Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 492 [Kill Pinghua and get Donggen]

"Jiayu Mountain, a great place!"

Under the azure sky, the lush green mountains undulate, forming a shape like a carp leaping over the dragon gate at the highest point.

The beauty of nature is amazing.

"It's really amazing!"

Wearing a black Taoist robe, Xu Changan looked up at the strange-shaped mountain in front of him. If it weren't for the huge mountain range, he would have suspected that it was artificially excavated.

But Xu Changan didn't come here to enjoy the scenery today.

He came to take revenge.

At the small trade fair of the Honglu Chamber of Commerce, the greedy Taoist Pinghua and her husband Taoist Lingtian tricked Xu Changan to Cangnan County, and then tried to kill him and rob him of his treasure.

Fortunately, Xu Changan was more skilled and killed Taoist Lingtian in return.

Unfortunately, Taoist Pinghua escaped.

But the monk can run away, but the temple cannot. Later, Xu Changan returned to the Chamber of Commerce and inquired about it, only to find out that this Taoist Pinghua was the supreme elder of Jiayu Mountain in Cangnan County, so he came here today.

The reason why Xu Changan came here was, on the one hand, to seek revenge, and on the other hand, it was purely because he was bored.

He read military books every day, but he didn't have any talent for military arts, so he didn't understand them very well.

Let's put it this way, his talent in military arts is indeed mediocre.

Because of mediocrity, he had no interest, but he was forced to study every day by his three senior brothers, and Xu Changan's head was big. It was not easy to find an opportunity to come out, so he ran far away and came to Jiayu Mountain to seek revenge.

Hearing that an old friend was coming, the Taoist Pinghua, who was wearing a peach blossom Taoist robe, came to the gate of the mountain with a nervous look on his face.

But when she saw Xu Changan, she breathed a sigh of relief.

I thought it was the terrifying Minghe in the Jindan period!

Fortunately, it wasn't.

Pinghua is not a fool. She certainly knows that she is no match for Minghe Taoist. However, she still did not flee. The biggest reason for choosing to stick to the sect is that she still has something to rely on.

Her reliance is the fourth-grade defensive formation on Jiayu Mountain.

This is a fourth-grade mountain protection formation.

You are only a Jindan-stage cultivator. No matter how powerful you are, you can't break my formation, right?

"Who are you?" Pinghua stared at Xu Changan coldly: "I don't know you, why do you lie that you are my old friend... Believe it or not, I will kill you now!"

Xu Changan smiled coldly: "I don't believe it!"

After the two words came out, Pinghua Taoist's eyes trembled.

This voice is too similar, almost exactly the same as Minghe.

Could it be... this is Minghe?

No need to guess!

Because Xu Changan on the opposite side has taken out a dark red axe.

She is too familiar with this axe. When Minghe killed Lingtian Taoist near her, it was this axe.

" you you you...are you Minghe?" Pinghua was so frightened that she was about to teleport away.


The dark red giant axe in Xu Changan's hand had already been activated.

As soon as the axe came out, it locked the void.

Taoist Pinghua's body froze, and he failed to teleport.

"Fall..." Xu Changan's attack speed was quite fast. When Pinghua was frightened, he threw out a formation talisman, which exploded with a bang, forming a fourth-grade trap formation, which just trapped Taoist Pinghua.


At the same time, Xu Changan summoned the Seven Evil Ghost Banner from his body and thrust it into the ground. The ghost banner turned into a size of ninety feet in a breath, with ghost heads on it shrill and gloomy winds.

The area of ​​a thousand feet was completely covered by the Yin evil spirit.

After blocking the power of heaven and earth, even if a powerful person in the Nascent Soul stage came, he could not teleport.

"Daoyou Minghe, spare me... spare me..." Taoist Pinghua, who was trapped in the formation, was so scared that her voice trembled: "I was wrong... I know I was wrong!"

"In fact, the original plan for Daoyou was arranged by my husband, Daoyou Lingtian!"

"I just obeyed his orders!"

"Daoyou, spare me, I can pay any price!"

"You can let me do anything!"

Taoyou Pinghua tried to squeeze out a little bit of charm to seduce Xu Changan, but because she was too scared, the little bit of charm she squeezed out was a little distorted.

Xu Changan said lightly: "No need!"

"Then...Daoyou..." Pinghua hurriedly said: "Don't kill me... Let's become Taoist partners, and you will be the master of Jiayu Mountain in the future. The 3,600 disciples in Jiayu Mountain are all your slaves!"

"Including me!"

"In the future, you will be the supreme elder of Jiayu Mountain!"

Xu Changan sneered lightly: "I have no interest in a woman who enters the door with greed for money!"

Similarly, he had no interest in Jiayu Mountain.

If I want to take charge of a sect, wouldn't it be better for me to go to the snowy plains to find Cang Shu Zhenren and Chang Cang Xianzong?

Do I still want your Jiayu Mountain?

"Bang... Bang... Bang..."

The woman in the trap saw that Xu Changan was determined to kill her, and at this moment she was also fighting a desperate battle. She suddenly used all her strength to hit the trap.

The fourth-grade trap can trap ordinary Yuanying for a few breaths.

But it definitely can't be trapped for too long!

What surprised Xu Changan was that this woman attacked many times, but she couldn't even break this fourth-grade trap.

It can be seen that this Taoist Pinghua, although he has reached the Yuanying stage, his strength is very weak.

Knowing that there is no hope of escape, Taoist Pinghua flopped to the ground and looked at Xu Changan in despair!

Then, at a certain moment, her eyes suddenly lit up again, and she said: "Daoyou... I have good things, I have... I have the [Kushu Winter Root] you need, here, all for you..."

Pinghua Taoist took out a red tree root that looked like glass from his storage space!

This tree root is very big, as thick as an arm and three feet long.

On the tree root, there are several smaller tree roots branching out.

Xu Changan raised his eyebrows, and then waved his hand and took the bitter wood winter root from the trap.

That's right, it is one of the main materials of the Pohua Pill: the bitter wood winter root.

So big?

This tree root should be enough to refine hundreds of furnaces of Pohua Pills, right?

"Daoyou..." Pinghua lay on the ground wetly: "Can you spare my life?"

Xu Changan turned his eyes and looked at Pinghua Taoist and said: "No..."

The next moment, Xu Changan took a step forward and walked into the fourth-grade trap.

After three breaths, a wailing ghost head appeared in Xu Changan's Seven Evil Ghost Banner.

Originally, Xu Changan was ready to fight to the death with the [Jiayu Mountain] mountain protection formation, but he never expected that this brainless woman would walk out of the mountain gate directly?

Haha... no vigilance at all.

You're not going to die?

Flutter... flutter...

The three Jindan stage great perfection cultivators next to him instantly knelt in front of Xu Changan.

The supreme elders were all dead, and they dared not escape or resist.

Xu Changan glanced at the three people and said, "I, Minghe, am not a murderous person. Your supreme elder tried to kill me before. Now that the cause and effect are understood, I will not touch your Jiayu Mountain, and I will not kill the rest of the people!"

"You, don't think of revenge, otherwise you will suffer!"

After saying that, Xu Changan turned and left.

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