechless.

Xu Changan asked again: "Where is the former Lu State now?"

"Lai State, Xue State, Ju State... Where did these former neighboring states of Qi go?"

"Your Majesty!" Xu Changan's question made the Qi envoy speechless, and continued: "Qi State has destroyed countless countries. This time, it is thinking of destroying my Yan State, which has caused such a disaster. It is conceivable that as a neighboring country, Yue State, you will sooner or later become a part of Qi!"

"On the other hand, my Yan State has never destroyed any country since its establishment!"

"Foreign ministers ask your majesty not to associate with snakes and scorpions, and please send troops to help my Yan State destroy Qi!"

"Once Qi is destroyed, our Yan State and Yue State will be brother countries, and the six southernmost counties of Qi will all be given to Yue State!"

"And the Emperor of Yan said that if Chu bullies a brother country in the future, he will definitely send troops to rescue it!"

"Please send troops, your majesty!"

Xu Changan bowed again.

The Emperor of Yue did not speak.

The entire hall fell into silence.

This oppressive silence lasted for about twenty breaths before the Emperor of Yue said calmly: "Whether to send troops to rescue Qi or Yan, I still need to discuss with the ministers. Everyone, leave the court!"

"Oh...Xu Changan, you stay!"

"I have something to say to you!"

Hua La La...

The ministers left the court.

In the entire hall, apart from Xu Chang'an and Emperor Yue, there were only some eunuchs.

"Your Majesty!" Xu Chang'an bowed.

Emperor Yue personally walked down from the throne, came to Xu Chang'an, and asked: "Xu Chang'an, what you said makes sense, but I will still save Qi!"

"Why?" Xu Chang'an was stunned.

The Emperor of Yue said, "You forgot a key link!"

He asked Xu Chang'an, "Will Qi really be destroyed?"

Without waiting for Xu Chang'an to answer this question, the Emperor of Yue asked again, "Let me ask you again, which country is stronger and which is weaker in the world today?"

Xu Chang'an said, "Qin and Chu are the strongest!"

"No, after the Qin-Chu Yanling War a hundred years ago, Chu is no longer the same as it used to be!" The Emperor of Yue shook his head and said, "The strongest countries now are Qin and Zhao!"

"We have a Zhibing Hall in Yue, and Mr. Sun in Zhibing Hall once told me that the country that can unify the world in the future is either Qin or Zhao!"

"But if Yan really destroyed Qi, If the country is destroyed, it will be different. At that time, Yan will be far superior to other countries! "

"So, do you think Qin, Zhao, Chu and other countries will let Yan get what it wants? "

"You are too naive!"

"So, Qi will not be destroyed!"

The Emperor of Yue stared at Xu Changan with wise eyes, and said with a smile: "Since Qi will not be destroyed, what reason does Yue have not to do this kind of timely help?"

Xu Changan's eyes trembled: "So, Your Majesty wants to send troops to save Qi?"

"Yes!" The Emperor of Yue nodded: "It's just that I am still waiting for some chips!"

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