Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 486 [Mogan Sword Tomb, Become a Disciple of the Emperor of Yue]

Xu Changan nodded: "Yes, if we want to save Qi State, we can't just save them. We must tear off a piece of flesh from them!"

"Qi State?" The Emperor of Yue sneered and said, "Xu Chang'an, although you are a man of great luck, you don't have a good view of the situation of other countries?"

"After this war between Yan and Qi, both Yan and Qi will decline!"

"Don't worry, Qi will not have anything to worry about in the future!"

"What I am waiting for is the bargaining chip of Qin and Zhao!"

"Hehehe..." The Yue Emperor waved his hand, looked at Xu Changan and said, "But... now that you are here, I have changed my mind again!"

"Oh!" Xu Changan's eyes lit up: "Your Majesty is going to send troops to help my country, Yan?"

"No!" The Emperor of Yue shook his head and said, "I will neither send troops to help the Yan State nor the Qi State. I, the Yue State, can't stay out of it?"

This is good.

Xu Changan secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

When Emperor Yan sent him here, the main purpose was not to get the Yue State to send troops, but to stabilize the Yue Emperor and prevent him from helping Qi State.

It would be great if the Yue Emperor could be neutral.

"My ability to remain neutral is already a great benefit to you, the Yan State. However, if you want me to remain neutral and not help the Qi State, Xu Changan, you need to promise me two things!"

The Emperor Yue's eyes were filled with wisdom as he stared at Xu Changan.

Xu Changan cupped his hands: "Your Majesty, please clarify!"

Obviously, this is another old fox who is not inferior to Le Yi and Su Xiang.

When dealing with such people, especially those who play political tricks, Xu Changan thinks that he can't fight even a hundred of them.

Since you can't fight with him, then don't play with him, be direct and neat, don't beat around the bush.

"First!" The Emperor of Yue said: "Become my master and become my direct disciple. From now on, you can walk sideways in Yue Kingdom!"

"Second!" Yue Huang said: "Go to a place and help me get something!"

Xu Changan frowned.


This is good!

As long as you're not afraid of death, I'm sure it'll be fine.

"Your Majesty!" he asked, "What do you want to take?"

The Emperor of Yue said: "There are ten famous swords in all the countries in the world, five of which are in our country of Yue. There is a Jedi in our country called [Sword Tomb], and among these swords, there is an unrivaled famous sword." It’s a pity that for countless years, no one has been able to take it out of the sword tomb!”

"You are a person of great luck, so there should be hope for you to take out this sword!"

"The second thing I want you to do is go to the Sword Tomb and help me take out this sword!"

The Yue Emperor looked at Xu Changan calmly!

"Sword Tomb?" Xu Changan was confused: "Where is the Sword Tomb?"

The Emperor of Yue said: "Have you heard of Mogan Mountain in Yue Kingdom?"

"I've heard of it!" Xu Changan took a deep breath and said, "This is the holy mountain of the Yue Kingdom. It is famous. Who doesn't know it?"

After Xu Changan came to Yue Kingdom, he often heard the story of Mogan Mountain in Yue Kingdom.

In ancient times, there was a couple in the land of Wuyue. The husband was named Ganjiang and the wife was named Moye.

Both of them were famous swordsmiths, and legend has it that they were disciples of Ou Yezi, a protégé of the Emperor.

Later, the King of Yue wanted to forge a peerless sword, so he found Gan Jiang and Mo Xie.

In order to help the king of Yue make swords, Gan Jiang collected tin from the Red Pansy Mountain and copper from the Ruoye River. After being struck by rain and lightning, he obtained the essence of heaven and earth.

However, these natural treasures cannot be melted no matter what.

The go-getters tried every means, but failed in three years.

Seeing that the sword-making date required by the King of Yue was getting closer and closer, the generals had no choice but to do anything.

