Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 499 [Gong Cao promised, Wujiang asked for advice]

Faced with such a Sun Wu, Xu Changan felt dry-mouthed.

Against the will of heaven!

It was really too against the will of heaven.

He didn't know what to say!

Sun Wu said: "Although I owe you a favor and I am destined to never repay it, I still want one thing from you!"


Xu Changan took a deep breath, he sat on the mat, and bowed to Sun Wu opposite him: "Sir, just say whatever you want, as long as I can do it!"

Sun Wu said: "When the sword tomb opens, I hope you can bring your horse clothes with you when you go to Mogan Mountain to find the Moye sword, so that he can keep you company!"


Xu Changan was dumbfounded: "No, sir... didn't you just say that he was not blessed?"

"If he went to such a dangerous place like Mogan Mountain, wouldn't he die?"

Mogan Mountain is the mountain where Gan Jiang and Moye forged swords. Since the death of the two, there has been a sad cry of sword intent here. For countless years, countless swordsmen have gone up the mountain to learn swords, but more have gone up than come down.

Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to describe Mogan Mountain as "a mountain of corpses".

Although Xu Changan had never been there, he had heard so much about the dangers of Mogan Mountain that his ears were callused.

"It's okay!" Sun Wu said confidently: "Ma Fu is thoughtful, and he has your luck to protect him. It should be okay for you two to go together. And in a critical moment, maybe he can help you out of danger!"

"Okay!" Xu Changan said: "But let's make it clear in advance. If he dies, don't blame me!"

"Haha!" Sun Wu smiled and didn't say anything.

Xu Changan's thoughts instantly returned to the question just now. He looked at Sun Wu and asked, "Sir, I would like to ask you about the [Patrol Officer of the River Outside the Palace]. Is that convenient?"

Sun Wu said, "You ask!"

"Oh!" Xu Changan sat upright and said solemnly, "May I ask, Master, what kind of official is the [Patrol Officer of the River Outside the Palace] in the underworld?"

Sun Wu put down the bamboo slips in his hand and said, "The underworld is a special place. It connects all realms and specializes in absorbing and cleansing the ghosts of all living things!"

"After the death of all living things below the Taiyi Golden Immortal, their souls will be attracted by the power of the six reincarnations and walk into the underworld. First enter In hell, they cleanse their own karma, then go to the Naihe Bridge, drink Mengpo soup, cross the Yellow Springs, and finally enter reincarnation! "

"However, there are always some powerful creatures. Although they die, their own strength is enough to resist the pull of the six reincarnation forces. In order to avoid the cleansing of hell and the bowl of yellow soup on the Naihe Bridge, they will choose to cross the Yellow Springs, and then enter reincarnation with their past life memories and karma, or stay in the underworld. This is of course not allowed! "

"The so-called [Patrol Officers outside the Palace] patrol the four directions on the Yellow Springs, and kill all those self-righteous powerful souls, so that they will never be reincarnated! "

Xu Changan nodded.

He was also enlightened.

There are actually powerful people who can resist the power of reincarnation after death and go to the underworld on their own.

It's against the sky!

"Hehe..." Sun Wu looked at Xu Changan, smiled, and said, "If we meet in the underworld someday, and I encounter your soul while patrolling the river, I will let you pass once for the sake of the cause and effect of today's relationship!"

Xu Changan sneered and said, "I'm afraid there will be no such opportunity!"

Sun Wu took a sip of water and smiled without saying anything!

"Sir, I have another question!" Xu Changan looked at Sun Wu.

Sun Wu said, "You have so many questions. Go ahead. This is the last one!"

"Hey!" Xu Changan said, "That... I'm curious. Yan Jun is in the underworld and we are in the world. How did he know you?"

Sun Wu smiled and said, "Dream!"

Xu Changan's mouth curled up instantly. He said in disbelief, "Dream... You... My God, how can you be sure that this dream is true?"

Sun Wu looked at Xu Changan and said, "I have already answered your last question. Can I not answer this one?"

"Ma Fu, Wujiang, Feng Ping, you three come here!"

Sun Wu said he would not answer. He stretched his head and looked outside, and shouted to the other three disciples.

Ma Fu and the other two ran into the house sweating profusely.

They were just practicing puppet soldiers in the backyard!

"Master..." The three of them bowed and saluted.

Sun Wu waved his hand and said, "Everyone sit down... The master has something to arrange!"

"Wujiang!" He looked at Wujiang first and said, "From today on, you will leave Zhibing Hall and return to Yue Palace. I have already made an agreement with your father to let you follow him to learn how to govern the country. Don't leave your father's side!"


He stared at Wujiang.

Wujiang was stunned: "No... Master, I still have to study in Zhibing Hall, I..."

"Asshole!" Sun Wu's face was unprecedentedly stern: "Have you forgotten your identity?"

"Yes!" Wujiang's huge body sat down in frustration.

"Ma Fu!" Sun Wu looked at Ma Fu: "You follow Xu Changan and go to Mogan Mountain. Let's go now, go quickly..."


Xu Changan and Ma Fu stood up, bowed and left.

Just as he reached the door, Sun Wu said again: "Wait... Ma Fu... Do you still remember what I told you yesterday?"

Ma Fu bowed to Sun Wu and said: "Disciple remembers!"

"Repeat it!" Sun Wu's tone was unquestionable.

Ma Fu said: "Master, let me spend my life writing books, preaching and answering questions, or working as a staff member and consulting on secrets; I must not be a general or a commander, marching thousands of miles!"

"Okay, okay..." Sun Wu waved his sleeves: "Let's go!"

Xu Changan took Ma Fu and left Zhibing Hall!

"Master!" Feng Ping looked at Sun Wu: "What about me?"

Sun Wu smiled and said: "You stay, you are the only one around me... I still expect you to take care of me in my old age!"

"Hey!" Feng Ping smiled immediately, very happy and bright.

Only Wujiang on the side had a bitter face.

Sun Wu waved his hand and let Feng Ping leave. Wujiang and him were the only two left in the hall.

" can leave now, and you don't need to come to Zhibing Hall to see me anymore!"

"Master!" Wujiang's eyes were filled with tears, and he knelt down in front of Sun Wu, saying: "Master...I have been depressed and uneasy for ten years!"

"Oh?" Sun Wu turned his head: "Tell me about it!"

Wujiang said: "Ten years ago, my junior brothers and I went to Xu Fu to have our fortunes told, and Xu Fu said...she said...I am the king who will lose the Kingdom of Yue!"

"What?" Sun Wu's hands trembled, and he said: "Did she really say that?"

"Yes!" Wujiang nodded.

Sun Wu also nodded and said: "Alas...I didn't expect it to be so soon...In fact, the general trend of the world has become clear, and the demise of the Kingdom of Yue is only a matter of time. Wujiang, don't be sad...Even if the Kingdom of Yue is really destroyed by the Kingdom of Chu one day, it is not your responsibility!"

"The times made it so, and it was not a one-time thing!"

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