Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1003: It is love!

Chapter 1003 is love!

The voice of the cloud is so low that it is as low as talking to oneself.

Where is the rest and not a break? ! Why do you have to be here...

It is clearly the atmosphere of Gu Qingcheng, but there is no trace of Gu Qingcheng everywhere. It is the biggest torment for Yunli.

When the elevator door opened, Gu Qingcheng walked in. Yu Guang saw a small face with a white and low cloud. After entering the fingerprint, he did not lift his head: "I will return next Wednesday..."

The cloud glazed up in a wrong way, facing the Qingcheng with a soft eye.

"Pill medicine on time, don't get sick again!" Gu Qingcheng said.

Clouds and rims seem to have a smile, gently nodded, and the nose was sour: "Well... I know!"

The sound is a bit of a nasal sound.

The elevator door slowly closed, and on the mirror wall, Gu Qingcheng saw his lips, and the cold features of the five senses were covered with a thin layer of warmth.

What is the care of the daughter of Yun Shoushan, Gu Qingcheng did not think about...

As it was yesterday, it is really not a good care.

How to count the cloud glaze as a daughter, especially after knowing the mind of the cloud glaze.

Avoiding it, giving her a good life, Gu Qingcheng did this... but it made the cloud look a mess.

A normal father or adoptive father, at the age of Yun Liuli, will probably be at the side of the child and give her correct guidance when she is confused.

He thought, at least after the cloud glaze was handed over to a better boyfriend, he would pull away from the life of the cloud glaze, probably the cloud glaze would be better accepted.


I heard that Gu Qingcheng will come back next Wednesday, Yun Liuli couldn’t help but raise his lips, and the gloomy feeling that has been around his head for a long time seems to have disappeared.

Cloud glaze returned to the room and slammed into the soft bed, holding the quilt, with a smile in his voice: "I know, he likes me! The coward..."

From the birthday of Gu Qingcheng, the sky of the cloud glass has been shrouded in the haze, it is raining.

After a long time, because of Gu Qingcheng’s words, the sky of the cloud glaze cleared up in a flash.

Early the next morning, Yun Liuli returned to school with a refreshing refreshment. I couldn’t see that I was a patient yesterday.

Yun Liuli went back to the dormitory to get the books in the class. When he entered the door, he heard the Du shadow of the dormitory and Ye Yingying discuss and confess.

Ye Yingying was a little restless, biting her nails and looking to Du shadow: "But...but I am afraid of confession, we can't even do it with friends!"

Du shadow made a blank eye to Ye Yingying: "Don't you kidding?! Are you missing friends?! You are not missing! We are all your friends!"

Just saying, Du shadow saw the cloud glaze that opened the dormitory door, and pointed it to the cloud with the chin: "Liquor, I... Which one of us is not your friend?! Your friend is enough, no one is missing him! You What is missing is his boyfriend... Come on! Go and confess!"

Yun Liuli and the two of them greeted each other and walked under their own shop. They took the textbooks of their class today from the desk, and they did not participate in their discussion.

Fortunately, this kind of personality in the cloud glaze, du shadow and Ye Yingying in the dormitory have long been used to it, they are more recognized as the cloud glaze, so there is no care.

Walking on the road, the clouds in the brain are just the shadow of Du shadow...

[Your friend is enough, no one is missing him! What you lack is his boyfriend...]

Yun Liu holds the book in her arms. She only has a relative of Gu Qingcheng, but she still confessed, even though Yun Liu once thought that she had lost Gu Qingcheng, although the results were not satisfactory...

I can't regret it, and my heart is starting to try again.

Because you love someone, you love!

Since there is no way to not love, then you can only go forward.

From the beginning of the school, I have never been laughing at the cloud, and I can’t help but keep my lips on the road.

In the Liuli University, there are four people in a dormitory. In addition to Du Shadow and Ye Yingying, there is also a student named Guan Nina who is a cloud.

I don’t know if the cloud glaze will come to class this morning. Guan Nina and Zhong Qingyi are sitting together and seem to be asking about Zhong Qing’s yesterday to accompany Yun Liuli to participate in the full moon smoke...

Seeing the cloud glaze coming in from the classroom, Guan Nina immediately got up and waved at the cloud glaze: "Rose!"

Many people in the name of the cloud glass have heard that there are many people in the classroom who come to their classrooms to absent from class... all in order to appreciate the beauty of the clouds and glass.

Last month, the students in the same school were bored. The photos of the school flowers for nearly six years were posted on the top to vote, and the most beautiful school flowers were selected. The number of votes in the cloud glass was absolutely rolling.

The beauty of the cloud glaze is so delicate that people can't pick any flaws, especially the eyes that can be used to match her name... like the most glazed glass.

Zhong Qing’s line of sight also looked in the direction of the cloud glaze, and the fingers of the book were gently tightened.

Yun Liuli nodded to Guan Nina, sitting close to the back position. After sitting down, she saw Guan Nina’s slightly unexpected expression. She was nervously whispering the name of the cloud glaze: “Glass...”

Even the boys who had been rushing to the beauty of the clouds and glamours were whispering, whispering how the cloud glaze sat next to Zhou Yuchen.

Zhou Yuchen is a geek in their school. He always wears black sweater jeans. It seems that he has never changed. He said that Zhou Yuchen’s family is only enough to buy this new clothes for Zhou Yuchen. Therefore, Zhou Yuchen did not change clothes after he was on the upper body, so most of them People are not willing to sit beside Zhou Yuchen, as if they heard the name of the nose, they have already smelled the sour taste of Zhou Yuchen.

His hair blocked his eyes, revealing only a thin chin and excessively fair skin.

Even the instructors and professors have talked with Zhou Yuchen one after another, but it is not effective. His ridicule of the students is also ignorant. Still wearing the dress, the hair does not cut the bangs to block the eyes, the whole person exudes a gloomy atmosphere.

As long as Zhou Yuchen is sitting, the surroundings must be empty.

Zhou Yuchen did not have a friend in the entire department, which led to Zhou Yuchen being often bullied.

Zhou Yuchen never returned, so that this violent incident has become more and more fierce. Today, Zhou Yuchen has become the target of bullying in the whole school. No one dares to go closer to Zhou Yuchen, fearing that he will be hurt.

I noticed that I was sitting next to me. Zhou Yuchen was holding his pen and holding his own book. He was nervous and nervous, and his injured right hand trembled.

"Glass! You come over!" Guan Nina lowered her voice and waved her hand to the cloud.

Zhong Qingyi also turned his head and frowned and looked at Yun Liuli and Zhou Yuchen.

The third is more... ask for a monthly ticket, dear! ! ! ! ! The story of the little glass is in progress...

(End of this chapter)

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