Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 527 [Accepting Gu Hong as a disciple, bestowing treasures and passing on the Dharma]

"Junior Sister Li?"

Xu Changan was a little surprised to see the girl with bright eyes and white teeth in front of him.


Too unexpected.

The girl was neither charming nor demonic, but just like a green lotus.

She was the granddaughter of the elder of Ziwei Xianzong in Lulong County, Jing Can Dao Ren: Li Chuisheng.

Xu Changan took a look and found that the girl was at the seventh level of Jindan.

I remember that when I saw her at the gate of Zhenwu Jedi in Lulong County, she was at the fifth level of Jindan.

"Why are you here?" Xu Changan said, "When did you come?"

You know, Lulong County is in Yan State!

To come to Yue State from Yan State, you have to pass through Qi State, and Yan and Qi are now at war.

Although Li Chuisheng is a woman with the cultivation of Jindan, it is not easy for her to come to Yue State from Yan State thousands of miles away.

It can also be said that it is very dangerous.

Li Chuisheng laughed and said, "I came here with my senior brother!"

"Senior brother... come here quickly!"

A young man in a black Taoist robe walked up to Xu Changan, and then bowed respectfully: "Meet Brother Xu!"

An Chengxu!

A rare cultivator with star spirit roots.

Xu Changan's eyes flashed with wisdom, and he said in surprise: "Brother An has reached the eleventh level of the Golden Core Stage, so powerful?"

" hasn't been long since we parted at Zhenwu Jedi?"

At the entrance of Zhenwu Jedi, Xu Changan saw that An Chengxu was only at the sixth level of the Golden Core Stage.

How many years has it been? He broke through from the sixth level to the eleventh level?

Break through five levels.

I am a person with ten times time acceleration, and I can only do this, right?

Before An Chengxu opened his mouth, Li Chuisheng next to him said: "It has been forty-two years and ten months since I last parted with Brother Xu!"

Li Chuisheng looked at Xu Changan, and a ray of light was projected in his eyes.

Happy, delighted!

Xu Changan nodded and said, "That's also very impressive!"

"Thank you, Senior Brother Xu!" An Chengxu said, "My master got a stone containing the power of the stars on the Xiangshui River beach in Zhenwu Jedi and gave it to me. He said it was you who found it!"

"With this stone, I have made such progress!"

Xu Changan said, "That's also your chance. Are you... growing a Dao root?"

"Yes!" An Chengxu didn't hide anything: "When I broke through the eleventh level of the golden elixir, I just grew it. It's not that strong now!"

Xu Changan immediately gave a thumbs up with admiration.

How to say it!

An Chengxu is undoubtedly a genius among thousands.

Without the use of Yudao Shenma, he actually grew a Dao root by himself.

It's amazing and incredible.

Xu Changan asked again, "How long have you been here? Has Senior Jing Can come too?"

"Is anyone from our Taixuan Xianzong coming?"

Xu Changan felt that he had said too much.

Li Chuisheng said, "No... Only the two of us came. I arrived at the Sword Tomb three months ago!"

Three months!

Xu Changan nodded.

He has been here for two years.

Mainly because he spent two years on the Thousand-foot Sword Ladder, otherwise it wouldn't have taken so long.

Li Chuisheng and An Chengxu were able to come up, but they certainly didn't comprehend the sword meaning on the Thousand-foot Sword Ladder one by one. Naturally, they couldn't witness the shocking scene of Xu Changan fighting against the four Yuanying of Qin State alone.

Because at that time, the two of them hadn't arrived yet.

"This is my senior brother, Zhao Kuo!"

Xu Changan introduced them to the two: "This is my disciple, Mei Guhong!"

Mei Guhong was excited and came over and said, "Hello, senior!"

Although Xu Changan promised that he would accept her as a disciple as long as she passed the Questioning Sword Forest, he hadn't accepted her yet after all!

Now Xu Changan actually introduced her as a disciple, which made her feel a lot more at ease.

"You have accepted a disciple!" Li Chuisheng smiled and said, "It's really fun. Let me see if I have a suitable gift for you!"

"No need!" Xu Changan hurriedly stopped him and said, "Junior Sister Li, Senior Brother An, you two should go to the Sword Tomb first. I will find you later!"

Li Chuisheng wanted to say something, but was pulled by his senior brother: "Okay, Brother Xu... We will wait for you at the Sword Tomb and learn swords together!"

The two left.

Xu Changan stretched out his hand, and the light between his fingers suddenly exploded, turning into a barrier, covering him and Mei Guhong together.

The outside sound was naturally isolated.

The sight and divine thoughts were also isolated.

Xu Changan took out a chair from the storage ring and sat down, saying: "Guhong... kowtow, after kowtow, you and I will be master and disciple!"


Mei Guhong knelt on the ground without any hesitation and kowtowed to Xu Changan nine times.

"Okay!" Xu Changan said, "You can get up now!"

"Yes, Master!"

Xu Changan looked at Mei Guhong gently, "Master, let me ask you again, are you sure it is a five-element spiritual root?"

"Yes!" Mei Guhong said, "Disciple is a five-element spiritual root!"

"What about the length?"

Mei Guhong said, "Gold six, wood one, water one, fire one, earth one!"


Xu Changan was a little shocked: this spiritual root is too long.

A five-element spiritual root, the length of the gold spiritual root can actually reach six?

It's against the sky!

"Then your major must be metal-based skills!" Xu Changan thought for a moment and said, "What a pity. Before I became a teacher, I had a powerful metal-based magical power, but now you can't learn it!"

Previously, he had a bone fragment, which recorded the practice method of [Ruijin Xuanhuang Finger].

There are no words on this thing at all, they are just some pictures of spiritual understanding, which are passed down from ancient times through spiritual communication.

Later, Xu Changan replaced this bone fragment with a [Thunder Spear] bone fragment.

Therefore, this magical power cannot be taught anymore.

Of course, it's not impossible.

It’s okay to talk about Tao.

The spiritual thoughts of Xu Changan and his apprentice were intertwined, so that they could transmit this magical power.

However, the master-disciple discussion was actually somewhat nondescript.

Because when discussing Taoism, the two parties communicate with each other without reservation. Not only can they clearly see each other's body, but also their hearts, so it is usually only between Taoist couples.

"Let's do this!" Xu Changan took out a bracelet and said: "Here, there is a method of drawing the [Basic Talisman]. You should understand it first. Once you understand it thoroughly, I will teach you the [Hidden Breath" method. How to draw the talisman!"

"In addition, there are some spiritual stones and elixirs, which are enough to support your cultivation to the golden elixir stage!"

Mei Guhong took the bracelet and took a look inside with her mind, her hands trembling: "Master... actually there is [Chaoyuan Pill]?"

"Still the best?"

"Yes!" Xu Changan said: "I see that your original treasured hammer is also broken. This is a top-quality spiritual weapon called the [Muyuan Hammer], given to you!"

"This is the best spiritual weapon [Hundred Refining Cauldron]. It can be used to refine elixirs or weapons, and it can also be used for defense!"

"You will know after you refine it!"

These treasures were all used by Xu Changan before.

I won't use it again in the future.

It is just right to give it to your disciples.

"This is the magical power [Sharp Gold Finger], you can use it to practice!"

As for the metallic [Innate Skills] and the metallic magical power [Taiyi Obstacle Breaking Reincarnation Golden Eyes], he did not teach them.

This thing is too precious and belongs to the category of mantle. Naturally, a registered disciple is not worthy of possessing it.

Of course, if Mei Guhong became a true disciple one day, there would be no problem in passing it on to her.

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