This is rice noodles made of dragon essence rice, fried until slightly yellow, then mixed with old ginger and garlic and sea salt ground into dry powder, wrapped together with fresh pork and mixed well, the bottom is covered with a circle of shiitake mushrooms and wild vegetables, and then steamed in a pot for 45 minutes before it can be baked.

The steamed steamed pork is fat but not greasy, the meat is fragrant, and when you bite into it, it is crispy and tender, which makes people have an endless aftertaste.

Naturally, the tamales developed by the chef also made Xu Yuan reap a lot of rewards.

[Your chef has developed a steamed pork, and the enhanced version of the forest black pig *10,000 will be returned with random crit!]

Xu Yuan's expression was slightly stunned, so many pigs, they are directly stocked in the mountains, so that they can reproduce naturally.

Then I wanted to eat pork, so I went hunting in the forest.

In this way, the wild boar that has been released through the mountains must have delicious meat.

And because it is an enhanced version of the forest black pig breed, the meat is delicious, with the flavor of almond milk, even if you don't use seasoning, only sea salt, you can stimulate the taste of fresh meat, not like ordinary wild boar, rough and fishy.

This second dish is

the jade vegetable meat roll! First, the high-quality pork is beaten into meat foam and glue, mixed with some dragon rice flour, sea salt, stirred into meat balls, and then used the washed jade cabbage leaves to wrap the meat dumplings and roll them into a jade vegetable meat roll. Steam for another 10 minutes to get a light and high-quality dish.

[Your kitchen worker has developed a jade vegetable meat roll, and the lettuce *10,000 will be returned with random crit!]

Seeing this, Xu Yuan's eyes lit up.


only are the leaves green and delicious, but the rhizomes are also chewy.

Stir-frying meat with lettuce is definitely appetizing.

The third course, beef stew

, is made with sun-dried vegetables, dried fruits, and pickled fruits and sauerkraut, which are stewed with beef.

The stewed beef, slightly plucked with chopsticks, is extremely soft. And the umami in it, superimposed with dried vegetables, dried fruits and sauerkraut and sauerkraut fruits, is infinitely amplified, and it is already rich to the extreme, making people eat a bowl and want to have another bowl.

[Your chef has developed a beef stew, and the buffalo *10,000 will be returned with random crit!] Buffalo


Xu Yuan already had several ways to use the buffalo in his mind.

For example, it can be used to plow fields.

It can also be eaten.

It can also be used to milk cows, and after boiling over low heat, the buffalo milk will form a thick layer of milk skin, and after drinking, the mouth will be full of fragrance.

And with buffalo milk, you can even develop a variety of cuisines.

For example, if you don't have buffalo milk, you really can't do it.

However, the production of double skin milk requires a large amount of white sugar.

And now in Stone Town, it seems that there is still a lack of this important seasoning - sugar.

Until now, the townspeople of Stone Town have used natural sweeteners, such as fruits with a sweet taste.

Soon, Xu Yuan looked at the fourth course.

This fourth course is actually

a meat cake! This is a kind of cake made from rice flour and covered with a layer of meat foam.

The aroma of meat is mixed with the aroma of rice, and when you bite into it, the Q elastic is smooth and smooth, which makes you feel very fulfilling.

[Your chef has developed a meat cake and returned 10,000 sugar canes with random crit!]

Sugar cane?

Xu Yuan thought to himself, now his townspeople are not short of sugar to eat.

White sugar is a kind of white sugar crystals that are refined from sugarcane and then decolored.

In addition, white sugar can also be used to make rock sugar.

Although white, rock and brown sugar are all sugars, their taste and taste are not exactly the same, and their uses are not very different.

Immediately after, Xu Yuan continued to look at the fifth course.

He was looking forward to it more and more.

What rewards will be returned for the remaining three dishes?

Soon, Xu Yuan also had the answer.

The fifth dish

is rice noodles with minced meat, which is a snack made by making rice noodles into rice noodles that are like noodles, and then stirring them with minced meat.

The entrance is slippery and crisp, making it silky smooth.

[Your chef has developed meat foam rice vermicelli and returns chili seeds*10,000 with random crit!]

Chili seeds!

Wouldn't he be able to let the townspeople grow chili peppers? Chili peppers

are an extremely important condiment that can greatly enrich the flavor of dishes.

If you have chili peppers, today's tamales can be made into a slightly spicy taste, which is even more appetizing.

The sixth course, stewed chicken soup with golden ginseng and carrots!

Originally, it was an unremarkable stir-fried chicken dish with carrots.

However, the chef came up with an ingenious way to stew a pot of delicious broth with the chicken bones after slaughtering the apricot chicken, the fat chicken skin peeled from the chicken, and the turmeric dug out of the mountains.

The chicken is then stir-fried with sea salt and carrots, and then simmered slowly in the broth over low heat.

After the stew, the chicken naturally melts into the soup, and the color of the golden ginseng carrot also turns the soup into a golden brown soup.

Every time you take a sip, you will be greeted with the deliciousness of the chicken soup and the sweetness of the golden ginseng carrots.

Moreover, this golden ginseng carrot really has a hint of ginseng aroma, and after drinking the soup, it makes people feel warm all over their bodies, and their qi and blood have increased a lot.

[Your chef has developed a golden soup, and random crit hits will return high-yield potatoes*10,000!]

Potatoes! Xu Yuan's

eyes lit up.

It's a high-yielding crop, and it's easy to feed.

And potatoes are a nitrogen-fixing crop, if they are planted in loess, they can directly improve soil fertility!

In this way, when the soil fertility of loess is improved, it can also be used to grow other crops.

After all, the Black Spirit Soil in Stone Town is only 200 acres, and the crops that can be grown are limited.

If you want to keep other crops high.

Then the best way is to use it to grow pepper and peach fruit trees.

The loess is used to grow high-yielding potatoes, which improve soil fertility, and then used to replace Longjing rice seeds and Gushen wheat seeds for planting.

In this way, the land can be recycled and soil fertility will not be reduced by planting the same crop in succession.

Soon, Xu Yuan looked at the last dish.

This eighth dish is actually jade cabbage meatball soup.

The meatballs that are formed after hundreds of beatings, with the decoration of jade cabbage, and the chicken broth as the soup base, make this jade cabbage meatball soup, which is really a delicious and high-quality dish.

The meatballs are smooth and smooth, and the soup can burst out when you bite into it, and the flavor is overflowing. The jade cabbage is sweet and crispy, which is a different taste compared with the soft and glutinous taste of the jade vegetable meat rolls.

[Your kitchen worker has developed a jade cabbage meatball soup, random crit rebate: purple potato corn *10,000!]


Xu Yuan was a little stunned, this purple potato corn, is it purple potato, or corn?

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