Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 487 [The Holy Hall of Military Knowledge, the Legacy of the Military Saint]

"Disciple Xu Changan, pay your respects to Master!"

In the main hall of Yue Kingdom.

Xu Changan knelt on the ground and bowed to the Emperor of Yue.

"Hehehe..." The Emperor of Yue chuckled and said: "Goodness, great kindness...Xu Changan, from today on, you are my direct disciple and my only direct disciple!"

The Emperor of Yue has not accepted any disciples since his practice.

After all, he is the emperor of the Yue Kingdom. This kind of cause-and-luck thing can affect the whole body at once, and might ruin the country.

Therefore, he was very cautious in accepting disciples.

If Xu Changan hadn't been a lucky man, he would never have accepted it.


At this moment, visible to the naked eye, the golden sword of luck on the Yue Palace instantly expanded by 20%.

"This..." A sharp light shot out from the eyes of the Yue Emperor: "Okay... good, good... indeed, he is worthy of being the son of luck, hahaha... I have just become a disciple, and my luck in the country of Yue has increased by two. become!"

"Xu Chang'an!" Yue Huang said: "There are so many treasures in this world, and my master can't think of anything to give you at the moment. Let's do this. I have a bottle of [Pure Jun Sword Intent] here. You can take it first. This apprenticeship ceremony, I I’ll make it up to you later!”

"call out……"

A porcelain bottle flew from the air and landed in the space in front of Xu Changan.

Xu Changan was naturally not polite and directly put away the bottle of sword intent.

"Wha..." The next moment, a white light flashed, and another stream of light fell in front of him. This was a black iron plate, with a large golden ancient Zhou seal script engraved on it: Bing.

"This is the pass token of the Zhibing Hall. You take this thing and tomorrow the Zhibing Hall will meet Mr. Bing Shengsun. He will help you open the sword tomb in Mogan Mountain!" The Emperor of Yue said with a very serious face: "Remember, Go there tomorrow, don’t rush in today!”

"You must respect Mr. Sun and don't neglect him!"


Xu Changan took this black sticker and left the Yue Palace.

In the afternoon of that day, the Emperor of Yue issued an edict informing more than a dozen major counties in the Yue Kingdom about his acceptance of Xu Changan as his disciple.

For a time, the entire Yue country was in an uproar.

Early the next morning, Xu Changan rode a wooden wooden horse to a tall door.

Black gate, red pillars, and a gatehouse made of black wood.

There is a sign hanging on the lintel below the gatehouse: Zhibingtang.

The three characters are written in ancient Chinese seal script. They are full of vicissitudes of life. In these three characters, there seems to be the power of thousands of troops and horses galloping forward.

Xu Changan took out the black iron plate given by the Emperor of Yue and handed it over: "Poverty Xu Changan, come to Zhibing Hall to pay homage to Senior Sun!"

The royal families of Wu and Yue are feuding families, but the people of the two countries share the same culture and ethnicity, and they are one family. Therefore, after the Yue Kingdom destroyed the Wu Kingdom, it was quickly accepted by the people. The Wu Kingdom also had Sun Wu, a peerless general who was alienated by the last Emperor Wu. After the destruction of the country, he was highly regarded by the Yue Emperor and took charge of the military affairs of the Yue Kingdom.

And Sun Wu was recognized as a peerless military strategist by all the countries in the world, and was praised by Gui Guzi as a military sage.

Therefore, although the Yue State was weak, it was able to stand firm in the cracks between Qi, Chu, Wei and other big countries. Sun Wu can be said to have played an indelible role.

The Emperor of Yue held Sun Wu in high esteem and even respected him. He entrusted all the military affairs of the Yue Kingdom to him, and even gave Sun Wu the right to open Mogan Mountain.

"Sir, I already know you are coming!" Menzi glanced at the sign and said, "It's Mr. Xu, please come with me..."

Xu Changan followed the door all the way in, crossed several courtyards, and came to a simple and simple hall.

Although the main hall is simple and simple, the inside has been wiped spotless.

Sitting in the main hall was a tall man with a high crown and white robe.

Seeing Xu Changan's arrival, a smile appeared on the man's face. He put down the bamboo slips in his hand and said, "Is this the Yan envoy Xu Changan?"

Xu Changan quickly raised his hands and saluted: "Junior Xu Changan, I have met senior Sun!"

"No need to be polite!" Sun Wu waved his hand and said, "Sit down and talk!"


Xu Changan sat down carefully and looked at the tall man in front of him.

Although the man is sitting on the seat, his upper body is surprisingly tall. From this, it can be inferred that this man should also be very tall. If it weren't for the fact that he was in the country of Yue, Xu Changan would have doubted whether the guy in front of him had Qin ancestry. .

Sun Wu carefully arranged his robes, then looked at Xu Changan and said gently: "The Emperor of Yue has sent someone to inform me that you are going to open a sword tomb to hunt for the sword!"

Xu Changan nodded: "Yes!"

"Yes!" Sun Wu nodded and said: "Yes, but the time has not yet come. So, you stay in my military knowledge hall first and learn the art of war from me!"


Xu Changan never expected this result.

He opened his mouth in surprise: "The Art of War?"

"Yes!" Sun Wu said: "The Art of War!"

"This..." Xu Changan looked slightly bitter: "Sir, my disciple is a Xuanmen monk. He is dedicated to cultivating Xuanmen and has no intention of getting involved in the military affairs of other countries!"

What a joke.

I am about to enter the Nascent Soul stage in seclusion. Can’t I practice well? Why should I learn the art of war?

Besides, it’s useless for me to learn it, right?

Isn’t this a waste of time!

Leading troops to fight?

I can't bear this cause and effect!

Sun Wu looked at Xu Changan for three breaths, then laughed: "No problem, no problem... Military tactics are the art of deception!"

"It's not only the patriots on the battlefield who need military tactics. My military tactics are different from others!"

"Young man, learn it... It's good for you!"

Xu Changan curled his lips: "May I ask, sir, how many years can this military tactics be mastered?"

Sun Wu said: "Those with talent and intelligence can master it in a hundred years!"

The bitterness on Xu Changan's face increased.

He was about to refuse again, but the tall old man opposite waved his sleeves and said: "You don't need to, you just need to learn for ten years!"

Xu Changan raised his eyebrows: "Sir, do you mean that I am a natural in military tactics?"

Sun Wu shook his head: "No, you just need to learn for ten years, and you can't learn the advanced ones later!"

The bitterness on Xu Changan's face turned into a little embarrassment: Hey...

"Stop whispering... Come out!" Sun Wu suddenly turned his head and glanced behind the screen.

Three young men suddenly appeared from behind the screen that had the function of shielding the thoughts of Xuanmen monks.

They all wore white robes with red edges, and walked out one by one with great bearing.

Sun Wu said: "Xu Changan... I will introduce you!"

"This is your senior brother, Wujiang, who is also the eldest son of your master, Emperor Yue, the Crown Prince of Yue!"


Xu Changan was shocked: The Crown Prince of Yue was actually a disciple of Sun Wu?

He couldn't help but look up.

This prince was handsome and handsome, and he was also tall. He also had a long sword hanging from his waist.

He had a good temperament.

"This is your second senior brother, Feng Ping, from Shangdang, Han!"

"This is your third senior brother, Ma Fu, Ma Fu is the prince of Zhao!"

Xu Changan looked at them one by one, and when he saw the prince Ma Fu from Zhao, his eyes suddenly shrank.

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