Mr. CEO, Spoil me 100 Percent!

Chapter 442: Change this, **** everything!

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Several people are staring at the Xia Xing River.

Shanhe warned her: "Xinghe, you must be careful, the woman who Barron looks at can't escape."

"He is still very abnormal, and the woman he snatched is very miserable." Li Ya also said.

A wolf comforted her: "Don't worry too much, we will protect you. You are our people, we will not leave you alone."

Kirui nodded. "Yes, we are all ourselves, we will not leave you."

Xia Xinghe suddenly became very curious.

In this war, the countries with dark faces everywhere, how do they maintain this kind of sincerity.

What's more, she only knows them for 2 days, they just think she is her own.

They are really, sincerely moved by Xia Xinghe.

"You have nothing, and there is no way to protect me." Xia Xinghe said faintly.

Shanhe, they are a glimpse...

Yes, they have nothing.

The home is gone, the weapons of self-defense are gone, and there is no money.

They can be said to be like many refugees.

"We will find ways to earn money and find weapons again." Shanhe promised.

Li Ya’s excited proposal, “I can go back to the bar to sell wine, and everyone will have no problem eating.”

"I can go..." Curry's words have not been finished, and a nearby store was robbed by a gang.

"Robbery, catch them, rob!" The owner rushed out and shouted.

Shanhe’s conditional reflex was going to chase, but he didn’t want the gang to suddenly turn back and put a shot, shouting: “Do not shut up and kill you!”

The store owner shut up instantly.

Shanhe, they also stopped in an instant...

They realized that they had no weapons and it was useless to catch up.

In a country full of danger everywhere, no weapons are deadly.

But weapons are also precious, not everyone.


Suddenly, a fighter jet flew out of the air.

Xia Xinghe did not react to what was going on, and he was run by Shanhe.

It was not far away, and the explosion of the explosion was heard not far behind.

Xia Xinghe realized that the fighter was launching a bomb.

Shanhe took her everywhere to hide, and the fighters continued to put a few of them before they flew away.

The Xia Xinghe was dusty all over the body. The street that was originally depressed was even ruined. Many people were crying and others were killed.

"Xinghe, are you okay?" Li Ya asked her about the dust on her body.

Xia Xinghe looked at a few people who were killed in the distance, and shook his head. "I'm fine... Is this happening often?"

"You said air raid?" Shanhe nodded. "Yes, it happens often. Although I am used to it, I still feel sad every time."

It’s really sad...

Xia Xinghe never knew that in this beautiful planet, there is still a country living in dire straits.

In contrast, her life in the city of t, is simply a paradise on earth.

In the past one or two months, Xi Mubai traced the army to the fire organization in such a country.

It turns out that he is in danger every day...

Xia Xinghe didn't want to die, and he didn't want to go to the past, but he didn't want Li Ya to live here.

Therefore, she should find out the evidence of Feng Shaohuang as soon as possible, find Xi Mubai, and then leave here!

The premise of leaving is to be strong first.

Xia Xinghe turned to look at Liya, and said one word: "From now on, you follow me, let me help you change this, **** everything!"

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