Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1006: I won’t delay thinking about Gu Qingcheng’s time.

Chapter 1006 will not delay the time of Gu Qingcheng.

"I will not bother you! You can rest assured!" Zhong Qingyi finished, and turned back to his companion, "Xiao Yuan, throw my book to me!"

They are all friends who play basketball. The other party has lost the book. Zhong Qing’s picking up the book is particularly handsome. A group of little girls are discussing the handsome, and they see Zhong Qingyi’s one-handed support on the desk. Sitting next to the cloud glass.

The little girls whispered, and the courageous little girl like Zhong Qingyi had shyly answered and moved over, sitting in the front row of Zhong Qingyi, completely forgetting that there was another annoying thing sitting within three meters. Zhou Yuchen!

The little girl spread out the book, and from time to time, she and her companion turned back and looked at Zhong Qing, and whispered, saying that there is a match between Zhong Qing and Yun Liu.

As soon as the professor went to the classroom for such a long time, Yun Liuli had heard a few girls in the front row of brains filled with cloud glaze and Zhong Qing 翡 quarrel, and Yun Liuli deliberately sat in the storyline of Zhou Yuchen's qi zhongqing.

When the professor was in class, a little girl turned back and whispered to Zhong Qingyi: "Zhong Qingying cheers! We are optimistic about you and the glass goddess!"

Zhong Qingyu Yu Guang looked at the cloud glass that was dragging his chin and carefully listening to the class. The lips and corners did not consciously evoke and nodded.

The little girl got the response from Zhong Qingyi, and it was a little embarrassment.

The cloud glaze was disturbed and frowned.

In the middle and high school, although others are isolated from the cloud, the cloud glass learning environment is quite quiet, and it is good for people who like quietness like cloud glass.

Since entering the university, Yun Liuli is not used to the feeling of being concerned about this discussion, especially when he is in class, saying that there is no influence on the deceit.

Cloud glaze has always been a good time to learn to listen carefully to the contents of the teacher and professor. After class, I will not delay the time of Gu Qingcheng. This disturbing slightly affects the life of Yunlili.

The original hand-for-handed cloud glazed changed a hand, and the left-handed shackles blocked the eyes of Zhong Qing 翡 and the little girls in the front row of Zhong Qing 往, and the eyebrows were wrinkled.

Cloud glass turned over and saw Zhou Yuchen's nephew under the thick bangs seem to be looking at her. She saw her turn around and looked at the panic of the bag, almost burying her head in the book.

At the end of the class, Yun Liuli packed up the book and left, and the cloud glazed away to forget his drinking cup on the desk.

Zhou Yuchen glanced at it, and the lips did not scream at the cloud. After watching her leave, the cup of her drinking was picked up by Zhong Qing.

Sitting quietly waiting for a while, Zhou Yuchen also packed up the book and wanted to wait until everyone left before leaving.

The students who saw this row of their own have left, Zhou Yuchen took the book and left, just arrived at the door and was stopped by Zhong Qingyi.

"What do you and Liuli say to let the glass sit with you every day?! I said that you are not close to the students within three meters, so is it the quietest sitting next to you?!" Zhong Qingyu was not good at Zhou Yuchen. There was a bit of coldness in the tone.

He stared at Zhou Yuchen, and wanted to see Zhou Yuchen's eyes through Zhou Yuchen's bangs. Zhong Qingyi was half-squatting and couldn't see anything.

Zhou Yuchen's thin lips are close to each other, and this is too pale and bloodless cheeks... I can see a bruise, although I can't see the indifferent smell of his body, it is still undetectable.

This indifference is different from the time when the cloud glaze was in the air, with a bit of panic and disappointment, calm and alienated.

A few friends standing in the corridor waiting for Zhongqing Lang, relying on the balcony railing, chewing gum in his mouth, see Zhou Yuchen not snoring, one of the scorpions walked up to Zhou Yuchen's side, single-handedly, one hand 攥Living in Zhou Yuchen's neckline, Hanger Lang was walking down the corner of the corridor at the end of the corridor.

"Xiao Yuan!" Zhong Qing screamed the boy who was carrying Zhou Yuchen.

"Qing 翡..." Zhong Qingyi’s friend pulled Zhong Qingyu, who was going to chase after him. "The kind of person like garbage, you don’t confess him. He doesn’t know how many pounds he or she makes. Xiao Yuan has a good lesson to teach him, save the old man from swaying in front of the glass, and also make you upset not!"

"That is, let me say... Xiao Yuan playing Zhou Yuchen is also a matter of their own family. We should not interfere with outsiders!"

Zhong Qing’s brows were wrinkled and hesitated.

Xiao Yuan took Zhou Yuchen to the stairs and used it to push Zhou Yuchen into the wall.

Xiao Yuan put his hands in his pockets and chewed the chewing gum. The scorpion was a cool color: "Do you want to use it for a while?! Let you know a little bit away from the cloud glaze? Monster?!"

Zhou Yuchen heard the word of the monster and his eyes jumped, but he showed it like a dummy without emotions. He stood against the wall and watched Xiao Yuan walk in front of him and reached out and patted his cheek: "Still Do you want to try something more powerful?!"

Zhou Yuchen clung to the book in his hand, not snoring.

Just a few basketball teams who watched the lively with Xiao Yuan Zhong Qing, some of them followed, and hahaha tweeted Zhou Yuchen's weakness and incompetence.

Xiao Yuan’s look at Zhou Yuchen’s eyes is like looking at a dirty object: “In the future, it’s a little farther away from the cloud, otherwise... I interrupted your leg! Did you hear it?!”

"Xiao Yuan asked you to be dumb?!" Look at the lively hands and kick the kick and kick Zhou Yuchen.

Zhou Yuchen licked the book's finger joints white, straight back and stood there without saying a word.

I forgot the cup of cloud glass just went upstairs and saw this scene. She saw Zhou Yuchen's hands hanging on both sides of the body. The hand holding the book was bruised and obvious, and the back of the hand was bursting, but the expression was still not much changed. She lifted her foot upstairs.

"Ask you! Say!" The other has already caught Zhou Yuchen's neckline.

Zhou Yuchen still does not say anything.

"Mom! Toasting, not eating fine wine!"

The boy who was holding the neckline of Zhou Yuchen raised his fist, but he fell under the fist of Zhou Yuchen and was stopped by the man. The boy squatted sideways...

The frowning cloud of frowning smashed the wrist of the male fist, and Zhou Yuchen took the person behind him and released the boy who punched the punch.

Zhou Yuchen's throat was swaying. He lowered his head and looked at the small hand of the cloud-strapped buckle on his white wrist. The heart thumped.

"Don't care about this thing..." Xiao Yuan stepped up and stepped forward.

Cloud glass frowns wrinkle more tightly: "Who are you?!"

Clouds are not very good at remembering the names and looks of others.

Xiao Yuan was stunned: "..."

Zhong Qingyu, who slowly walked over with his companions, saw the cloud glaze protecting Zhou Yuchen behind him.

The third is more... ask for a monthly ticket, dear! ! ! ! ! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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