Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 519 [A battle to win, a situation of certain death]

"Go to hell..."

The stubborn woman let out an angry roar, swung the hammer in her hand and turned into a phantom with a hammer head about ten feet tall, and slammed it towards the black phantom of the swordsman in front of her.


One hammer!

Two hammers!

Three hammers!

Nine hammers in a row!

Each strike is more ferocious than the last.

After waiting for the Nine Hammers, the swordsman's shadow finally couldn't hold on to the woman's power. With a bang, the long sword condensed with black sword energy in his hand shattered.


at the same time!

The sledge hammer in the woman's hand also shattered.

It becomes useless in the blink of an eye.

One person and one shadow, they all became bare-handed men without weapons.

"Ah..." The woman rushed forward, hugged the black shadow without fear, and then bang bang bang...

The fists keep attacking!

At the same time, she even found time to bite the phantom with her teeth.


After a fierce fight, the shadow collapsed.

The woman also sat on the bone path in exhaustion.

She won.

It also broke through.

The cultivation level has crossed the twelfth level of the Qi Refining Stage and directly reached the first level of the Foundation Establishment Stage.

After resting for a few breaths, the woman stood up again, then looked at Xu Changan gratefully, cupped her hands, and walked to the other side of the Bone Road.

The next moment, with countless sighs from the people around him, Xu Changan took a step forward and stepped onto the Bone Path.

Buzz buzz...

Boo hoo hoo…

Xu Changan took three steps and then stood between the bones. He looked around, his spiritual thoughts pouring out like running water, always paying attention.

In the dense bamboo forest around them, countless sword intentions condensed and then dispersed.

Bamboo poles, bamboo branches, bamboo leaves.

Sword intent is everywhere.

There is sword intent everywhere.

He even felt some kind of surging energy in his body echoing the sword intent from the outside world, washing through his body in waves.

Ruoyouruowu vibrations were heard as the sword intent condensed and disintegrated.

At some point!

A giant black bell thirty feet in size suddenly fell from the sky and covered Xu Changan's head.

This weapon is actually not a sword?

Buzz buzz...

Before the giant bell fell, a mysterious and mysterious force came overwhelmingly.

In an instant, all the power of rules within a hundred feet of the surrounding area was cut off!

Xu Changan's eyes narrowed slightly.

He saw that there were about ten more ghost heads coming from the giant black bell.

Jie Jie Jie...

Jie Jie Jie...

This giant bell seems to be the mutated treasure of Xu Changan's Seven Evil Ghost Flags.


Xu Changan was naturally not a vegetarian. When he saw the huge divine bell above his head falling, he raised his right hand and a thunder spear condensed out.


Xu Changan held a zhangjiu thunder spear in his hand and soared into the sky like a bolt of lightning!

Compared with the thirty-foot-long giant bell, his body and the nine-foot-long thunder spear were as small as ants.


Even this small body bursts out with infinite power.

With a bang, the thunder spear touched the giant bell.

The power of thunder and lightning turned into a sea of ​​thunder, enveloping the entire giant bell in it.

The evil spirits of Lei Ke naturally include this ghost.

After three breaths, the thirty-foot-sized bell disappeared into ashes.

The first move!

Xu Changan wins.

However, the battle against Xu Changan was not over.

But it's just beginning.

Because so far, Xu Changan has only seen a giant bell weapon, and has not seen his opponent yet.

Chirp chirp chirp… chirp chirp chirp…

It was like the sound of the trembling sword light circling around Xu Changan.

He stretched out his spiritual thoughts and did not see any opponent.

However, this trembling sound became stronger and stronger.

At some point!


Countless sword intentions finally condensed into an opponent.

A black figure.

The moment he appeared, he punched out.

An unparalleled and powerful shadow of a huge fist suddenly condensed in the void, and then, carrying vast power, it fell on Xu Changan's head.

"Well done!"

Xu Changan was happy and not afraid.

He waved his hand, and the Asura Compass that was sacrificed by blood in his body was activated.

It turned into a defense several feet in size and stood in front of the fist.


The blow from the black fist was so powerful that it knocked Xu Changan and Asura Luopan into the void.

However, Xu Changan was not injured in any way.

"Ju..." This time, the black figure actually spoke, and he shouted: "Nine Swords... Xuntian..."


On the top of the black shadow's head, the phantoms of three giant swords condensed!

Then, two on the chest, two on the back, and two on the feet.

Pfft... Seeing this scene, Xu Changan almost vomited blood.

Just now he was not sure that his opponent was imitating him, but now, he was sure.

Isn't this Nine Swords Survey a replica of Lao Tzu's Nine Days Survey?


The strength gathered in the punch just now seemed to be my magical power [Ruijin Xuanhuang Finger], and the black 30-foot-long bell that this guy took out in the first confrontation was my Seven Evil Ghost Banner. ?

What kind of opponent is this?

This is clearly me.

I understand, this is a battle to win over oneself.

At this moment, Xu Changan finally confirmed his inner thoughts.

Entering the White Bone Path is to defeat yourself.

Only when you win can you get out. If you can't win, then you will die.

"you are not me……"

Xu Changan roared and stood in the void: "Gather for me..."


At the same time, around his body, nine dazzling suns also condensed.

When people outside the White Bone Road saw this scene, they also realized a lot: So that’s it!

It turns out that in this White Bone Path, you can defeat yourself.

No wonder the little guy in the Qi refining stage just met a person in the Qi refining stage.

That was her own reflection.


On the road of bones.

The opponent's nine black giant swords fell towards Xu Changan in succession.

The nine-wheeled giant sun around Xu Changan also flew out and collided with the nine sword energies.

Bang bang bang...

The two collide and dissolve each other.

The unparalleled energy turned into substantial energy waves, spreading out from the White Bone Path to all directions.

The light waves are like water waves.

Nine in total!

Under the powerful blow of the energy wave, the surrounding bamboo poles actually stood firm and unbent, but the bamboo branches swayed and the bamboo leaves above trembled.

Countless sword intentions were blown away, only to come back again in an instant.

The Bone Road and the Bamboo Forest were peaceful again.

Xu Changan's brows wrinkled slightly!

He originally thought that the opponent was not him after all, so when he struck with all his strength, the power of the attack was higher than his.

But Xu Changan was wrong.


This attack is exactly the same!

It can be said that the dark shadow opposite is himself at his peak.

Not to mention winning, if your performance is even slightly less than your peak, then your opponent will gain the upper hand and you will be eliminated.

But how can a person defeat himself at his peak?

This is a problem!

For many people, this is a doomed situation.

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