Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 508 [Yin Yang Treasure Mirror, Fifth-grade Formation]

Xu Changan was not a fool. When the other party said, "The world does not need people with great luck," he retreated with a bang.

The place where everyone was standing was a thousand-foot sword ladder.

If you climb the mountain without understanding the sword meaning, there is a high probability that you will be killed or seriously injured by the sword energy here.

Therefore, Xu Changan could not move forward.

He could only retreat!

And he did not have teleportation.

Because teleportation requires a very short casting time.

If the other party forcibly interfered, not only would he not be able to leave, but he would miss the opportunity to leave.

So for Xu Changan, the best way to escape is to retreat violently and leave.

After pulling a little distance, retreat or think of other ways.


He had countless calculations in his mind in an instant, but the four Yuanyings of the Daqin on the opposite side were not fools.

With intentional calculations, he would naturally not fall behind.

Seeing Xu Changan fleeing, the four men not only did not chase him, but the leader Ying Xuan even showed a smile.


He shouted softly.

Xu Changan, who had retreated a hundred steps, suddenly saw a green light column rising up under his feet.

Then, ten feet away, another black light column flew up.

The two thick light columns entangled the power of the rules of heaven and earth, disturbing this piece of space.

At this moment, Xu Changan could not feel any rules of heaven and earth.


His eyes shrank slightly.

In other words, these two light columns actually have the same effect as the Seven Evil Ghost Banners, and can cover the rules of heaven and earth in a void?

Then continue to escape!

Just as Xu Changan put a Jueying Talisman on his leg and prepared to speed up his escape, the space around the two lights suddenly rotated.

With Xu Changan as the center, a Tai Chi diagram with a diameter of more than a hundred feet began to spin wildly.

And the two light columns were the two fish eyes of the Tai Chi diagram, one yin and one yang.

It was impossible to get out at this time.

This is a big formation.

A big formation that was set up in advance!

What to do?


Now, only by breaking this big formation can we escape.

If we are trapped, it will be very passive.

Originally, Xu Changan had no chance of winning against four Yuanying alone. Now they have added a trap formation, how can he win?

So, break the formation first.

Without thinking, Xu Changan waved his hand and took out six [Swallowing Talismans].

These six swallowing talismans once swallowed the Nine Heaven-Slaying Swords of the Double Ring Taoist in [Zhenwu Jedi].

It was a peak attack of a Yuanying stage powerhouse.

Although there was no power of rules, these six attacks turned into one attack on a point in this big formation, and the destructive power was very considerable.


Even if six Yuanying stage attacks fell on one point at the same time, they still failed to break the formation.

Outside the formation, the four Yuanying of Qin State, led by Ying Xuan, looked at the Yin-Yang formation and Xu Changan in the formation leisurely, without any hurry!

There was no need for them to panic.

Because they knew that Xu Changan would never be able to escape from this formation.

"This is..."

Huang Xie, who was next to the four Yuanying, narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "Xu Changan, this is the Yin-Yang Treasure Mirror. Take a look. Are there two treasure mirrors under the two light pillars?"

Xu Changan could also hear Huang Xie's words in the formation.

He took a deep breath and walked to the light pillar.

And as if someone was controlling it, the treasure mirror at the bottom of the light pillar slowly floated up, three feet off the ground.

Xu Changan looked closely and found that it was indeed a treasure mirror.

One black and one white, two mirrors, no one knew what materials they were made of, but the treasure mirror emitted a magnificent light, like a pillar rushing straight into the sky.

And the light in the light pillar was combined in the form of energy in the void, forming a huge trap formation.

"That's right!" Ying Xuan put his hands behind his back and walked slowly down the steps, step by step towards Xu Changan. As he walked down, he said lightly: "My ancestors of the Great Qin were the shepherds of the Western Rong for the Zhou Emperor. This [Yin Yang Treasure Mirror] was given by the emperor when he was canonized. The two mirrors are yin and yang, and they are combined into Tai Chi, which can instantly burst out the fifth-grade formation [Yin Yang Tai Chi Locking Dragon Formation]."

"This formation not only blocks the world, but also has the ability to block rules!"

"Don't say that you are just a golden elixir. Even if a cultivator in the God Transformation Stage comes, he will have to surrender obediently!"

"Xu Changan, don't waste your strength!"

"You can't break this formation, and you can't escape!"

As he spoke, Ying Xuan had already arrived outside the fifth-grade formation with a radius of 100 feet.

He looked at Xu Changan in the formation and said: "Hand over the golden elixir in your body, follow me to the west into the Great Qin, and I will guarantee your life!"

Xu Changan sneered: Hand over the golden elixir in your body.

If a Jindan-stage cultivator loses his Jindan, it means that all his hundreds of years of hard work will be wasted and he will have to start all over again.

If he hands over his Jindan now, he will be a weakling who is not even as good as the first level of the Qi Refining Stage.

"Absolutely not?" Huang Xie shouted, "Xu Changan, don't listen to his nonsense. The Emperor of Qin wants to unify the world, so he tricked you into going to Western Qin and then sacrificed you to the fate of the Qin Dynasty. If this is the case, the world is in danger!"

"Lord Ling Yin!"

Ying Xuan suddenly turned his head, like a general scolding his soldiers, and shouted at Huang Xie: "Don't forget your promise to the Emperor of Qin, don't forget Yan, Ying, and I, Qin Do you think General Bai Qi's million-strong army wants to destroy Chu?"

"Qin has an army of tens of millions. In a matter of days, they can reach the Huai River and defeat the city of Shouchun."

"Could it be that your Chu State is moving its capital again?"

Huang Xie's face turned blue, red, and purple.

He closed his eyes and clenched his right hand tightly, digging his nails into his flesh.

A drop of blood seeped out from between his fingers.

How many years has it been?

Think about it thousands of years ago, the only big countries in the world were Chu and Jin!

Five hundred years ago, the only major countries in the world were Chu and Qin.

But now, after the Battle of Yan and Ying a hundred years ago, Yandu and Yingdu were successively captured by the Qin army, and Chu had to move its capital again and again.

Today's Chu State, although it still ranks among the princes with tens of thousands of soldiers, even though the fate of the country is still swaying thousands of miles away.

However, it has forever lost the capital to compete with Great Qin.

Huang Xie's eyes suddenly opened again.

He smiled and said: "Xu Changan...I can't help you anymore!"

Xu Changan nodded: "It doesn't matter!"

Huang Xie added: "The Yin-Yang Treasure Mirror is the center of the fifth-grade formation. If you want to break this formation, you must first break one of the Yin-Yang Treasure Mirrors. If the treasure mirror is broken, the formation will naturally not be attacked. Self-destruction.”

"Thank you, senior!"

Xu Changan waved his hand and took out a few more talismans.

They are all Devouring Talismans.

Back in Zhenwu Jedi, there was only one double-circle Taoist who contributed more than twenty devouring talismans to him.

After using it one after another before, Xu Changan now threw all the remaining talismans at the black mirror.

At the same time, Xu Changan also used his Asura Compass to prevent the aftermath of these explosions from affecting himself.

He also used his spiritual thoughts to communicate with the Yu Dao Shenma used by Uncle Qingxu, ready to communicate with the power of the rules of heaven and earth at any time and teleport away.

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