Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 509 [Ma Fu transmits sound, breaking the formation with formation]

The Qin people, especially the Qin royal family, are tall, often more than twice the height of the other six countries.

For them, a height of 150 feet is just ordinary.

So when the four Qin Yuanyings set up the fifth-grade formation, many cultivators on the steps were frightened and retreated, running all the way down from a height of 600 to 700.

Countless people followed and ran down.

Especially those disciples in the Jindan and foundation-building stages, who had low cultivation and did not know what happened, followed the crowd.

Ma Fu also ran!

He followed the crowd down without making a sound.

While Ying Xuan, Xu Changan and Huang Xie were talking above, he had already reached the bottom of the thousand-foot sword ladder.

Then he retreated to the side as if nothing had happened, and disappeared in the sea of ​​people in a blink of an eye.

Ma Fu returned to the place where he first entered the sword tomb.

This is a vast bamboo forest!

Except for the sword bamboo at the door, the rest are all ordinary bamboos.

Without saying anything, Ma Fu took a step forward and hid deep in the bamboo forest.


Seven or eight talismans burst out from the black treasure mirror.

Sword Qi and energy burst out one after another!

The powerful fluctuations shook the entire formation of a hundred feet in radius.

Countless energy reflections and impacts fell on the three-foot-sized blood-red Asura disk in front of Xu Changan, blowing Xu Changan and the Asura disk away directly.

It hit the barrier of the fifth-grade trapped formation heavily.

At the collision, runes flickered and light shone.

When Xu Changan put away the Asura disk and looked at the black treasure mirror again, a ray of despair rose in his heart.

I saw that the two mirrors were suspended in the void at a height of several feet, and they were not shaken at all.

"A clown!" Ying Xuan looked at the hundred-foot-long cage in front of him and Xu Chang'an in the cage, with a scornful smile in his eyes: "This formation was given by the Emperor Zhou back then. If it can be easily broken by a small Jindan-stage cultivator like you, wouldn't it be a disgrace to the origin of this treasure?"

"Xu Chang'an, stop doing futile things!"

"I told you, this formation may not be broken even by an old monster in the God Transformation Stage!"

"You'd better surrender obediently!"

"Hand over the Jindan, and I'll spare your life!"

"Otherwise, when the killing move of this formation is used, you will be turned into meat paste!"

Inside the formation!

Xu Chang'an's eyes narrowed slightly, and his consciousness turned wildly.

He went through all his wealth.

Devouring Talisman!

Unable to break the formation!

Then it is conceivable that magical powers cannot break the formation!

Try this!

"Boom..." Xu Changan waved his hand, and a thick dark red axe appeared in the formation and fell forward suddenly.

The void trembled, and the energy spun.

But it was useless!

The power of the axe's attack still couldn't shake the formation at all.

"Thunder spear... fall..."

A 10-foot-long thunder spear was stabbed out by him!


Nine suns patrolled the sky, and nine suns fell to the ground one after another.


Taiyi's golden eyes of breaking barriers and reincarnation opened, with violent fire spirit power.


None of them could break through!

Xu Changan also calmed down.

Can he break the formation?


He still has a killer.

When Uncle Qingxu ascended to heaven, he gave him a secret and a treasure.

It was a black umbrella.

The umbrella had been lying in Xu Changan's golden talisman space and had never been opened.

Qingxu said that year: open it when you meet a fairy.

So Xu Changan thought that this should be a weapon that can fight against immortals.

I can fight against immortals, so why can't I do anything to your fifth-grade formation?

But... this thing can't be moved.

Because Qingxu said: open when encountering immortals.

If there is no immortal, I open it in advance, and the future path or practice will be ruined.

What to do?

"Good boy... you are worthy of being a person with great luck!" Ying Xuan outside the formation looked at Xu Changan in amazement, and then said: "You actually have so many peerless magical powers. Not only did you cultivate the fire spirit root, but you also cultivated the thunder spirit root and the gold spirit root?"

"Amazing, amazing!"

"But... hehe..." Ying Xuan smiled: useless.

Although the magical power is powerful, you are too weak.

Can't break the formation.

"Xu Changan..." Ying Xuan said solemnly: "I will give you one last stick of incense to think about it!"

"After one stick of incense, I will stop asking questions and kill you directly!"

After saying that, Ying Xuan, who was at the eighth level of the Nascent Soul, closed his eyes directly.

Xu Changan heard his words, but did not respond.

He was not at the end of his rope yet.

"Cut..." He shouted loudly.

The ten-foot-high red lotus fire instantly turned into a red spear, carrying a huge force, and stabbed the formation fiercely.


No effect.

Let's put it this way.

Xu Changan's magical powers and attack power are all at the same level.

They are roughly equivalent to the attack of the Nascent Soul stage.

Naturally, it is impossible to cause damage to this formation.

He put away the fire and frowned again.

What other means are there?

Taiyi True Water?

If Taiyi True Water is released and thrown into this formation, with the power of Taiyi True Water, it should be possible to tear this formation directly.

In this way, the formation is broken, but the Taiyi True Water is about to escape.

It was impossible for Xu Changan to control it.

Although this idea is good, the key point is that it is not feasible.

Because today's Taiyi True Water is in the small world, it is not that simple for Xu Changan to take this thing out of the small world.

Very laborious.

It will definitely not be completed in a while.

We also need to use the [Xuanyuan Water Control Formation] to drive them away.

Buzz buzz...

Just at this time!

A concentric talisman on Xu Changan's body suddenly flickered.

He took a closer look and saw that it was the concentric talisman from the horse uniform.

Horse clothes?

Take it out quickly.

On the concentric talisman, a line of writing appeared: Xu Changan, use the formation to break the formation. I have already arranged the receiving end of the thing I used when I destroyed the Qi envoy.

Seeing this line of words, an imperceptible smile appeared on Xu Changan's lips.

Got it!

Why didn't I think of this method?

When he and Ma Fu first entered the sword tomb, they had said that there was a "Questioning Heart Sword Forest" in the sword tomb. There was a trace of the true sword intention wandering in the "Questioning Heart Sword Forest", questioning every swordsman. In his heart, when a monk passes through this place, it is very easy for him to lose his way and lose himself.

There is also the possibility of falling into a demonic barrier.

Therefore, in order to help each other, Xu Changan made an emergency teleportation array. At both ends of the teleportation array, he held the transmitting end, while Ma Fu held a receiving end in his hand.

Once the horse server encounters an emergency, he can instantly teleport to the horse server through this teleportation array.

But he never expected that Wenxin Jianlin would use this teleportation array before he arrived.

The teleportation array can definitely relieve the current predicament.

Xu Changan took out his Seven Evil Ghost Flag and thrust it into the ground.


The ghost flag suddenly rose ninety feet high.

Lines of black evil energy spurted out, and the [Tai Chi Yin Yang Locking Dragon Formation] was immediately filled with evil energy and turned completely black.

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