Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 500 [Yuhang Sword Tomb, a Sword Collapses the Mountain]

"When will the Sword Tomb be opened?"

On a carriage pulled by a puppet horse on the wide street of Moling City, Ma Fu looked at Xu Changan and asked.

Xu Changan said: "I don't know either. The master didn't tell us, but told us to hurry over!"

The puppet carriage moved very fast, and in one stick of incense, it arrived at the teleportation hall.

This Mogan Mountain is located in Yuhang County of Yue State!

It is quite a distance away from Moling City. If you want to go there, the fastest way is naturally to take the teleportation array.

But when Xu Changan arrived at the teleportation hall and took a look, his forehead suddenly turned black: queue.

There are too many people, all heading to Yuhang County.

Needless to say, these people are all thinking about going to Mogan Mountain. Some want to find the sword, and some want to understand the sword.

"What should we do?" Ma Fu said: "If we queue up, I'm afraid it will take two days to get our turn!"

Every time the teleportation array teleports, it has to wait for a cooling period of half an incense stick of time.

Very slow.

"Too slow!" Xu Changan said, "Let's go by the immortal boat!"

The two got on the carriage again and went out of the south gate of Moling City, and then Xu Changan sacrificed a huge flying boat.

This immortal boat was purchased at the Yanbei Chamber of Commerce in Jidu before going to the Ashura Holy Land.

It's very fast!

"Ka Ka Ka..." Xu Changan put all the spirit stones into the spirit stone slot of the immortal boat.

The flying boat turned into a beam of light and swept across the sky, heading towards Yuhang County.

"This flying boat is so fast!" Ma Fu came to the control console on the deck with a curious look on his face, and said with a smile: "Junior brother, can I control it?"

"Of course!" Xu Changan gave the control console to Ma Fu, and after giving him some pointers, Ma Fu could control it very well.

It's better to have someone control the immortal boat.

Xu Changan flopped and lay on the deck, looking up at the azure void.

Ma Fu said while controlling the flying boat: "Junior brother... I heard that it is best to bring a good sword when entering Mogan Mountain. Are you ready?"

Xu Changan's brows frowned immediately.

Mogan Mountain is a mountain full of sword spirit. It is said that there are swords like rain on it.

These swords were brought up the mountain by the monks in the past.

After countless years of accumulation, it has become a vast sea of ​​swords, lingering over the sky of Mogan Mountain every day!

So I don't know when it started, a rule was formed on Mogan Mountain: you can't go up the mountain without a sword.

If you want to go up the mountain, you must first sacrifice the sword at the entrance.

And after the sword sacrifice, the sword will stay on the mountain.

Of course, if you have the opportunity, you can also bring back a sword left by the predecessors. As for whether the quality is good or bad, whether it is a loss or a profit, it depends on your own opportunity.

"I am not a sword cultivator!" Xu Changan said: "So I didn't refine any swords, but I should have this thing!"

After killing so many monks, it is impossible that there is not even a sword to show off, right?

Xu Changan separated a trace of his divine consciousness and merged it into the storage space.

Golden talisman space, bracelet, ring.

He looked through several spaces, and then a sword fell beside Xu Changan.

Sword name: Zhantian!

Quality: Top-grade magic weapon, 23 layers of restrictions.

"Let me think about it..." Xu Changan held the sword and thought for a long time, and finally remembered: "Shuanghuan Taoist..."

In the Zhenwu Jedi, the Yuanying period Shuanghuan Taoist relied on his high cultivation to kill Xu Changan halfway and wanted to plunder the immortal spring water on him. He had a pair of yin and yang double rings, and another treasure was this Zhantian sword.

And he used a magical power of [Zhantian Nine Swords], which was quite powerful.

Of course, later, Shuanghuan Taoist was honored to become the first ghost head in Xu Changan's Seven Evil Ghost Banner. Now, he is considered the ghost king in this ghost banner.

"This sword is good!" Ma Fu said, "What level is it?"

Xu Changan said, "23 layers of restrictions, a top-grade magic weapon!"

"Hiss, hiss, hiss..." Ma Fu said, "This level is too high!"

"Is it one of the top ten famous swords? Does it have a name?"

Xu Changan said, "It's called the Heaven-Slaying Sword..."

When this name was mentioned, Xu Changan's forehead immediately darkened: I really don't know what these swordsmiths are thinking. They have to give it a name like [Heaven-Slaying Sword]. Isn't this just asking the Heaven to slap their faces?

There's something wrong with their brains.

Ma Fu said, "It's not one of the top ten famous swords!"


Xu Changan nodded and said, "The people of Yue are pursuing the way of swordsmanship, but they have actually lost sight of the main goal!"

"The way of swordsmanship seeks the sword's meaning, not the sword itself!"

"For a true master of swordsmanship, the sword is just a tool to add icing on the cake!"

Xu Changan took a deep breath, looked at the azure sky, and said, "Brother, let me let you taste my sword!"

In the past ten years, Xu Changan did not waste his time in Zhibing Hall.

He did not practice in seclusion, but he accomplished two great things.

The first was to comprehend the sword.

He swallowed the Condensing Sword Pill containing the [Pure Sword Intention] and [Zhenwu Sword Intention] in his hand, and then comprehended the sword intention for ten years.

The second was to comprehend the magical power.

In ten years, he also comprehended the magical power of the [Thunder Spear].

Although he has not yet cultivated to the level of being able to penetrate the heavens and the earth, he can still make lightning surge with a thought and turn it into a 10-foot-long spear.

The magical power of the Thunder Spear was learned from a piece of bone he exchanged for his [Sharp Gold Black Yellow Finger] at the trade fair.

This magical power is very strong, even more powerful than the Sharp Gold Black Yellow Finger, but it does not have a proper name.

The so-called [Thunder Spear] is not the name of this magical power.

"Okay!" Ma Fu nodded excitedly: "Let me see how powerful your first golden elixir under the Nascent Soul is!"


Xu Changan laughed, and the golden spiritual power in his body surged out.


In his hand, the three-foot green sword instantly turned into a ten-foot size under the excitement of infinite magic power.

On the giant sword, there were another series of powerful sword intents.

This sword intent is not Chunjun sword intent, nor is it Zhenwu sword intent.

It is Xu Changan's own sword intent after combining Zhenwu sword intent and Chunjun sword intent.

The rule power of this sword intent is very weak, but the energy power is extremely strong.


Xu Changan roared, and the giant sword in his hand instantly flew into the sky, and then slashed down to the ground.

The ten-zhang-long sword drove the hundred-zhang-long sword shadow and suddenly fell on a mountain in front of him.


The huge force broke a corner of the mountain!

There was no way!

The mountain was too big, and Xu Changan's power was not enough to destroy the mountain and the sea.

Xu Changan put away his magical powers, looked at the horse on the deck of the flying boat and asked: "How is it?"

The horse said: "Its power is great but the way is small!"

Xu Changan laughed.

That's right!

The power is great, but the way is small.

Although Xu Changan has been comprehending the sword since he set foot in Yue State, it's a pity that he has not made much progress in the sword.

On the one hand, it is because the time for comprehending the sword is too short and the understanding of the sword is too shallow.

On the other hand, it is because of the lack of time and place.

He does not have that kind of mutated sword spirit root, so the speed of comprehending the sword is very ordinary.

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