Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1004: Slag woman

Chapter 1004 **** female

Zhou Yuchen doesn't like this kind of eye-catching feeling. He put his head low and low, and he doesn't know where to hide. There is no other boy who is excited about sitting with his school flower. Uneasy.

Cloud glazed staring at Guan Nina, seeing almost half of the classroom people look in their own direction, but also a look of stunned.

Hearing the sound of nails and paper rubbing around him, Yun Liu looked sideways at Zhou Yuchen, who had a very low head.

Yun Liuli has always been concerned about the things in the school. Du shadow in the dormitory is a gossip. Every day, he is working tirelessly to make a gossip porter. He even points to the cloud and gives her the protagonist of the gossip.

About Zhou Yuchen Yunli glass heard Du shadow said, can be close to the distance and Zhou Yuchen, can not smell the body, but the laundry liquid is full of fragrance.

This kind of rumor about personal attacks has been experienced in the middle and high school, and it is not in my heart.

Seeing that the professor had entered the classroom, Yun Liuli sat on the side of Zhou Yuchen and opened the book. There was no sign of moving because he saw the person next to him.

For the cloud glaze, there is no difference in sitting anywhere.

Guan Nina frowned and looked at the cloud glazed. She turned and said something to Zhong Qingyu. Both of them turned their heads.

Because other people and Zhou Yuchen maintain the distance between two or three positions, after the front and rear are open, Yun Liuli and Zhou Yuchen are particularly conspicuous.

The professor looked at the accidents of Zhou Yuchen and Yunlili, and then did not ask much about the content of today's lectures.

The things that Yun Yunli and Zhou Yuchen sat together in the class blasted the pot on the school floor. Some people secretly took pictures of Yun Liuli and Zhou Yuchen on the school network. Zhou Yuchen became the target of the public and was attacked into a sieve. .

Everyone asked why the goddess of cloud glaze sat with Zhou Yuchen...

Some people say that Zhou Yuchen’s heart machine boy, knowing that the goddess’ heart is selling badly, caused the goddess to pay attention.

Some people said that there is something wrong with it, saying that the goddess passed by Zhou Yuchen, Zhou Yuchen asked if the goddess could sit with him, and the goddess saw no one around him and was embarrassed to refuse to sit with him.

What's more, some people directly open up and say that Zhou Yuchen is something. Even the rats in the ditch of the ditch are inferior, and they even want to eat swan meat.

In short, what the school network says is all about it. The people who eat melons use extraordinary descriptive power to describe Zhou Yuchen as the embarrassment of pursuing the white swan of cloud glaze.

In that class, Zhou Yuchen was fidgeting and wanted to move to the side, and he was afraid that his classmates who were separated from him by three seats would be dissatisfied... causing unnecessary troubles, and he could only sit there with his back and sit silently.

The personality of the cloud glaze is also very isolated. The lonely people seem to be more similar on the gas field. For example, the cloud glaze sitting next to Zhou Yuchen is more comfortable than sitting next to others, because Zhou Yuchen is very quiet and will not make any noise affecting the cloud. Glass will not be used for reasons.

And because there are no people around, the class is very comfortable on the cloud.

In the class, Zhou Yuchen hurriedly packed up and left, and Yun Nianli was taken out of the classroom by Guan Nina...

"What's the matter with you?! How do you sit with Zhou Yuchen? You don't think Zhou Yuchen is stinky?!" Guan Nina frowned. "You will let Zhong Qing think more!"

Yun Nina looked at her nervous Guan Ni Na and blinked: "Zhou Yuchen is not stinky, and I and Zhong Qingyi are not friends..."

Yun Liuli said it was very straightforward, since even friends are not really good at it.

"So, Zhong Qingyu said that it is true, you and Zhong Qingxi said ... even friends are not willing to do with him?!" Guan Nina quite can not believe.

Cloud glaze nodded.

Guan Nina: "..."

She reached out and poked the head of the cloud glass: "How do you feel so sad, how can you refuse others, and hope that you will not leave it to others? People say that we can still be friends, and you can stop all the roads." It!"

"But I don't like it! Why do you want to give hope to others?! This is not the one you said... that... scum girl?!" Yun Liuli asked Guan Nina seriously.

Guan Nina: "I am speechless!"

Guan Nina is the most enthusiastic girl in the dormitory, and she likes to bring red lines to others.

After all, Zhong Qing's family is also a good man in the school, so when Zhong Qingyi reveals that he wants to chase the clouds, Guan Nina is full of enthusiasm.

Who can think of the cloud glaze, even the Zhongqing dynasty can not see.

"Then don't sit with Zhou Yuchen in the future. How do you let others see you?!" Guan Nina took the arm of the cloud and walked to the dormitory. "Yes, do you know that Ye Yingying likes it?" The grass of the civil system, especially tall and handsome, is that the family is a bit poor. I heard that it is subsidized by poverty. I think this poverty subsidy should be given to Zhou Yuchen. You see Zhou Yuchen, which looks like a year in the end... ..."

Guan Nina went back to the dormitory on the way and clouded the glass, but she said a lot of things about Zhou Yuchen.

Guan Nina said that Zhou Yuchen’s family did not know at the beginning. He didn’t like to talk. He asked ten sentences before answering a sentence. He didn’t live in school. He heard that because of poverty, there is no way to pay for accommodation. Just in the city, so I take the bus back and forth every day.

Once, when a school student took a bus, Zhou Yuchen happened to meet Zhou Yuchen. He found that Zhou Yuchen’s car in the shantytown was curious and followed the car. He saw Zhou Yuchen walked into the shantytown and took photos to the school. Online, less than the next day, the whole school knows which shantytown Zhou Yuchen lives in...

Later, Zhou Yuchen was always dressed up. The rumor that he did not change clothes was gradually confirmed. I don’t know if I could really smell the sour smell of Zhou Yuchen, or because of psychological effects. Everyone was unwilling to talk to Zhou Yuchen from the beginning. It gradually developed into a walk around Zhou Yuchen, and it is absolutely necessary to keep a distance of more than two meters from Zhou Yuchen.

Later, everyone began to bully Zhou Yuchen.

Yun Liuli listened to Guan Nina and said the story of Zhou Yuchen, remembering herself in the early high school period.

At that time, Yun Liuli was also a solitary, rumored to the last pass, especially difficult to listen to, and finally was involved in school violence all day bullied.

It may be that when I first entered the school, the cloud glaze was because Gu Qingcheng’s hope that the cloud glaze could have a normal girl’s life...

(End of this chapter)

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