Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 540 [Personally teaching his disciples and passing on the true teachings]

Xu Changan stopped and thought for a while.

Could it be that when two lucky people arrive at the same time, whoever arrives first will prevail?

This is a guess.

Xu Changan decided to give it a try.

"Come on..." Xu Changan said: "Bone red... take a few steps back!"

Together, they took seven or eight steps back.


The red Luan bird on the palace in front collapsed instantly, and luck turned into a golden sword again.

This time, Xu Changan went first, taking one step forward.

Two steps, three steps!

A few steps later, the golden sword of luck on the palace collapsed again, and instantly condensed into a golden divine dragon. The divine dragon circled the palace hall, and then with a dragon's breath, it swam across the nine heavens.

Mei Guhong raised her head and said: "Master, look, the real dragon..."

"There really is a dragon!"

She walked to Xu Changan.

This time, luck is always the golden dragon.

Xu Changan also confirmed his inner conjecture: when there are people with great luck at the same time, it is not whoever is stronger will show the sign of his luck, but whoever arrives first will show the sign of his luck. [This setting is foreshadowing]

At this moment, a tall figure wearing black clothes hurriedly ran out of the palace hall. He was very happy when he saw Xu Changan and said: "Fourth brother... you are back... you are finally here" I’m back…”

"Senior brother!" Xu Changan stepped over and landed in front of Wujiang.

Wujiang is now the emperor of Yue.

He was wearing solemn and solemn black clothes, with a high crown on his head.

The jade beads trembled, and they were full of energy.

But beneath this flash of high-spiritedness, there was hidden decadence.

"Senior brother...this..."

Xu Changan didn't know what to say.

Wujiang said: "Stop talking...Old Four...come with me..."

The two of them walked into the main hall without any courtesy from a monarch or a minister, and just sat on the ground with a futon.

Xu Changan gently took out the half-broken [Moye Sword] and said: "Before, your father, my master, asked me to enter the sword tomb in Mogan Mountain to search for this sword. Here, I will bring it back. It's... but it's a pity that there is only one broken sword!"

"It's really the Moye Sword!" Wujiang held the sword in shock: "Fourth, did you really bring this Moxie Sword out? Hahaha... But why is it broken?"

Xu Changan was too lazy to explain to him, and just said lightly: "This... I don't know either!"

"Alas..." Wujiang sighed deeply, threw the half-broken sword to Xu Changan, and said: "Forget it, my father died seven years ago. You found the broken sword. But he is no longer there.”

"You should keep this sword!"

"Yes!" Xu Changan took back Moye Sword again.

Moye Sword is now just a broken sword and is dispensable to Xu Changan.

Even if it is complete, it is just a treasure, just as dispensable.

"A lot of things happened after you and Ma Fu left!" Wujiang said: "My father passed away, and the master left... Now, without the master in charge, the Chu State will send troops to attack our Yue State! "

"We have sixteen counties across the country, and we have already lost four counties: Yuhang, Lanxi, Dongyang, and Cangnan!"

"A quarter of the country has been lost!"


It's hard to imagine what kind of pressure this burly and strong man suffered. In front of Xu Changan, he actually started crying: "Junior brother... I don't want to be the king of a subjugated country!"

"Senior brother!" Xu Changan patted him on the shoulder and said, "Don't cry... I don't understand state affairs and military affairs either... Zhao Kuo is back, why don't you ask him?"

Wujiang raised his broad sleeves to wipe away his tears and said, "Who is Zhao Kuo?"

"Um..." Xu Changan touched his forehead and said, "Zhao Kuo is the third horse suit... his real name is Zhao Kuo!"

"Oh, right!" Wujiang suddenly patted his thigh and said, "Ma Fu is back... Where is he now?"

Xu Changan said: "In the Zhibing Hall!"

"Okay!" Wujiang stood up from the ground with a thump: "Let's go to Zhibing Hall now!"

Nothing has changed in Chihodo.

Exactly the same as when Xu Changan left thirteen years ago!

However, there is only one missing old man who is tall and has a serious face, and he always likes to wear a high crown.

The four senior brothers cried once!

Xu Changan said: "You are talking about state affairs, I will go to the backyard to take a look first!"

He brought Plum Bone Red with him to his former small courtyard.

With a wave of his hand, layers of formations were laid out.

"Gu Hong!" Xu Changan sat on the Grand Master's chair and looked at Mei Gu Hong and said, "You have been with the master all these years. The master thinks you are a good boy, resolute and brave!"

"I want to accept you as my true disciple, do you agree?"

"Master... I... I, I... I..." Mei Guhong was so excited that her whole body trembled and she was speechless.

True disciple.

Once you become a disciple, the cause and luck will be connected.

That is to repair the mantle.

Master actually accepted me suddenly?

She didn't even know how to answer.

Xu Changan said: "Don't worry...drink some spiritual tea first!"


Mei Guhong knelt on the ground: "Disciple is willing to become your true disciple...Master...I should pour you tea!"

"Hey..." Xu Changan smiled and took the tea bowl, took a big sip, and said: "Okay, okay... From now on, you will be my true disciple..."

"Come here, I will give you a treasure!"

Xu Changan waved his hand, and a huge puppet ten feet high landed next to the thin Mei Guhong.

Yuanying puppet.

Xu Changan made it himself with thunder peach wood.

"Master... this is..." Mei Guhong looked at the big guy next to him with some fear.

Xu Changan took out a jade slip: "This is the [Division Technique]. Take it back and practice it well. When you can divide your mind, you can control this puppet. This is a puppet of the Nascent Soul Stage!"

"With it, you won't be afraid of encountering a Golden Core Stage cultivator in the future!"

"Ah?" Mei Guhong was shocked: "Nascent Soul? Puppet?"

"Yes!" Xu Changan waved his hand again and took out a golden jade slip, saying: "Inside is the gold attribute technique that I practiced, which includes three parts: Qi Refining, Foundation Building, and Golden Core..."

"Take it and practice well... Remember, this technique is a natural technique and the highest technique in the world of cultivation. After remembering it, destroy this jade slip immediately, and this technique is limited to your personal practice and cannot be passed on again!"

That's right!

What Xu Changan gave Mei Guhong was the gold attribute innate technique he obtained after he achieved Nirvana in his gold attribute spiritual root.

Of course, he only gave her the three chapters of Refining Equipment, Foundation Building, and Golden Core.

Guaranteed that even if someone gets this kind of skills, they will not surpass him after practicing in the future.

Don't bury hidden dangers for yourself.

"Thank you, Master..." Mei Guhong pinched her cheeks, feeling unreal.

"Well!" Xu Changan said: "In this storage bag, there are some ordinary cultivation resources, you can use them, and try not to get involved in useless things in the future!"

"Zhibingtang is not a place for cultivation, I will take you to a place tomorrow!"

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