Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 524 [Blood relatives, inner demons like clouds]

A figure suddenly appeared in front of the colorful passage.

The man was wearing a green gown.

He was tall and majestic.

He turned his head slowly.

Xu Changan narrowed his eyes slightly: "Tie Zhongtang?"

"Yes!" The illusion sneered: "It's me...Xu Changan...Today, you will definitely die..."

He raised his hand and was about to use the earth-shaking magical power of the tenth level of the Nascent Soul.

Xu Changan sneered, and before he could make a move, he said lightly: "Tie Zhongtang, you may have left a shadow in my heart before. At that time, you were indeed the person I was most afraid of meeting!"

"But now!"

Xu Changan shouted loudly: "What are you in front of me, Xu Changan?"


The sound burst out with the blessing of infinite spiritual power and huge divine thoughts, and suddenly hit the illusion of Tie Zhongtang not far in front of him.

Then, the illusion cracked again.

The surrounding passages also cracked.

Everything was cracked.

The sun was shining!

The bamboo forest was like a sea.

So many people!

Xu Changan looked around and saw Mei Guhong who had changed her appearance.


She came out right away?

Xu Changan was stunned.

I thought there was really some inner demon that I couldn't get rid of, but this is it?

Xu Changan breathed a sigh of relief.

Mei Guhong came over and knelt down in front of Xu Changan: "Disciple greets Master!"

"Hehehe..." Xu Changan smiled and said, "You came out so quickly too?"

"Yes!" Mei Guhong said, "Disciple's heart is firm, and his cultivation is low, so he doesn't have any inner demons!"

"Okay!" Xu Changan said, "Let's get up first, there's no rush to do the apprenticeship ceremony, have you seen your uncle?"

"Uncle?" Mei Guhong thought about it and finally understood who Xu Changan was talking about, but she shook her head and said, "No... Uncle should be in this sword forest, he hasn't come out yet!"

"Hasn't come out yet?"

Xu Changan frowned: Zhao Kuo, this kid, has no cause and effect, why didn't he come out?

Could he be trapped by some cause and effect?


“If you are brave, you should not be violated; if you are wise, you should not be disorderly; if you are kind, you should love others; if you are trustworthy, you should not deceive others; if you are loyal, you should have no second thoughts.”

“The so-called ten faults are: those who are brave but take death lightly; those who are impatient but quick-tempered; those who are greedy and profit-seeking; those who are kind but cannot bear others; those who are wise but timid; those who are trustworthy and like to trust others; those who are honest but do not love others; those who are wise but slow-hearted; those who are resolute but self-righteous; and those who are cowardly and like to let others do what they want.”

“So the military is the major event of the country and the way of survival and destruction.”

In the Sword Forest of Questioning the Heart, in a colorful passage.

Zhao Kuo sat on the ground, holding a military book in his hand, reading it aloud.

Beside him, there was a person sitting!

His brother Zhao Mu.

Zhao Mu was two years older than him and was nine years old this year.

And Zhao Kuo was only seven years old.

Both brothers held books and read.

But Zhao Kuo read well, with a moderate speed, and was very fluent.

Zhao Mu, who was two years older, read very poorly, stumbling and barely forming a sentence.

In front of the two sat a mighty man in court robes, looking at the brothers expressionlessly.

This man was none other than the brothers' father: Zhao She, the general of the State of Zhao and the Lord of Mafu.

"Stop!" The majestic father said a word.

Both brothers stopped reading.

Zhao She looked at his eldest son Zhao Mu, smiled, and said, "You are still young, don't worry, reading is not something that can be accomplished overnight, and fighting requires careful thinking and thorough consideration. Remember it?"

"Yes!" Zhao Mu stood up and bowed to his father: "I remember it!"

"Sit down!" Zhao She nodded.

Zhao Mu sat down.

Zhao Kuo looked at his father expectantly.

His father Zhao She just glanced at him lightly without saying anything.

No criticism, no praise, no comments.

Zhao Kuo lowered his head and picked up the book again to read.


It was late at night!

My brother had already gone to bed.

Zhao Kuo still sat in the bright study, reading late at night.

A night watchman walked in from the door and knelt on the ground: "Second Master, it's time to rest!"

Zhao Kuo asked: "Is the master asleep?"

The servant said: "The master and the eldest master have been resting for a long time!"

Zhao Kuo looked at the door with disappointment.

"Where is my mother?"

The servant said: "The lady has also rested!"

"Oh!" Zhao Kuo, who was seven years old, had tears in his eyes.

He didn't know whether his mother had hugged him since he was a child.

Because he really had no memory.

In his memory, his mother hugged his brother to sleep.

The same is true for his father.

"Old Lu!" Zhao Kuo looked at the old man in front of him: "You said... I am the biological child of the master and the lady?"

"Shhhhh..." Old Lu was so scared that his face turned pale: "Master, don't say that. Of course you are the biological child of the lady. When the lady gave birth to you, she suffered a lot. She almost lost her life. Who in this general's mansion doesn't know it?"

Zhao Kuo lowered his head and a tear fell on the wooden floor: "I am sorry to my mother!"

"Alas..." The old slave sighed deeply: "Second Master, don't be afraid! You can go to the bedroom to sleep without worry. This old slave will stay outside your door all night!"


The lady, dressed in black, stood upright in the yard, looking at a pile of pottery fragments in the yard with the support of four maids.

She turned her head angrily, looked at the seven-year-old Zhao Kuo, and said, "Ku'er, why did you break the pottery mirror?"

Without giving Zhao Kuo a chance to explain, the well-dressed lady said, "Come here, hit me with the stick three times!"

Zhao Kuo fluttered to his knees and said, "Mother... this pottery mirror was not broken by Ku'er..."

The lady's cold face was full of wisdom far beyond the world, and her eyes flashed with wisdom that saw through everything. She said lightly, "If you don't repent, add three more hits!"

Her voice was not loud.

But it was full of pressure!

And cold!

" really wasn't Ku'er..."

"You are so eloquent, add three more hits!" The woman walked forward four steps with the help of the maid, and asked calmly, "Now tell me, who broke the pottery mirror?"

Zhao Kuo trembled and dared not raise his head.

At the age of seven, he was too young. He couldn't compete with his powerful mother, and he didn't know how to stick to his original intention.

Just like countless times before, he trembled and said three words against his will: "It's Kuo'er!"

Because the bamboo board hit his body, it really hurt.

Snap... Snap... Snap...

Nine times of bamboo board, even though the servants had some strength left, even though there were no skin and flesh torn.

But Zhao Kuo's body was already bruised.

Just at this time, a pottery steamer suddenly flew into the air from the east wing, and then fell to the ground with a snap, breaking into several pieces.

Zhao Mu, who was a head taller than Zhao Kuo, walked out of the house. He seemed very angry and kept shouting: "How can the son of the general's mansion use these things? Change them... Change all my brother's things into copper ones!"

The dignified and generous lady's face was burning with two red clouds. She looked at Zhao Mu and asked: "My son, did you break this thing?"

"Yes!" Zhao Mu said: "If mother wants to punish, punish me, why beat my second brother?"

"Hahaha..." A rough voice sounded, and the general Zhao She came out wearing armor and laughed: "What a good Zhao Mu, admitting his mistakes and being fearless in danger, he is really a hero of my Zhao family!"

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