Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 518 [Five Elements Qi Refining, Moving Forward Courageously]

Xu Changan was shocked: No way!

When I was in the Qi Refining Stage, I already had a treasure like a top-grade spiritual weapon.

How come this cultivator is still using a low-grade magic weapon?

No way...

Xu Changan had some incredible thoughts, and his mind swept over the woman: Uh... Qi Refining Stage!

Twelveth level!

Good guy!

She is actually a cultivator in the Qi Refining Stage?

Xu Changan opened his mouth wide.

Like Xu Changan, countless people around him opened their mouths wide.

"Qi Refining Stage?"

"No... How come this guy is a Qi Refining Stage disciple?"

"How did she pass the Sword River Waterfall? Did she sacrifice the sword?"

"Nonsense, can she get in without sacrificing the sword?"

"It's not surprising that there have been Qi Refining Stage disciples in this sword tomb. What I wonder is, how did a Qi Refining Stage disciple climb over the thousand-foot sword ladder?"

Listening to the discussion of the crowd, Xu Changan couldn't help but look back.

Behind him was the thousand-foot sword ladder.

You're right.

How did a low-level cultivator at the twelfth level of Qi Refining climb up?


It's totally unreasonable!

Not to mention Qi Refining, many disciples at the Foundation Establishment stage or even the Golden Core stage can't climb up these thousand-foot steps.

She climbed up?

Against the will of heaven...

Xu Changan took a deep breath. He was sure that although this person was a disciple at the Qi Refining stage, he definitely had an incomparable and against the will of heaven.

Single spiritual root?

Mutated spiritual root?

Or a variant spiritual root?

Xu Changan's divine sense swept over the woman again.

This time, he was even more shocked: Five Elements spiritual roots?

That's right!

This woman has gold, wood, water, fire, and earth.


Xu Changan was speechless.

Of course, it can't be said to be five elements spiritual roots, because Xu Changan can only see these five elements, but can't see the length of the five elements. Naturally, the other five spiritual roots of Thunder, Wind, Ice, Light and Dark are hidden behind the five elements spiritual roots, and he can't see them.

Let's put it this way, this woman, in the best case, has five elements of spiritual roots.

If she's a bit worse, then it's possible that she has six, seven, or eight.

Maybe she has all ten elements like Xu Changan.

How did this guy reach the twelfth level of Qi Refining?

As a cultivator with all ten elements of mixed spiritual roots, Xu Changan knows the taste of it.

How difficult was it for him to go through the Qi Refining period back then?

Others can't understand it.

Now, Xu Changan can't help but look at this plain-looking woman in front of him with a new look.

If she is a disciple of those aristocratic families, even if she has all ten elements of mixed spiritual roots, with the accumulation of countless cultivation resources, she can also touch the twelfth level of Qi Refining, which is not difficult.

All she needs to do is prepare the natural treasures.

But... looking at the sledgehammer of the low-grade magic weapon in the woman's right hand, it is obvious that she doesn't look like a disciple of a master.

Who among the disciples of a master uses low-grade magic weapons to save his life?




They should all be indispensable.

Seeing the tenacity in the eyes of the woman standing in front of the White Bone Road, Xu Changan opened his mouth and gently said two words: "Courage."

Courage is the foundation of pioneering; fearlessness is the key to success.

There are chaotic and unknown ancestors who tried to open up the first Dantian in their bodies without fear of life and death.

There are predecessors who walked alone and chose to fight against fear and thus opened up the first unknown meridian of mankind!

There are unknown sages who risked their bodies to guide the violent spiritual power of heaven and earth into their bodies and condensed the first magical power in the world.

Courage is the most precious quality of human beings.

There is no other.

Smart people live on the road!

Brave people die on the road!

The road can be a road, but the road can never be a road!

"Little girl!" Xu Changan took a deep breath and asked, "Why do you want to go to the White Bone Road when you have to survive a life-threatening situation?"

He looked at the woman.

The woman turned her head and looked over. It was Xu Changan. A trace of respect suddenly rose in her eyes, because she had seen the scene of Xu Changan fighting the four Yuanyings alone from afar.

"Senior!" The woman bowed and said, "Junior has poor talent, it is not easy to practice, and there are not enough resources!"

"So others rely on resources to practice, and juniors can only rely on opportunities to practice!"

"This White Bone Road is a place of death, but it is also an opportunity; for juniors, since the opportunity has come, even if it means death, it cannot be missed!"

Looking at the woman and listening to what the woman just said, Xu Changan thought of his master Minghe again.

Many years ago, he was still a young cultivator in the Qi Refining Stage.

The Blue Sea Secret Realm, which opens once every thirty years in the Taixuan Sect, has opened. The elders on Wanghe Peak all suggested that disciples with a cultivation level above the sixth level of the Qi Refining Stage enter it.

Those who practice below the sixth level do not need to go.

However, Ming He rejected all the opinions. He said that those with good qualifications rely on talent, while those with poor qualifications rely on chance.

We cannot cut off others' chances just because of low cultivation.

Therefore, Xu Changan was able to enter the Secret Realm of the Blue Sea.

"After so many years... How come I have forgotten my master's teachings?" Xu Changan lowered his head and muttered to himself: "Or is it that the higher the cultivation, the more precious life is, and the less courage there is to fight for the great way and move forward?"

"This is the golden elixir!"

"The road to the great way is still far away!"

Just as Xu Changan was thinking about himself, the woman at the twelfth level of Qi Refining had already taken a step forward and walked into the White Bone Road.

The White Bone Road was quiet and silent.

There was no sword intent emanating from the bamboo forests on both sides.

The woman still carefully summoned her sledgehammer and walked forward step by step.

One step!

Two steps!

Three steps!


The sword intent in the bamboo forest finally condensed and turned into a shadow in a black robe, holding a black sword, and slashed at the woman with one sword.


The woman raised the sledgehammer in her hand and blocked it with one hammer.

"This..." Xu Changan's eyes shrank again. He saw that the attack power of this shadow was only around the twelfth level of Qi Refining.

He recalled the situation of the cultivators just now.

The first one, the white-bearded old man, was in the great perfection of the Golden Core Stage. When he passed by, there was nothing. The forest did not launch an attack and he passed by directly.

The second one was a woman in the Jindan stage. When the woman walked into the bamboo forest, she killed herself with the collapse of the sword will in her body.

The third one was in the ninth level of the Yuanying stage. He encountered a big hand.

Now that I think about it carefully, the attack power of that big hand seems to be around the ninth level of the Yuanying stage.

In other words.

The attack of the bamboo forest on the cultivators will not be higher than that of the cultivators themselves.

"Brother!" Xu Changan turned to look at Ma Fu: "You go around, I want to go through this white bone road..."

Xu Changan made up his mind.

"Brother, don't be impulsive!" Ma Fu looked at Xu Changan with some concern, and said: "This white bone road is a bit weird... Don't think too much, the sword that the Yue Emperor wants is probably not here!"

Xu Changan no longer paid attention to Ma Fu. He took a step forward and landed at the entrance of the white bone road, saying: "I came here not just to take the sword!"

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