Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 511 [The national treasure returns after it leaves]

"As expected!"

Holding a treasure mirror in each hand, Xu Changan's mind swept through the treasure mirror, and his smile suddenly relaxed on his face, saying: "I guessed right, this treasure is not refined!"

Think about it!

This Yin-Yang Treasure Mirror is not a treasure of a certain person, but belongs to the Qin State.

Theoretically, only the Qin Emperor can refine the treasure of the Qin State.

However, if the Qin Emperor is a pure incense emperor without cultivation, then he will not be able to refine this thing.

He can't refine it, so naturally he will not let others refine the treasure of the Qin State. However, when he asked Ying Xuan to come to Yue State this time, he temporarily gave it to Ying Xuan and asked Ying Xuan to bring it to kill Xu Changan.

Otherwise, as a treasure given by Zhou Tianci to the princes, it can only be used to arrange a fifth-grade formation, which is too shabby.

"What grade?" Ma Fu asked.

Xu Changan said: "There are 31 layers of restrictions on it, it should be a top-grade ancient treasure!"

Ancient treasures are also called holy artifacts.

It is more powerful than magic weapons.

For example, the Netherworld Treasure Lamp in Xu Changan's hand is now a top-grade holy weapon with 31 layers of restrictions.

Unfortunately, Xu Changan's cultivation is too low to bring out the true power of this treasure. If this thing falls into the hands of those old immortals in the Refining Void Stage, it can be turned into a sea of ​​fire of tens of millions of miles and burn down a sect.

For example, the [Yin Yang Treasure Mirror] in front of Xu Changan, if all the restrictions on it are refined, the formation set up in a thought is not as simple as a fifth-grade trapped formation.

It should be able to reach the sixth or seventh grade!

If those cultivators in the combined Mahayana stage get this treasure, they may be able to cast the eighth or ninth grade restrictions in a moment.

But it is impossible for Xu Changan to refine it now.

There is no time!


The only faint divine thought message left on it was erased by Xu Changan.

He didn't have time to study it, so he put it into the golden talisman space again.

Ma Fu said: "I heard that Qin has three national treasures, and this Yin Yang Treasure Mirror is just one of them!"

"Oh!" Xu Changan asked: "I don't know about this, Senior Brother, what are the other two national treasures of the Great Qin?"

Ma Fu said: "The three national treasures of Qin are [Yin Yang Treasure Mirror], [Ming Yi Golden Pagoda] and [Wu Wang Zhen Bow]!"

"This Yin Yang Treasure Mirror can instantly transform into a high-grade trap array!"

"The Ming Yi Golden Pagoda is a nine-story small tower. Once thrown out, it can suppress time and space. It has the function of condensing time and blocking space. It is extremely powerful; it is said that during the reign of Emperor Qin Mu, Princess Nanyue used this tower to suppress the Nine Heavens Dragon and forced the dragon to marry into the Western Qin family! "

"You can imagine its power!"

"As for this Wuwang True Bow, it has never appeared before. Some people say that it is useless. Some people say that this bow is a treasure of incense. It is condensed into arrows with the power of incense. It is invincible and can fall into the Mahayana! "

"As the saying goes, whoever shoots will hit the target, and whoever hits will die!"

"But this bow has never been used easily by the Qin people. There must be some kind of taboo!"

I felt quite comfortable when I got one of the three national treasures of the Qin State.

Xu Changan smiled!

But he also knew that the so-called national treasure could not play the role of stabilizing the country. It was just a name.

Whether a country is strong or not depends on its luck and territory!


At this moment, looking outside through several layers of formations, I saw a green light rising into the sky behind me, like a line piercing the sky.

Xu Changan turned his head and took a look, saying, "Teleportation array!"

Someone activated the teleportation array thousands of feet away.

Unlike the flash of white light at the receiving end, activating the teleportation end of the teleportation array consumes a huge amount of energy, so the energy fluctuations and light that burst out are more than a thousand times stronger, reaching the sky.

The blue-white light column flashed for about three breaths and then disappeared.

"Gone?" Ma Fu stood up excitedly and said, "Junior brother, that person has been teleported away, what should we do?"

Xu Changan stood up with a smile and said, "Of course, we will defeat them one by one, Senior brother, wait for me here for a while."

Xu Changan stepped out of the formation, stretched out his hand and slapped the [Disguise Talisman] on himself for a while, and molded his appearance into that of an ordinary cultivator, and then went to the [Thousand-foot Sword Ladder].


Ying Xuan, who was at the eighth level of the Nascent Soul, took another subordinate at the fourth level of the Nascent Soul and teleported away through the teleportation array teleportation end left by Xu Changan.

In Ying Xuan's opinion, since it was a teleportation array, he could find Xu Changan's location after he came out.

Although Xu Changan might have run far away in the time of half an incense stick, it was not too long after all.

As long as there was a little bit of his breath, as a powerful person in the Nascent Soul stage, Ying Xuan would be sure to catch up with Xu Changan.

However, he never expected that when the teleportation was over, he was in a dark underground.

"Young Master, where is this?" asked the subordinate.

Ying Xuan cursed: "Damn... We were teleported to an underground place, close the air holes on our bodies immediately!"

"It's bad, it's bad, it's bad... This is a non-directional teleportation array!"

"Damn, we were teleported underground!"

The subordinate was also panicked: "What should we do?"

Since they have all reached the Nascent Soul stage, anyone with a little common sense in cultivation knows that this non-directional teleportation array has the opportunity to teleport to all directions at the same time, including underground.

If it goes straight down to the ground, there is no hope of returning to the ground.

"No hurry!" Ying Xuan said: "I have an earth shield talisman on me. Once I can tell the up and down directions, we can escape from the ground!"

The spiritual power in Ying Xuan's body gushed out slightly, and the soil layer around him was squeezed in all directions, forming a space.

The two fell into the space, and it was naturally easy to tell the up and down directions.

"Here..." Ying Xuan pointed to the top of his head and said: "Let's teleport up in the direction of the top of our heads!"

The earth shield talisman was attached to the body, and teleporting in the soil layer was no different from teleporting in the void.

Fortunately, the location where the two were teleported was not particularly deep. After only two incense sticks, they left the ground and rushed out of the ground.

Surrounding them were mountains.

"I can't catch up with you!" Ying Xuan looked at the surrounding terrain and said, "It's a non-directional teleportation array, and the teleportation is random, so we will definitely not meet Xu Changan. Let's go... ask where this place is, and then return to Yuhang County!"

The two Yuanyings didn't dare to teleport, but just flew close to the void.

After another half an incense stick of time, they finally arrived at a town.

"What?" After asking the locals, Ying Xuan was directly confused: "Chu State... Xin'an County?"

"Xin'an County is a border county of Chu State, three counties away from Yuhang County of Yue State. Even if you teleport without stopping and exhausting your spiritual power, it will take half a day!"

"It's really strange, why does this guy have a teleportation array on him?"

"And a super long-distance teleportation array?" Ying Xuan cursed directly!

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