"Mentor!What's wrong?Could it be that the cook is not appetizing?If it doesn't suit your appetite, Diao Chan will go and remake it for you?"

looked at Xu Yuan looking at the eight sumptuous dishes in front of him with a stunned expression, but he didn't move his chopsticks for a long time.

Diao Chan's face suddenly showed a look of doubt.

Although these eight dishes are indeed not made by her own hands.

But she thought it was delicious,

and naturally she wanted to give it to her mentor, which could be regarded as a way to show the relationship between teachers and students.

However, Xu Yuan looked like he didn't have much appetite.

Could it be ......

Diao Chan seemed to have thought of something.

I saw her pick up the wooden chopsticks on the table, pick up a piece of tamale, hold it with her red lips, and get close to Xu Yuan's mouth ......

Xu Yuan just finished checking the rewards returned by the system.

He returned his attention to reality, but suddenly saw a pretty face suddenly approaching, which immediately startled him.

and also held a piece of charred tamale, like an eagle feeding a chicken, which made Xu Yuan subconsciously shrink his head.

"Diao Chan, what are you doing, ......"

but Xu Yuan hadn't finished his sentence.

was held by Diao Chan's pair of white jade-like soft wattles, and the charred yellow steamed pork just blocked Xu Yuan's lips.

While Xu Yuan was desperately sniffing the aroma of flowers and the tempting aroma of food emanating from Diao Chan, he subconsciously opened his mouth and ate the steamed pork into his mouth.

The lips intersected, and a warm and moist feeling spread from the lips to the brain, making Xu Yuan's brain like a firework, and the brilliant thoughts couldn't help flying.

It seems that at this moment, only he and Diao Chan are left in the world, surrounded by hundreds of flowers that are constantly blooming, and time has stopped.

I don't know how much time has passed.

Xu Yuan swallowed the turmeric steamed pork mixed with a complex aroma into his stomach.

A stream of heat flowed down the meridians into the limbs.

I don't know if it's the power of the aura contained in the food.

Or because of the warmth of being fed by the sable cicada.

I don't know why, in Xu Yuan's heart, there is a strange warm current flowing through.

How is it possible?

Xu Yuan looked at Diao Chan's beauty opposite his eyes, and a majestic heart actually beat violently.

It was the first time his heart was beating so hard.

He, Xu Yuan, is really tempted by Diao Chan

? This is a military general he summoned from the realm of heaven

and man? He is actually tempted?

This is not exciting!

He is a man who wants to build infrastructure.

How could it be tempting to be tempted by this little bit of children's private feelings?

And when Xu Yuan was looking at Diao Chan in a daze, Diao Chan was of course looking at her with affection.

Diao Chan, how could she not think like this? Originally,

she was summoned by Xu Yuan from the Heavenly and Human Realm.

Naturally, he has a natural affection and intimacy for Xu Yuan.

Her unintentional move just now was originally just to let Xu Yuan also taste the dishes she liked.

But I don't know why, suddenly at the moment when I approached Xu Yuan.

She seemed to be tempted, ......

For a moment, the two of them were silent, as if no one was around.

Emmmmm...... In Xu Yuan's independent courtyard, apart from him and Diao Chan, there was indeed no second person who came in to disturb them.

"Ahem...... Diao Chan, I can eat these dishes myself, you go and get busy with you!"

After a moment, Xu Yuan couldn't help but cough lightly.

If you continue to stay quietly with Diao Chan like this, your lower abdomen, which is getting hotter and hotter, may burn out some kind of fire.

It's better to take the opportunity to take Diao Chan away, and leave this matter to be resolved later.

Anyway, Diao Chan is his person, and when he wants to do it, he will do it again.

It's just that Diao Chan shook his head at Xu Yuan with a smile and said, "No, I can listen to the mentor for other things, but this one can't do it!" I have to feed the tutor, otherwise the tutor won't know how to eat properly when he's busy, that's not good." As

he spoke, Diao Chan couldn't help but say that he fed Xu Yuan with his own hands again.

This time, though, she's no longer professionally mouthfeeding.

Instead, he used wooden chopsticks and a wooden spoon to feed Xu Yuan little by little.

Seeing this, Xu Yuan was not easy to refuse.

I can only bite the bullet, while painfully and happily enjoying the feeding of the sable cicada.

Because ......

[Your Diao Chan feeds you, your intimacy with her increases by 2!] [Your Diao Chan feeds you, your intimacy with her increases

by 1!] ......

Seeing such a system prompt, what reason did Xu Yuan have to stop it?

Anyway, he wouldn't lose anything, would he?

Only the intimacy between him and the generals had reached a higher level.

You can unlock more abilities of the generals!

About an hour later.

It was already completely dark.

Xu Yuan finally finished the meal.

Diao Chan finally packed up the food box and left.

Before leaving, she also said to Xu Yuan euphemistically: "Mentor, it would be nice if you could have dinner with your mentor like this tomorrow!"

After speaking, she blushed.

He walked away quickly.

Xu Yuan couldn't help but shake his head with a wry smile.

This woman is a troublesome creature.

Xu Yuan looked up at the bright moon that had gradually climbed up the branches.

Tonight, it is the time of the moonlight.

The moon stars are scarce.

The moonlight fills the road, and sometimes it is even as bright as day.


all, the resettlement of salt mines, coal mines, and iron mines is a matter of urgency.

The sooner it is placed, he can also have peace of mind sooner.

What's more, even at night, the townspeople of Stone Town work tirelessly.

It's just that the number of people will be reduced by 1/3 compared to the daytime, and the speed will naturally decrease by 1/3.

After all, people always have to rest.

However, the cumulative progress of alternating shifts in one night is not a lot.

It's better to work at night.

He can also rush back to bed early, sleep until dawn, and sleep for 9 hours at a time.

At that time, the accumulated refined salt, iron ore and coal should not be less.

Wait until tomorrow, the third day of his coming into this world.

You can start smelting steel and accelerate the industrialization process of Stone Town!

Xu Yuan walked out of the courtyard.

But he didn't go to the mountains and old forests alone.

but he brought with him three hundred swords and fifty archers.

At night, it is the time when all beasts hunt.

If he went out alone, it would be like looking for death.

Even the townspeople have returned to Stone Town, or the Baiyuzhai stronghold on Peach Blossom Mountain.

Even if you have to work, you have to work in a safe place.

This is also the reason why Xu Yuan stationed soldiers in some wild logging sites.

It's to protect the lumberjacks.

lest they, who have no combat power and specialize in various production professions, accidentally become the belly of the beasts.

Soon, Xu Yuan came to Peach Blossom Mountain.

Sure enough, along the way, the moonlight illuminated their path, guiding them ahead.

As a result, Xu Yuan quickly found the best place to place coal and iron ore mining sites with the help of Moonlight.

This will also be the location of Xu Yuan's steelmaking factory.

After all, opening a factory nearby and forming an industrial park also saves the cost of logistics and transportation.

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