Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 520 [Sword Dao Magical Power, Breaking Barriers with One Thought]

Xu Changan used the wood-attributed magical power [Tongtian Vine], while the opponent used an almost identical magical power [Tongtian Lock].

This was not the most amazing thing.

The most amazing thing was.

Xu Changan had the Red Lotus Karma Fire!

The opponent also had a Yinming Fire that was almost as powerful as the Red Lotus Karma Fire.

Xu Changan had the Devouring Talisman.

The opponent had the Devouring Sword Intention!

Same function, same effect.

Xu Changan had the Absolute Shadow Talisman, and the opponent could also speed up.

Even Xu Changan's Asura Plate could be simulated by the opponent exactly the same.

Of course, they were not the same treasures, but they were equally powerful.

For example, Xu Changan's Red Lotus Karma Fire was the fairy fire of the fairy world above the Nine Heavens. Except for the Asura clan, it did not exist in the human world, and it was even more impossible for this mere sword tomb to have a fairy fire of this level.

But it didn't matter.

If the level was not enough, the power would make up for it.

As long as the power of the other party's fire was similar, it would be fine.

How could we fight this?

You are fighting with yourself at your peak, isn't that ridiculous?

But even if you say you can't fight, there are always some people who can pass through this white bone road smoothly.

For example, the little girl at the twelfth level of Qi Refining just now, and the old man who passed through first, the old man at the twelfth level of Jindan, who walked through, were not attacked even once!


And what virtue and ability does this bamboo forest have to allow all those who defeat themselves to break through a level.

Or a breakthrough in cultivation!

Or a breakthrough in comprehension.

Or a breakthrough in supernatural power.

And so on.

While fighting, Xu Changan was thinking frantically in his mind.

He was not worried that he would fall.

Because even if he couldn't beat the powerful self, relying on the defense of the Asura disk was more than enough.

However, the truth in this bamboo forest needs to be thought clearly.

In fact, there is no need to think too much, Xu Changan already has a guess in his mind.

The white bone road helps the cultivators who pass through it to break through?


There is no such possibility!

There is no such ability.

It is not the white bone road that helps them break through.

The Bone Path is just the Bone Path, a tool to simulate the intruder.

The real breakthrough is not the Bone Path, but oneself.

Moreover, it is not because of passing the Bone Path that one breaks through.

Rather, only by breaking through can one defeat oneself.

That's right!

A person can never defeat himself at his peak, unless he breaks through after entering the Bone Path, while the opponent's image does not break through.

In this way, he can defeat it and finally walk out of the bamboo forest.

It's that simple.

You can break through in cultivation, in mana, or in magical powers.

Any one of them will do.

As long as one of them is broken, you will be stronger than your peak self before.

Only in this way can you defeat yourself.

Then understand it!

Xu Changan waved his hand, took out a tea leaf of enlightenment from the storage space, and put it in his mouth.

The other party suddenly took out a black leaf and put it in his mouth.

Xu Changan smiled.

You can put in the tea leaf of enlightenment, but can you understand it?


Xu Changan punched out with both fists and slammed hard.

The other side greeted with two palms.

The four hands slammed together.


At the same time, the golden light in Xu Changan's eyes flashed.

The Taiyi Breaking Barrier Reincarnation Golden Eyes opened.

The golden light carried the power of thunder and lightning and the power of karma fire, and slammed into the opponent's eyes.

The opponent was certainly not a vegetarian. There was also black light flying out of his eyes, which slammed into Xu Changan's golden light.

The same evenly matched, no one was better.

However, Xu Changan smiled and said, "I have a sword, can you block it?"

"Sword River Waterfall..."

Xu Changan roared!

Then, countless sword intents suddenly burst out in the void, and the energy in his body gushed out crazily.

In an instant, hundreds of dense sword shadows condensed, and then fell from the sky like a river, waterfalls fell.

It fell directly on the top of the phantom's head.

Ding ding ding...

Sword River Waterfall.

At the beginning, when Xu Changan was offering swords outside the sword tomb of Mogan Mountain, he saw the spectacular flying sword waterfall in the void and was shocked to think: If he could comprehend such a large-scale sword power, it would definitely be extraordinary.

Later, Xu Changan crossed the thousand-foot sword ladder and comprehended all kinds of complicated sword intents.

This idea was built even stronger in his mind.

Of course, it was just a final step.

Now that he was pressed by the power of the White Bone Road, he instantly became clear.

Sword River Waterfall, success!

Of course, it was only a small success.

Just like when he comprehended the magical power of [Nine Suns Patrolling the Sky] in the Ruins of Seeking Benevolence, he only comprehended one big sun.

Therefore, the magical power of [Sword River Waterfall] is far from perfect.

But relying on the extra magical power, it is enough to defeat himself at his peak before.

The river of swords falls from the sky like a waterfall.

The shadow of Xu Changan's opponent also shattered in an instant.

Bai Gu said, "It's over!"

Xu Changan looked back and saw countless people with their mouths wide open and incredulous expressions.

Ma Fu gave him a thumbs up.

Xu Changan said, "Brother, let's meet up at the back!"

After saying that, he raised his feet and walked forward, his eyes and mind also swept over as he walked.

It's a pity!

There is no Moye Sword here.

There is only endless sword intent.

The Bone Road is not long. After crossing the road with piles of bones on both sides, Xu Changan came to a platform.

There was a person on the platform.

It was the woman in the twelfth level of Qi Refining Stage. Now, she is already in the first level of Foundation Establishment Stage.

Seeing Xu Changan, the woman's eyes suddenly became hot. She quickly stood up from the state of sitting cross-legged on the ground and asked: "Senior, have you also passed?"

"Yes!" Xu Changan nodded.

The woman asked again: "Have you broken through?"


Xu Changan smiled and said: "Luckily broke through a layer of Dao barrier!"

The moment he successfully comprehended the magical power of [Sword River Waterfall], Xu Changan's Dao barrier of the eleventh level of Jindan Stage was broken.

In the world of cultivation, any cultivator who has cultivated the root of Dao will have two obstacles when he breaks through in the future.

One is the flesh barrier and the other is the Dao barrier.

The so-called flesh barrier is the breakthrough of the body, magic power, and Dantian.

The Dao barrier is a breakthrough of the mind, understanding and soul.

Both must be broken through to advance.

In the past, when practicing, you only needed to concentrate your spiritual power to impact the physical barrier.

Now, while impacting the physical barrier, you also need to impact the Dao barrier.

Compared with the physical barrier, impacting the Dao barrier is often more difficult.

Xu Changan is lucky, now the Dao barrier has been broken first.

In other words, he only needs to retreat for a period of time, and he can successfully step into the eleventh level of the Golden Core Stage.

"Then congratulations, senior..." The woman looked at Xu Changan.

Xu Changan asked curiously: "I see that you have all five elements in your body. Do you have five elements spiritual roots?"

The woman's face trembled, and fear emerged.

It was like she was afraid of being seen through, but she was afraid after being seen through.

Xu Changan looked at her face and understood in an instant: she had a secret.

And it was a big secret.

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