Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 525 [Who is legitimate and who is illegitimate, who is noble and who is humble]

Please add an update, I feel so worried if I don’t finish this paragraph.

The noble lady blushed slightly with embarrassment.

But Zhao Kuo did not dare to look up and look at his mother's face, because he was sure that if he saw his mother's embarrassed face, he would inevitably have to add a few more bamboo boards.


Zhao Mu knelt on the ground next to Zhao Kuo: "I broke Tao Jian and Tao Zeng. If you want to punish me, then punish your son. It has nothing to do with my brother!"

"Please mother, please take back your life!"

"And please, mother, apologize for what happened just now!"

Zhao Mu looked at Madam with a determined expression.

The lady's face turned even darker.

"Hmph..." She snorted coldly, flicked her sleeves and robes, and said: "Mu'er, do you know that in the Zhao Mansion, there is an order of elders and younger ones, distinctions between seniority and inferiority, and concubines and concubines?"

Zhao Kuo, who was lying on the ground, shook.

He is not afraid of injuries.

No matter how many slaps he got, he could bear it, but he couldn't bear his mother saying such sad things to him.

So, little Zhao Kuo raised his head with tears in his eyes, closed his eyes and shouted loudly at his mother: "I am not a bastard, I am my mother's legitimate son..."

There was deathly silence in Zhao Mansion.

The noble lady opened her mouth wide, not knowing what to say.

The mighty general frowned, seeming to be thinking about a question that he had ignored all this time.

However, after thinking for a dozen breaths, Zhao She turned his head, looked at Zhao Kuo solemnly, and said, "Kuo'er, what is the purpose of your mother punishing you?"

Zhao Kuo closed his mouth and eyes and said nothing.

"Say!" Zhao She yelled in anger.

Zhao Kuo took a deep breath and kowtowed to his parents: "It's the mother who loves her children. She only cares for her children and behaves virtuously for her children, with all etiquette!"

"As long as you know!"

The noble lady shook her sleeves and left with her maid.

Before leaving, he said again: "The second young master's utensils are the same as those of my son Zhao Mu. Let's change them to copper!"

Summer is hot!

Cicada sound!

Zhao She and his eldest son Zhao Mu sat opposite each other under a big tree, holding hands and playing games.

"How old is my son this year?" Zhao She asked Zhao Mu gently as his piece landed on the chessboard.

Zhao Mu said: "To tell you what my father is saying, the child is twenty years old this year!"

"Good, hehehe..." Zhao She added some more white hair on his temples: "My father has fought for the country for more than two hundred years in his life, and now he is about to be buried. Fortunately, my son has grown up and can serve for me. The Great Wall of Zhao!”

"How's your military study going?"

Zhao Mu said: "The children have all remembered it!"

Zhao She asked: "Is my son brave?"

Zhao Mu patted his majestic chest hard: "Children are not afraid of death!"

"Hahaha..." The father and son laughed heartily.

At this time, Zhao Kuo also followed the servants to Zhao She.

"Father!" He has grown a lot, but his body is thin and weak. At a glance, he seems to be frail.

Zhao She shook his head and said: "If you don't have the power to tie a chicken, what is courage?"

"Father!" Eighteen-year-old Zhao Kuogong cupped his hands and said, "My child thinks that the bravery of an ordinary man is not brave!"

"Oh?" Zhao She's face looked a little ugly. He placed all the chess pieces in his hand on the chessboard and said calmly: "Then what do you think is courage?"

Zhao Kuo said: "My child thinks that those who do something knowingly cannot do it are brave; those who occupy the place where they must die are brave; those who can break the knot and get down are brave!"

Zhao She shook his head: "Smart words can make you look good, just talk on paper!"

"Zhao Kuo, Zhao Kuo, don't touch the military books anymore!"

"Hehehehe..." At this moment, a deep and gentle laughter came, and someone said: "Mr. Mafu, Mr. Mafu, you are wrong..."

Sun Wu, wearing a high crown and a white robe with dark red embroidery, slowly walked into the Zhao Mansion.

"Mr. Sun, is it you?" When Zhao She saw the Soldier Saint Sun Wu, he naturally did not dare to neglect and hurried over.

Sun Wu chuckled and said: "I heard that your Zhao family has two Qilin sons. I came here to see if I can accept one as a door wall."

"Really?" Zhao She was elated, holding the hand of his eldest son Zhao Mu and saying, "My son Zhao Mu can be your disciple!"

The gate of Ma Fujun Zhao's mansion.

Under the scorching sun, Zhao Kuo kept wiping the sweat from his forehead.

He has been waiting here for nearly an hour.

"Second Young Master...Second Young Master..."

Servant Lao Lu walked out of the mansion in a panic and said, "The master said...he has official duties today and will not come to see you off, Second Young Master..."

"It's said that when we get to the Yue country, we should take good care of ourselves!"

Zhao Kuo looked disappointed.


He knelt at the door and let the scorching sun cover him: "Please also ask Butler Lu to tell my mother that if the mother does not come to see her son off, the son will not be able to kneel in front of Zhao's house!"


Lao Lu scratched his head and said: "Hey... I'll report it now!"

After about half an hour, the lady in black finally arrived at the door with the support of several maids.


Zhao Kuo touched his head to the ground, his forehead stained with blood: "Mother...the child is leaving...take care of yourself!"


Zhao Kuo burst into tears.

The noble lady barely showed a sad expression on her face and said: "My son, you have gone to a far away place, so you have to take care of yourself!"


A group of cavalry wearing armor came from a distance and stopped at the gate of Zhao Mansion like thunder.

"Zhao Kuo!" The first general took out a seal and said: "Emperor Zhao has issued an order to grant you the position of left commander of the Central Army. With the blessing of good fortune, you will become a third-grade national scholar!"

"General Zhao, please get ready!"


A seal flew out and landed on Zhao Kuo's head.

After being blessed with the power of incense, he instantly became a third-grade national warrior.

The seal became smaller and then fell into his hand.

"Mother, the child is gone!"

Zhao Kuo got on his horse, followed Sun Wu's car, and walked slowly outside.

The noble lady looked at her son's figure getting farther and farther away, and a hint of gloom suddenly appeared on her face: "You have taken away the opportunity of my son Zhao Mu, and you have to let me see you off? How can you be so virtuous? I am so angry, so angry. It hurts me too..."

The noble lady didn't know that Zhao Kuogui was now a third-grade national scholar. Under the power of incense, her every word could be heard clearly.

The young man in dark red robes shook his body and almost fell off his horse.


Ask the Heart Sword Forest!

Mei Guhong looked at Xu Changan: "It's been two days and my uncle hasn't come out yet!"

"Is he... going to be okay?"

Xu Changan's face looked ugly, and he looked at Huang Xie next to him.

Huang Xie stroked his beard and said, "I'm afraid that the inner demon is deep inside and has been lost!"

Xu Changan walked back without looking back.

"Little friend, are you..." Huang Xie asked, "Are you going to save him?"

"Yes!" Xu Changan said: "I want to re-enter the illusion to see if I can find him?"

"Impossible!" Huang Xie shook his head: "Unless he comes out on his own, you won't be able to meet anyone in this Questioning Heart Sword Forest!"

Xu Changan ignored Huang Xie, and he walked around in a large circle and came to the entrance of Jianlin.

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