Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 526 [The Chu people moved eastward and met old friends again]

There is no limit to the number of times you can enter the Heart-Searching Sword Forest. You can enter as many times as you want.

Xu Changan stood at the entrance, frowning slightly.

His purpose was to go in and find Zhao Kuo.

In fact, he and Zhao Kuo had an agreement before. Once danger occurred, they would use the concentric symbol to transmit words, and then Zhao Kuo would set up the receiving end of the teleportation array he was carrying.

Xu Changan also set up the transmission end.

In this way, he could be teleported to Zhao Kuo's side and resolve the crisis.

But the current situation was something Xu Changan had not thought of before.

Zhao Kuo had sunk into his inner demons. No matter how he sent messages, he would not reply. Of course, it was likely that he was immersed in his inner thoughts at this moment and did not see it at all.

What to do?

Xu Changan did not think too much, and took a step forward and walked into the Heart-Searching Sword Forest.

Surrounding him were barriers composed of various phantom colors.

In front of him was a square passage that stretched endlessly.

In this passage, illusions could appear at any time, and here, you could not see others.

Xu Changan waved his hand and took out something from the golden talisman space: the divine hemp of the bathing path.

This strand of divine hemp was used by Uncle Qingxu when he understood the rules of heaven and earth, and it has the ability to ward off all things.

But Xu Changan was unsure about taking this thing out at this time.

It was hard to say whether it would be useful.

Buzz buzz buzz buzz and...

However, something magical happened.

After Xu Changan took out this strand of divine hemp that once communicated the rules of heaven and earth, the scene in front of him changed instantly.

The passage was gone!

The illusion was gone.

All around was a hazy mist.

And within a few dozen feet centered on Xu Changan, or the divine hemp of the bathing path, there was neither illusion nor mist.

There were only countless swords stuck in the ground.

In addition to the swords, there were also one after another withered bones. These were left by countless people who had not walked out of the illusion over the years, right?

The divine hemp of the bathing path above Xu Changan's head swam in the sword forest.

As he walked, the space without illusions opened by the Yudao Shenma was like a moving bubble, wandering in the sword forest.

A pile of white bones!

Xu Changan saw a green storage ring.

He put it away with a wave of his hand, and then threw away his golden talisman space.

Seeing the storage space treasure, he would naturally not miss it, and putting it away was just a matter of raising his hand.

However, some storage spaces have long been decayed because of the long time, and the space power in them has disappeared.

It looks fine on the outside, but in fact, once touched, it will turn into smoke and dust.

Xu Changan will just take it away when he touches it, and will not look for the storage bag. After all, the purpose of his coming here is not to find treasure, but to find horse clothes.


The cultivation resources here are also limited.

Most of them, he doesn't need.

After walking for half an incense stick of time, he finally saw a living person.

I saw a person sitting on the ground, closing his eyes, shaking constantly, and finally muttering to himself: "Junior sister...Junior sister...Junior sister, please don't..."

"I'm so good to you, why do you want to kill me?"

"What's so good about the master?"

"Why choose the master?"

Xu Changan curled his lips and passed by directly.

Time passed slowly.

Xu Changan walked slowly in the sword forest.

He scanned again and again, without missing anything.

Although this carpet search method is slow, it has an advantage: it will definitely find it.

Sure enough!

Six hours after Xu Changan entered the heart-searching sword forest, he finally saw Zhao Kuo.

Zhao Kuo shrank, knelt on the ground, lowered his head, and his face turned pale.

He kept muttering to himself: "Don't hit me... Mother, let me go!"

"Mother... I'm in so much pain!"

"Mother, please... Can you hit me less?"

"Mother, this is a wild flower I picked outside for you. Does it look good?"

"Mother... Don't throw it away!"

Zhao Kuo's voice was humble and cowardly.

Xu Changan naturally didn't know what happened to him, but he just stretched out his hand and carried Zhao Guo on his back.

Even on Xu Changan's back, Zhao Kuo kept muttering to himself.

After another stick of incense, Xu Changan took a step out of the Heart-searching Sword Forest and finally carried Zhao Kuo out.

"Mother... Mother, don't hit me..."

"Mother, spare me!"

Just after leaving the Heart-searching Sword Forest, Zhao Kuo obviously hadn't come out of his inner demons yet, and was still shouting.

Causing the people around him to laugh.

Amid this roaring laughter, Zhao Kuo's eyes gradually regained their spirit.

He sat on the ground, as if exhausted from exhaustion.

"Thank you, junior brother..." Zhao Kuo tidied up his messy hair a little, and just sat on the ground, without any intention of standing up.

Huang Xie stroked his beard and smiled, saying: "Young master, you are a third-rank state scholar, but you are still afraid of your mother?"

It was just a joke.

Zhao Kuo snorted coldly and said: "How does Lord Ling Yin know that I am not enlightened?"

"Enlightened?" Huang Xie almost laughed out loud, he asked: "May I ask what you are enlightened to?"

Zhao Kuo said: "I am enlightened to Lord Ling Yin's Tao!"

"Me?" Huang Xie pointed to his nose and said: "I am all ears!"

Zhao Kuo raised his head, looked at Huang Xie with a pale face, and said calmly: "Your Majesty Yin is the Prime Minister of Chu. He must be busy with all kinds of things. Why does he still have the leisure to go to Mogan Mountain in Yue Kingdom to learn from Taoist monks to master the sword?" Come?"

"Could it be that the people of Chu were not satisfied with crossing the Yangtze River and Huaihe River eastward, and wanted to reach out to the sea in order to reach Wu and Yue?"

After hearing Zhao Kuo's words, the monks around him all nodded and looked at Huang Xie.

Huang Xie's vicissitudes of life shot out two sharp rays of light. He stared at Zhao Kuo for three breaths and said: "Fortunately, the young master is not from Yue country, otherwise I would have to spend more time!"

Huang Xie openly admitted it.

"Both of you!" Huang Xiegong raised his hands and said, "I'm waiting for you at the Sword Tomb. When we get back, let's practice swordsmanship and stargazing together, and see the celestial wonders of Yue Kingdom!"

After saying that, Taoist Chun Shen walked away.

Xu Changan stretched out his hand, pulled Zhao Kuo up who was sitting on the ground, and asked: "Brother, is Chu preparing to attack Yue?"

Zhao Kuo said: "Chu is like a lost dog in front of Qin, but for a small country like Yue with only a dozen counties, it is still a behemoth."

"But it doesn't matter!" Zhao Kuo smiled brightly: "With Master here, the two words "Sage of Soldiers" will definitely make the Chu people retreat in spite of difficulties!"

Xu Changan showed a complicated expression.

"What's wrong?" Zhao Kuo narrowed his eyes slightly: "Junior brother, do you think what I said is wrong?"

"No!" Xu Changan smiled. He didn't want to tell Zhao Kuo about Sun Wu's imminent death. Instead, he quickly raised his hand and said, "I saw an old friend!"

"Oh?" Zhao Kuo turned around.

But they saw a beautiful woman wearing a blue robe already coming to the three of them.

She raised her hands to Xu Changan and saluted: "Senior Brother Xu, I see you again!"

Li Chuisheng!

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