His wife Mo Xie said: "In ancient times, swordsmiths made swords without sacrificing human blood. The thing in your furnace is destined to be extraordinary. If no human sacrifice is used, it will be difficult to make a sword."

After saying that, Moye cut off his hair and nails, and then threw himself into the furnace.

Sure enough, the material that had not melted for three years was successfully melted under the bath of Mo Xie's essence and blood.

The general forged two swords with grief.

It is a pair of male and female swords, the male sword is named "Gan Jiang" and the female sword is named "Moye".

Gan Jiang presented the male sword to the King of Yue, but hid the female sword on the mountain where the couple made the sword.

Later, the King of Yue found out about this and ordered the generals to be killed. Then he sent people to Zhujian Mountain to look for the female sword. However, no matter how he searched, the King of Yue could not get the Moxie female sword.

From then on, the sword-forging mountain was filled with an infinite and fierce sword intent. In order to commemorate Gan Jiang and Mo Xie, the mountain was also named [Mogan Mountain].

On the day when the King of Yue beheaded his generals, the sword on the King's waist turned into a giant dragon and flew into the sky, never to be heard from again.

Therefore, the two peerless swords of Gan Jiang Mo Xie have basically never appeared in the world.

In later generations, countless people went up the mountain to look for the sword [Moye], but there were more people going up and fewer people coming down. Let alone looking for the sword, those who came back alive were lucky. Not only did countless people die on Mogan Mountain, but the swords of countless people were left behind, and the swords of countless strong men throughout the ages were also left behind.

Thousands of swords, driven by the infinite sword intent on Mogan Mountain, flew over and over in the void on the top of the mountain like flowing water.

Forming the most important Jedi place and secret realm in the Yue Kingdom, this is the Sword Tomb.

Swordsmanship can be learned in the Sword Tomb. Although it is extremely risky, there are still countless people who are fascinated by sword cultivation.

For generations, until now.

As for the Sword Tomb, it has always been under the control of the Yue royal family. Not just anyone can go up the mountain to learn the sword.

But for so many years, the Yue royal family has not found the Moxie sword.

The Yue Emperor's idea was naturally very simple, that is, to use the power of Xu Changan's great luck to go up the mountain to learn swordsmanship and see if he could find this legendary peerless sword.

If he finds [Mo Xie] and understands the peerless sword intent in Mo Xie, then he may be able to break through the transformation into a god in one fell swoop and become an old god in the Void Refining Stage.

And once he becomes a great monk in the Void Refining Stage, possessing the power of incense and Xuanmen cultivation at the same time, Yuehuang's strength will reach its peak.

With such cultivation, it is no problem to protect the Yue Kingdom for thousands of years.

If I accept this man of great luck as my disciple and get a little bit of luck, hahaha... I still can't protect the country of Yue?

"This..." Xu Changan hesitated for a moment and said: "Your Majesty accepts foreign ministers as disciples. There is no problem with this matter. There is no need to obtain Emperor Yan's consent!"

"However, His Majesty asked the foreign minister to enter the sword tomb to search for [Moye Sword]. The foreign minister can go, but whether he can find it in the end depends on chance!"

"On this point, even foreign ministers dare not guarantee it!"

Moye Sword is different from the Broken Sword in Zhenwu Jedi.

The Broken Sword is because it is in Zhenwu Jedi, in Yan Pingjing's hand.

If you get it, you get it; if you can't get it, you don't get it.

But no one knows whether this Moye Sword is in the sword tomb or not.

Someone said yes!

Some people say that Moye Sword, like Ganjiang Sword, turned into a sword dragon and flew away.

Some people also say that Moye Sword does not exist at all.

After all, except for generals, no one in this world knows whether Moye Sword exists or not!

Yue Huang said: "No problem, going to the Sword Tomb is also a kind of practice. If you really can't get it, I won't blame you, and I will naturally abide by the previous agreement."

"However, there are dangers in the Sword Tomb. Not all monks who enter it can come out. You must be mentally prepared for this!"

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