Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 510 [Secretly crossing Chencang, obtaining the treasure mirror]

The black airflow instantly filled the entire hundred-foot-square formation.

From the outside, the entire formation turned black.

However, against the backdrop of this black evil spirit, the runes on the formation light film appeared particularly bright, emitting dazzling nine-color colors, reflecting the thousand-foot sword ladder.

This fifth-grade [Tai Chi Yin Yang Locking Dragon Formation] originally blocked the rules of heaven and earth, and the evil spirit falling from Xu Changan's ghost flag could also block the rules. In this way, Ying Xuan outside could not project his divine thoughts over.

What happened inside was unknown outside.

The four Qin Yuanyings were slightly panicked.

One of them said, "Young Master, this... what should we do?"

Ying Xuan tried to stay calm, then took a deep breath and said, "It's OK, don't worry!"

"This is a treasure bestowed by the emperor on our Qin State. It can trap the God of Transformation. This is just a golden elixir. Why make such a fuss?"

"Don't worry, this person is just making a fuss!"

"Wait for a quarter of an hour, wait for an incense stick of time to pass, and then we will kill him!"

In fact, if Ying Xuan thought, the sooner Xu Changan was killed, the better.

However, he had received an order from the Emperor of Qin before: Xu Changan must not be killed at will, but must be brought back to Qin alive, and then sacrificed to Qin's national destiny with Xu Changan's great destiny. In this way, Qin's national destiny will surely be able to rise to the next level.

"Young Master!" The Yuanying said, "We can't see the situation inside clearly. How about letting the subordinates enter the formation to see what this kid is doing?"

Ying Xuan was still hesitating!

Yuanying said: "Everything should be done for the sake of your majesty's longevity!"

"Okay!" Ying Xuan gritted his teeth and said: "Go in and take a look!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw that the black evil spirit in the fifth-grade formation in front of him suddenly disappeared.

In the middle of the formation with a radius of 100 feet, a high platform suddenly appeared.

Xu Changan stood on the high platform, and the two treasure mirrors, one yin and one yang, were also suspended on the high platform.

All those who looked at the formation were stunned.

What is this?

Xu Changan smiled, stretched out his hand and put the last piece of spirit stone on the altar, and then rolled up the ghost flag in his hand, which was about 10 feet long, and the last trace of evil power in the Tai Chi Yin Yang Locking Dragon Formation was sucked away.

Ying Xuan slapped his forehead and said: "Not good... This is a teleportation formation!"

"Stop him quickly!"


A thick white light column rushed into the sky on the teleportation formation.

The next moment.

A flash of white light!

Xu Changan disappeared.

The two mirrors, one yin and one yang, also disappeared.

Without the mirrors, the [Taiji Yin Yang Dragon Locking Formation] collapsed naturally.

Only a teleportation array platform with a radius of more than ten feet was left at the scene.

"Don't go!" Ying Xuan moved his feet and landed on the teleportation array.

He touched the teleportation array randomly for a few times, and then said: "Open it for me... Open it..."

The subordinate next to him said: "Young Master, after the teleportation array is opened, it will take half an incense stick of time before it can be opened again!"

"No hurry!" Ying Xuan, who was standing on the teleportation platform, was flustered, but pretended to be calm and said: "No hurry... He is just a cultivator in the Jindan period. After half an incense stick of time, I will teleport out... I will definitely catch him!"

"I will definitely find them as long as they leave a little breath!"

"This time I find him, I will kill him directly!"

Ying Xuan narrowed his eyes, and there was a sinister look between his eyebrows.


In the bamboo forest!

A white light flashed on the receiving end of the teleportation array.

Xu Changan was teleported here.

This place is quite far from the thousand-foot sword ladder, so although there is some white light flashing when teleporting here, it is easily obscured by the sunlight and the surrounding sword light.

What's more!

There is another sword river waterfall in the sky above this place.

Therefore, Ying Xuan on the sword ladder naturally cannot detect the situation here.

He didn't expect that the receiving end of the teleportation array was arranged on Mogan Mountain.

Ma Fu was overjoyed when he saw Xu Changan falling down, and said: "Junior brother..."



Two treasure mirrors, one black and one white, also fell in front of Xu Changan.

Xu Changan didn't dare to be careless, picked up the two treasure mirrors and threw them into the small world as soon as possible.

Then he stepped down the teleportation array, and Xu Changan looked at Ma Fu and said, "What the master said is true. You really saved my life this time!"

Ma Fu smiled and said, "Isn't this a coincidence? I just thought of this method. By the way, you should quickly put away the teleportation array now, otherwise I am afraid that the people behind will chase us!"

Xu Changan said, "Don't worry. After each teleportation, the teleportation array has to wait for half an incense stick of time before it can be transmitted again. It is not that fast!"

"Oh!" Ma Fu nodded and asked again, "Junior brother, if you put away this receiving end and someone else teleports over there, what will happen?"

Ma Fu is not a cultivator, but a third-rank national scholar. He usually studies military tactics and does not understand many things about Xuanmen cultivation.

Xu Changan did not answer him immediately, but waved his hand and sacrificed a formation talisman.

The next moment, a fourth-rank illusion array appeared here.

In the bamboo forest, the figures of Xu Changan, Ma Fu and the teleportation array suddenly disappeared.

After setting up the illusion array, Xu Changan breathed a sigh of relief. He waved his hand to collect the receiving end of the teleportation array. He walked to Ma Fu and sat down, saying: "This teleportation array is very powerful. It is a super long-distance teleportation array... Hehehe... If there is no receiving end, the teleported person will be transmitted a million miles away!"

"Of course, a million miles away, if he is lucky, he can land on the ground. If he is unlucky, he may be teleported a million miles underground, and there is only one way to die!"

Even if he is a Yuanying power, running a million miles underground is enough for him to drink a pot.

Ma Fu nodded: "I see!"

"Junior Brother Xu!" After nodding, Ma Fu smiled again and said: "Guess what will happen after the teleportation array resumes its teleportation function?"

"Will the four monks who surrounded you teleport out to chase you, or will they wait for you there?"

He looked at Xu Changan with a smile: "Junior Brother Xu, feel free to guess!"

Xu Changan smiled bitterly and said: "How should I know?"

Ma Fu said: "I guess they will split into two groups, one group will go out through the teleportation array to find you, and the other group will wait there!"


Xu Changan's eyes suddenly became exciting: "Is that so?"

With four people together, I really can't shake you.

But if you split into two groups.


Xu Changan smiled and said: "Senior Brother, wait for me a moment!"


Xu Changan took out a few more array talismans.

He waved his hand and threw them away.

Fourth-grade defense array!

Fourth-grade forbidden god formation!

Fourth-grade early warning formation!

Three large formations rose up around the two of them.

Because there was an illusion formation on the outermost side, the rise of these three large formations did not cause any movement.

With the cover of the four large formations, Xu Changan was relieved to take out the Yin-Yang Treasure Mirror that he had just thrown into the small world.

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