Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 507 [The world does not need people with great luck]

More than seven hundred steps!

There are very few people!

There are not many people on the dozen steps in front and behind.

Only the step where Xu Changan is located has many people.

There are four Qin people, him and Huang Xie, a total of six people.

"I am Ying Xuan from Qin!" Ying Xuan stood up, bowed to Huang Xie, and then said with a smile: "Meet the Lord Ling Yin of Chu!"

The Ling Yin of Chu is like the prime minister of other countries.

"Well..." Huang Xie sat on the steps, glanced at Ying Xuan lightly, did not salute, just waved his sleeves slightly, and said: "It's still a member of the Qin royal family!"

Although one of the four people opposite him has the same cultivation as him, Huang Xie is not afraid.

He is the Ling Yin of a big country. Although his Xuanmen cultivation is only in the Yuanying period, he has the incense luck of the Ling Yin of a big country. After the incense luck is added, he can instantly compare to the peak of the refining period.

In this world, except for the old immortals in the refining period, no one can be taken seriously by Huang Xie.

Just four Yuanying, they can be killed with a single move.

Of course, he was not sure whether the royal family named Ying Xuan also had the luck of incense.

But it didn't matter, even if they did, it would not be stronger than his luck of Ling Yin.

"Yes!" Ying Xuan said respectfully: "When you accompanied the current Chu State Kaolie Emperor to my Great Qin as a hostage, I saw your demeanor from afar. You argued with reason in the court of my Qin State, and all the ministers of my Great Qin were convinced. You are really elegant and romantic, and you are also a pillar of the country!"

"Well!" Huang Xie did not have a good impression of Ying Xuan because of his boasting, but smiled coldly: "You don't have to flatter me!"

"Tell me, why are you four waiting for me here?"

Huang Xie is not stupid!

It is understandable that the four Qin people advance and retreat together, but it is not normal that they deliberately wait for Huang Xie at this critical moment.

"Senior, you are wrong!"

Ying Xuan bowed to Huang Xie and said, "The person I am waiting for is not you... but this person!"

While speaking, Ying Xuan turned around and looked at Xu Changan.

His eyes were clear and there was a slight smile on his face.

He looked gentle.

Xu Changan's eyes shrank slightly, and he instinctively felt a hint of danger from the other person. He didn't think that a stranger could have any good feelings towards him.

"Lord Ling Yin, you may not know yet, the person next to you is the envoy of Yan State to Yue State, the only person with great luck in the world, Xu Changan!"

The other party revealed his identity in one sentence.

Huang Xie also looked at Xu Changan with surprise, and suddenly a trace of joy appeared in his eyes, saying: "It turns out to be you... Hahaha..."

"I said, with a mere land of Yue, how could such a romantic figure be born? I didn't expect that you are Xu Changan!"

"I have heard of your name!"

Huang Xie's face looked to be in his twenties, but he kept calling himself "old man", which made people feel a little absurd and funny.

Xu Changan was not surprised that Qin knew he was the envoy of Yue.

Before, his identity had always been well hidden, but later he entered the court of Yue, fought with the envoy of Qi, and worshipped the Emperor of Yue as his teacher, so Xu Changan's identity could not be hidden naturally.

I believe that Yue must have many scouts of Qin.

"I don't know why you are looking for me?"

Xu Changan looked at the four Yuanying in front of him, and his heart was extremely cautious. His mind communicated with the golden talisman space and the Zhenwu Jinmu Axe, and the blood in his body surged, and the [Asura Plate] was also in a state that could be activated at any time.

In a word, when you want to defend, you can defend at any time, and then escape.

Facing four great Yuanyings alone, he is still very self-aware.

He will definitely not be able to beat them.

Can he escape?

But it is still ambiguous.

"Hehe..." Ying Xuan laughed and said, "Xu Daoyou, don't be so nervous. We are not here to find you. We just met you by chance. We are happy to see you and want to discuss the principles of cultivation with you, Xu Daoyou!"

"My Majesty once asked the sky: How can I achieve immortality?"

"Xu Daoyou, as a person with great luck and knowledge of ancient and modern times, do you know?"

Ying Xuan looked at Xu Changan.

Before Xu Changan spoke, Huang Xie sat down on the steps and said, "This is an eternal topic that is talked about with relish. Cultivation... immortality... hehe..."

Xu Changan also fell into contemplation for a while.

He thought for a moment and said, "Sorry, I don't know how to live forever!"

"But I think that only by seizing the fortune of heaven and earth and exploring the truth of the great way can one see immortality, right?"

"Well said!" Ying Xuan sighed deeply and said, "Seizing the fortune of heaven and earth and exploring the truth of the great way, if one cultivates to this level, then one can definitely break through the void and ascend to become an immortal, right?"

Xu Chang'an looked at the sky and did not answer.

Ying Xuan asked again, "May I ask, fellow Daoist Xu, can a person with great luck like you eventually ascend to become an immortal?"

Xu Chang'an turned his head and said, "If you want to talk about the Tao, then talk about the Tao. Why are you so aggressive? Why do you have to ask me?"


Ying Xuan laughed and said, "Okay... Then I'll change my method. I, the Great Qin Emperor, want to emulate the Zhou Emperor, destroy the six kingdoms and clean up the universe, and combine the luck of the world into one. With the blessing of such luck, can I break through the limit of heaven and man and ascend to become an immortal?"

When this sentence came out, both Xu Changan and Huang Xie trembled in their hearts.

Qin State, indeed, has the intention of annexing the world.

"Hehe..." Huang Xie said; "Qin State's ambition is really big, hehe, hehe...!"

"But how can you, with the power of just one country, fight against the princes of the world?"

"I don't know!" Ying Xuan replied lightly, and looked at Xu Changan again: "This sentence was asked by His Majesty the Great Qin, let me relay it to Xu Changan..."

"Xu Changan, what do you think?"

Xu Changan said: "Even the Zhou Emperor did not achieve immortality, can the Qin Emperor achieve immortality?"

This question was very contemptuous.

And Xu Changan's answer was hidden in this question.

How powerful was the Zhou Emperor in those days? He gathered the power of billions of incense in the world by himself, and cut off the twelve dragon veins in the world to cut off the luck of the Xuanmen and bless himself.

Such a plan could not break through the limit of heaven and man.

You, a mere Qin Emperor, who are you?

However, Ying Xuan was not angry. Instead, he looked at Xu Changan with a smile and said, "What the Zhou emperor could not do, I, the Qin emperor, may not be unable to do!"

"Your Majesty said that the princes of the world are nothing but chickens and dogs!"

"Once Yan Qi collapses, who in this world can stop my Qin cavalry?"

"The only thing that can stop my Qin emperor from asking for immortality is you, the Xuanmen monks!"

"What does this have to do with me?" Xu Changan smiled coldly and said, "I'm just a golden elixir!"


Ying Xuan shook his head and said, "Your Majesty said that this world does not need people with great luck."

"You... should not exist!"

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