Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 498 [Old Gu delivers a message, Sun Wu says goodbye]

"Senior...why are you here?"

Xu Changan, who walked from the back garden to the front hall, was pleasantly surprised when he saw the old man sitting in the front hall.

Lao Gu!

Why did this guy come to Vietnam?

Having just heard someone say that an old man was looking for him, Xu Changan thought it was Taoist Qianchou, the great elder of Yueguotang, but he never expected that this old man was actually Lao Gu.

"You kid, you're already at the tenth level of the Golden Core stage!"

Lao Gu looked at Xu Changan in shock, and then jumped around and looked around Xu Changan, like a monkey.

Xu Changan sat on his seat, and Lao Gu also sat opposite him.

"Senior, are you looking for me to teach me my magical powers?"

Lao Gu still owed him a magical power, something Xu Changan would not forget even if he turned into ashes.

Lao Gu's face showed a trace of embarrassment, and he smiled and said: "You kid, don't mention it, I haven't practiced yet... Well, let's not talk about supernatural powers for now. Le Xiang asked me to come over and tell you another thing. !”


Xu Changan sat upright.

Lao Gu said: "Le Yi said that he was afraid that you would be anxious waiting in Yue country, so he asked me to come over and send you a message!"

Xu Changan asked: "Can we go to Linzi now?"

"No!" Lao Gu shook his head and said, "He said he won't let you go there for a short time. He has other plans!"

Xu Changan looked confused: "Then when should I go?"

"In another... twenty years!" Lao Gu said: "Le Xiang's intention is to first appease the territories that have been conquered. Now he has controlled the big market, but in order to further control the Qi territory, We will have no worries about attacking Qi in the later stage, so we will continue to purge the more than 50 major counties in Qi for a while!"

"So he said that in about twenty years, it will be almost there. You wait patiently for his news, and there is no need to rush to Linzi in a hurry!"

At this moment, Lao Gu lost all his cynicism and became more serious than ever.

"Okay!" Xu Changan nodded in agreement.

"Okay, there's nothing else to do!" Lao Gu looked around and asked, "Is there anything interesting here in Yue Country?"

"A fun place?" Xu Changan scratched his head and said, "I don't know. My husband said that I won't be allowed to go out at will, so I don't have a chance to hang out!"

"What kind of Mr. Bird?" Lao Gu said with a look of disdain: "He actually doesn't let anyone go out yet. Do you want me to help and beat him up?"

Xu Changan quickly raised his index finger to his mouth and said: "Lao Gu, don't talk nonsense, sir, you will be angry!"

"No matter if he is angry or not, he is not my master, Lao Gu!"

Lao Gu stood up carelessly!

Coincidentally, at this time, Sun Wu happened to walk into the front hall with a bamboo slip in his hand. After hearing Lao Gu's words, he snorted coldly.

Lao Gu turned around and glanced at Sun Wu, turned around like a mouse seeing a cat, and hid behind Xu Changan.

Seeing that Sun Wu ignored him and went somewhere else, Lao Gu breathed a sigh of relief and asked in a low voice: "Is this your husband?"

Xu Changan said: "Yes... you seem to be afraid of him?"

Lao Gu looked disdainful and said: "I'm afraid of a bird...I can punch ten of these people with one punch!"

"But...this old guy has too many causes and effects, and he also has a murderous intention!"

"Not easy to mess with."

"Let's go, let's go...I won't tell you anymore, kid, remember what I just said to you!"

Lao Gu patted his butt and left Zhibingtang.

As quickly as it came, it can go quickly.

Sun Wu, who was sitting in the corner of the front hall, suddenly coughed violently and said, "Xu Changan... come here!"


Xu Changan stood up cautiously, hunched his shoulders and came to Sun Wu with a smile on his face: "Sir... that guy is a madman, please ignore him!"

Sun Wudao: "A madman in the Void Refining Stage?"

"Uh..." Xu Changan didn't know how to answer.

Sun Wu said: "Sit down!"


The two sat across from each other.

Sun Wu straightened his clothes and sat up straight. He looked down at Xu Changan and said softly: "Half a year ago, I already let out the news that I would open the Mogan Mountain Sword Tomb, so now all the countries in the world should have Many sword cultivators have gathered under Mogan Mountain!"

"Ah?" Xu Changan was stunned.

Sun Wudao: "Don't be surprised. The sword energy on Mogan Mountain is too strong. You alone can't bear it. The more people, the better!"

"Oh!" Xu Changan nodded.

Sun Wu said again: "The ten-year period we agreed on is coming soon. How have you been studying the art of war with me in the past ten years?"

Xu Changan smiled bitterly and said, "Sir, you want to hear the truth!"

"Yeah!" Sun Wu said: "Tell the truth!"

Xu Changan said: "It's a complete mess!"

"It's hard for you!" Sun Wu said calmly, with neither sadness nor joy in his eyes: "My disciple Ma Fu is a natural talent in the art of war. Unfortunately, God is jealous of talents, and his blessings are too shallow. I know that you have good fortune. We have a deep relationship, so I kept you in Zhibing Hall for ten years. In these ten years, because of your protection, he avoided one murder and three bloody disasters!"

Xu Changan was slightly moved: This horse suit is really a piece of glass. Is this a disaster?

"Speaking of the matter of opening the sword tomb, it was the Emperor of Yue who begged me, not you, so you don't owe me anything. Instead, I allowed you to protect Ma Fu in Zhibing Hall for ten years. I owe you a fortune. !" Sun Wu said bluntly.

Xu Changan said nothing.

"But, Xu Changan!" Sun Wu continued: "I may not be able to do this karma!"

"By the time you come out of the Sword Tomb, I may be gone!"

"Ah?" Xu Changan was shocked and said, "Sir, are you... at the end of your life?"

He didn't have a particularly deep relationship with Sun Wu, but after all, he had learned the art of war under his tutelage for ten years. He was still a little emotional when he heard that Sun Wu was leaving.


Sun Wudao: "I am a mere mortal who took advantage of the opportunity of writing a book to master the creation of heaven and earth for 86,000 years. It is said that he should have left long ago!"

" may not believe it, I have already had enough!"

"This..." Xu Changan said: "I have the divine spring of youth. How about I renew it for you for another hundred years?"

"No!" Sun Wu shook his head and said: "The world is like smoke and clouds for me!"

"Kuang Yanjun has promised me the position of [Outside the Mansion's River Patrol Cao], and has urged me to take up the post many times in recent days, so for me, death is not a terrible thing!"

"Oh..." Xu Changan nodded mechanically and stopped thinking about giving away the fountain of youth.

The next moment, he suddenly raised his head again, and his voice became sharper: "Wait a minute... Sir... what did you just say?"

Xu Changan felt creepy all over.

He took a deep breath and asked with a trembling voice: "You just said... Yan Jun... what is that?"

Sun Wu, who wore a tall black wooden crown on his head, remained motionless. He took a sip of water calmly, then looked directly at Xu Changan and said, "It's what you are thinking of!"

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