Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 541 [A brilliant plan, the gains and losses of the game]

"Senior Xu!"

Xu Changan had just given various treasures to his disciple Mei Guhong, when a Jindan-stage guard came to the backyard and saluted Xu Changan respectfully: "Your Majesty said, please go to the front hall for a chat!"

"Oh?" Xu Changan frowned slightly: "Invite me?"

Xu Changan had just said that he didn't understand military affairs.

Why invite me now?

I didn't know much about military tactics.

But he still tidied up his clothes a little and followed the guard to the hall in front of Zhibing Hall.

"Junior brother, come quickly!"

Three people sat around a small square table, namely Wujiang, Feng Ping and Zhao Kuo.

Only Xu Changan was missing.

"Come and sit down!" Wujiang waved his hand to invite Xu Changan to sit down, and said: "Something big happened in Yue State. I heard from the third brother that you met Huang Xie, the prime minister of Chu State, in the sword tomb, right?"

"Yes!" Xu Changan sat down and nodded: "But he went down the mountain early!"

"Yes!" Wujiang said: "He is coming!"

"Here?" Xu Changan was a little confused.

Zhao Kuo said: "Huang Xie, as the prime minister of Chu State and the main general of the attack on Yue State, came to Moling City in person and asked to see the eldest brother Wujiang!"

Feng Ping said: "Eighty percent of them are here to persuade him to surrender!"

"Humph..." Wujiang snorted coldly and said: "I will not be the king of this ruined country!"

"I have informed my subordinates to bring Huang Xie here. When he comes, can we..."

Wujiang raised his hand and made a gesture of hand-raising and knife-dropping!

"This..." Xu Changan's face was bitter, and he said: "Big Brother, Huang Xie is not only the main general who attacked Chu, but also resourceful. If it weren't for him, the current Chu Kaolie Emperor could not even escape from Qin!"

"This man is a man of both civil and military skills, and is definitely not the same as Mengchangjun and Tian Wen!"

"I think we can't beat him!"

"Yeah!" Zhao Kuo also nodded and said: "Chu Lingyin not only has the luck of Chu, but also has private land of fourteen counties north of Huai River. With such double luck, I'm afraid he won't be much better than the old immortal in the Refining Void Period!"

"How do we fight?"

Wujiang's face was also ugly.

Yue State has sixteen counties, and now four counties have been lost, and there are still twelve counties.

Twelve counties... Not even as big as the fief of Chunshen Jun, the Lingyin!

The key is that the power of incense gathered from these twelve counties has to be distributed to the ministers and armies of Yue State.

Wujiang barely used his luck to bless himself and achieved the cultivation level of the initial stage of the transformation of spirit.

Zhao Kuo said again: "Forget about killing Chunshen Jun, we don't have the strength... Let's think about how to fight the State of Chu. We are all disciples of the master. If we can't even deal with the attack of the State of Chu this time, it would be too sorry for the master's teachings!"

"Boss..." Feng Ping slapped his forehead fiercely and said: "I remember that when the master left, he asked me to give you a sachet, saying that if you open it in times of crisis, it can save you from the water and fire!"

"Take it out and open it!"


Xu Changan and Zhao Kuo, and also looked at Wujiang: "Master also left you a brocade bag?"

"More than that!" Feng Ping said: "After the master left, he left four golden hemp plants, all with me. I will give them to you later, one for each person. Senior brother, take out the brocade bag first and have a look!"

Zhao Kuo and Xu Changan were also curious: "Boss, open it and have a look!"

"Hey..." Wujiang took out a brocade bag from his body and said: "It's not a life-and-death moment yet. I'm afraid that if I open it in advance, it will not achieve the effect that the master wants!"

He didn't want to open it now.

But looking at the curious expressions of the junior brothers, Wujiang shook his head again and said: "Okay... open it..."

He threw the brocade bag on the table: "Third brother, you fight!"

Zhao Kuo opened the brocade bag layer by layer with a solemn expression.

Inside was a palm-sized bamboo piece.

An ordinary bamboo piece.

Turning over the back of the bamboo piece, there was only one word written: surrender!


The four brothers were dumbfounded.

"How can this be?" Wujiang was about to cry: "Master, isn't this playing tricks on me... He actually asked me to surrender... I... Am I not going to be the king of a fallen country?"


Since he ascended the throne, he has been unable to sleep at night and faced many problems.

First of all, his father left too suddenly, and Wujiang had no control over the group left in the court.

The civil and military officials all pretended to obey him but secretly disobeyed him.

For example, when he was at war with the State of Chu, he lost four major counties in one go.

The State of Chu didn't have to do anything at all.

Because most of them were caused by the collective surrender of his own soldiers and the surrender of the system.

In this case, Wujiang worshipped the golden tricks left by his master as if they were gods, and he simply regarded them as saviors.


Finally, he left me a word [surrender]?

Asked me to surrender?

Wujiang's face turned red, and a mouthful of blood in his chest went back and forth, and he was about to burst out several times.

Fortunately, Wujiang was already highly skilled and controlled it.

"What do you mean?" Feng Ping asked.

Zhao Kuo said: "It means literally!"

Feng Ping said: "Old Third, you are the one who has received the true teachings of our master. Can you explain it to me?"

Zhao Kuo frowned slightly, and his eyes narrowed. He thought for a few breaths and said, "Master has a long-term vision. Senior Brother, in fact, you and I both know that without Master, Yue State will only be a prey to the princes!"

"The destruction of the country is an inevitable outcome!"

Wujiang lowered his head and said, "Go on!"

Zhao Kuo said, "It is not terrible to have few soldiers and weak generals, because the soldiers are not about quantity, but quality!"

"As long as the whole country is united and shares the same hatred of the enemy, there may be a chance to fight to the death and survive!"

"But the problem is that now Yue State is like a loose sand. If I have 20 years to manage the army, I may be able to fight with Chu State..."

"But now, it's too late!"

Xu Changan, who has always been silent, also nodded and said, "Senior Brother, it's too late!"

It is not impossible for the weak to defeat the strong if everyone fights together to fight Chu State.

But now, the morale of the whole Yue State has been extremely low because of the departure of Emperor Yue and Sun Wu. How can we fight?

There is no way to fight.

"Ma Fu!" Wujiang's eyes were red, and he said, "What do you say? I'll listen to you..."

Zhao Kuo said, "If I were a minister of Yue, I would advise your majesty to fight hard and fight to the last soldier!"

"Wujiang... Actually, you also understand..."

"Today's countries are no longer the countries of the world. Now all powerful countries have the same goal: to unify the princes!"

"Therefore, even if Yue does not perish in Chu today, it will perish in Qi, Yan, Zhao, and Qin within a hundred years!"

"In this world, there will only be one country in the end!"

"But if you are a fellow apprentice, I advise you to talk to Chu and gamble with them to see what conditions they can give you!"

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