Mr. CEO, Spoil me 100 Percent!

Chapter 441: Disgusting eyes

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There is no need to kill these people, otherwise it is not good to appease other organizations.

But this woman, he will definitely find a way to get it!

Like a poisonous snake, the damp eyes swept over the Xia Xing River. Baron said with a cold smile: "Go, if you encounter any difficulties in the future, remember to come to me."


Who will believe his ghosts!

"Remember to find me." Barron stared at Xia Xinghe again this time, his eyes and yin evil eyes conveyed some dangerous information.

Liya, they took Xia Xinghe and quickly left, and did not dare to stop.

They are afraid that Barron will suddenly change his mind and force what to do with Xia Xinghe.

Xia Xinghe took a few steps and turned back to the evil and disgusting eyes of Barron.

Her eyes were cold, there was no temperature, and she only regained her gaze.

Seeing that they were gone, Quinn was busy going forward to please Barron. "Sir, you are too wise. If this is not you, Shanhe will not roll at all!"

Barron is cold and cold: "You are so bad, how can I rest assured that you can help me?"

"Sir, you can't blame us. You know that we have nothing. We can't grow and grow. But now we are all of you, and you will be brilliant. You will also swear allegiance to you, no matter what you let us What we do, we are obligated!"

What Barron wants is this kind of faithful dog.

He rewarded the same way: "The things organized by the mountain wolf, including the weapons are yours. Remember to do things for me, I will not treat you badly."

"Yes, sir!" Quinn made a military ceremony, and the answer was loud.

Barron looked at him like this and smiled with satisfaction.


Shanhe, they took a long distance with Xia Xinghe, and determined that no one caught up behind, and they dared to breathe a sigh of relief.

"Mom! Dog~ Hey!" A wolf kicked angrily in the trash can, cursing.

"The person of the squirrel organization, I will not let go! What kind of **** balun, he **** it!"

Shanhe is also very angry. "We used Charles to do a lot of things for Barron. Now that Charles disappears, he is like this to us. This kind of person is really a pig and dog!"

"I want to kill him." Li Ya is also very angry. "Our home is gone."

For Li Ya, who is a woman, she is more interested in the house than Shanhe.

Currie also bite his teeth: "There are so many weapons that we have harvested, they are cheaper."

"The squirrel organization is so weak, that is, there are many people. How can Barron look at them like this?" Calm down, and Shanhe raised doubts.

A wolf is also very confused: "Even for them, directly to drive us away. Barron should not be so fancy they are right."

Xia Xinghe suddenly faintly replied: "They must have a profit transaction."

Only in this way, Barron will treat the wolf wolf organization for the squirrel organization.

"It must be like this." Kirui nodded.

"But there is any interest in trading, the squirrel organization is poorer than us." Li Ya said inexplicably.

"No matter what the transaction, but they must have any problems. The point is, now we have nothing. Barron will obviously suppress us, what do we do in the future?" Shanhe worried.

What Liya is worried about is other: "I think Barron is not expected to let go of the Galaxy easily. He will definitely make something."

When I heard her, the atmosphere was dignified.

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