Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 491 [Carrying straw to Yan, planning the battle formation]

"Oh?" Wujiang looked at Xu Changan: "Junior brother, is it useful to keep these dogs?"

Xu Changan said: "The Qi people want to kill me, I am naturally not a fish, how do you know I can't kill them?"

"Brother, give me an hour!"

After that, Xu Changan went straight out of the Jiangbei camp.

What he was worried about was that after Wujiang killed Chunyu Zhi, Chunyu Zhi's life card would be broken, and then the Qi envoy would know that their action had failed.

Xu Changan wanted this time difference to fight back.

Catch the Qi envoy off guard.

An hour later, Xu Changan returned to the Jiangbei camp as promised.

"Junior brother..."

"Junior brother!"

Wujiang, Ma Fu and Feng Ping all gathered around.

"What did you do just now?"

"That's right, we are all waiting for you!"

The three looked at Xu Changan.

Xu Changan had nothing to hide, so he said, "I'll go to the Qi State Inn and kill them all!"

Wujiang's eyes widened: "No one was left?"

"Not really!" Xu Changan shook his head and said, "I just killed the instigator!"

There were many people in the Qi State Inn.

There were at least hundreds of people, if not a thousand. Xu Changan couldn't kill them all. He couldn't bear this kind of karma, so he just killed Tian Jian and a few other leaders.

"Awesome!" Ma Fu gave a thumbs up and said, "Just now I was worried that you couldn't handle it alone, but I didn't expect you to come back so soon. People say that my junior brother is the strongest golden elixir under the Nascent Soul. Today I see that it's true!"

"Hahaha..." Everyone laughed.

Wujiang said, "We have studied military tactics for decades. Although we have never been on the battlefield, we had a good time today. Hehe... It's so enjoyable, so enjoyable..."

"Come on, drink!"

In the huge military tent, there were only four of them.

The four of them drank and talked happily.

"That's right!" Wujiang suddenly said when he was half drunk: "I heard from my father today that the world-famous female fortune teller Xu Fu came to our Yue Kingdom. I'm afraid she will arrive in Moling in a few days!"

"When she arrives in Moling, the four of us will go to see her face together, how about that?"

Xu Changan was stunned: "Xu Fu?"

He really hadn't heard of it.

But it was obvious that the other three had heard of it.

Ma Fu said: "Junior Brother Xu, you haven't heard of it, right? This Xu Fu is the disciple of Nanhua Patriarch. Not only has she cultivated to the terrifying realm of the late Yuanying period, but she is also proficient in Yi Shu and is best at face reading!"

"Never speak out of turn!"

Xu Changan was shocked.

He didn't know Xu Fu, but he definitely knew Nanhua Patriarch.

Nanhua Patriarch is one of the best in Xuanmen. It is said that he once taught a butcher named Ding Xian in Wei State three hundred years ago. Ding Xian soared into the sky, realized the truth in one thought, and chased the great master of Huashen for forty days and nights with a butcher knife in his hand.

It can be imagined how unfathomable this Nanhua Patriarch is.

Since he is the direct disciple of Nanhua Patriarch, he is naturally extraordinary.

After drinking, the four of them returned to Zhibing Hall together. Prince Wujiang talked about the affairs of various countries with everyone. Xu Changan knew nothing about it and felt bored. He stood up and said, "Three senior brothers, you can chat slowly. I will go back and comfort my Yan State envoys!"

After that, he left Zhibing Hall with a pile of bamboo slips left by Sun Wu and returned to Yan State Inn.

The main hall of the Inn was destroyed.

But it didn't matter, because the Inn was big enough, and Guo Tao arranged a villa for him.

Xu Changan threw a few array talismans and arranged them. This was a temporary dojo.

In the next few days, Xu Changan hid in the other garden and studied military books.

In fact, he couldn't say he was studying. He had no interest in this thing. He was just doing his job.

Even the teacher didn't have any great expectations for me. Why should I study it?

Just take a look at the fur.

One day, he called his disciple Fu Chu to the Yan State Inn.

"Master... Master?" Fu Chu looked at Xu Changan in astonishment, a little at a loss. He didn't understand when his old master with white hair turned into the image of jade now.

"Fu Chu!" Xu Changan looked at his disciple with his hands behind his back: "I didn't tell you the truth at that time in order to hide my identity. I am actually the envoy of Yan State, but don't worry, I will still teach you the way of alchemy!"

"However, I hope you don't tell anyone about my true identity!"

Xu Changan stared at Fu Chu.

Fu Chu knelt on the ground in shock: "Yes... Master, rest assured!"

"God is above, if I leak any information about you, I will be killed by thunder!"

Fu Chu made a vow to God.

Xu Changan said: "I have something for you to do!"

"Master, please speak!" Fu Chu stood up.

Xu Changan waved his hand and took out a puppet of the Nascent Soul level, saying: "This is made by me, a Nascent Soul puppet. You can control it after you have mastered the [Division of Spirits]!"

"Although I can't control it now, if I take it out in danger, it may save your life!"

Fu Chu was overjoyed and looked at Xu Changan with gratitude: "Thank you, Master!"

Xu Changan was generous and waved his hand again, taking out several array talismans: "This is an array talisman, which includes a trap array and a defensive array... They are all fourth-grade, which is more than enough for a disciple of the Foundation Establishment period to use!"


Fuchu had long been envious of his master's array talisman. He had wanted it for a long time, but unfortunately he didn't dare to ask for it.

Now that Xu Changan took it out on his own initiative, he was naturally very happy: "Master, if you have any orders, I will do it even if I die!"

"Yes!" Xu Changan said: "The envoys of Yan will return to the country in two months... I will not go with them. When the time comes, you will follow the envoys back to Yan and help me do something!"

While speaking, Xu Changan took out a Nazhen Talisman and said: "This is the receiving end of a super long-distance teleportation array... You take it and go to Yan's Lulong County [Taixuan Xianzong]. When you arrive at Taixuan Xianzong, say that you are my disciple, and then go to see Taixuan Xianzong's Grand Elder Yunmeng Zushi, hand over this teleportation array to her, and let her set it up in Taixuan Xianzong!"

"After everything is done, send me a message!"

"Then you don't have to return to Moling, you can practice in Taixuan Xianzong!"

Xu Changan naturally wanted to build a super long-distance teleportation array between Moling City and Taixuan Xianzong. In this way, it would be much more convenient whether going to Yue or returning to Yan.

And there is no need to use the official teleportation array.

There is only one thing, that is, I don’t know whether the teleportation array can be successfully connected from Taixuan Xianzong to Moling City of Yue State.

After all, there is Qi State in the middle.

This distance is more than twice the distance from Ji City of Yan State to any large county below.

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