Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1007: Just now, Yunlili didn’t say it.

Chapter 1007, just the cloud glaze is not said

"Is you let these people beat him?!" Yun Liuli asked Zhong Qing.

Cloud glaze has no other meaning, just a question.

But Zhong Qingyi was made a big fan of the question of Yun Liuli. He thought that the words of Yunlili were questionable. He stood there with his teeth: "I am in your eyes for Zhou Yuchen and you will take a class." Do you want to hit someone?!"

"It has nothing to do with Qing..." Xiao Yuan said, "I and Zhou Yuchen are solving personal problems, right! Zhou Yuchen!"

Before the high school in the middle of the cloud, I didn’t have encountered school violence in the school. At that time, the cloud glaze was isolated. Some girls who were afraid of cloud and glass learning long and beautiful, always found excuses to find cockroaches and blocked the clouds. Lessons behind the toilet or the teaching building.

At that time, Yunli didn’t have the power to fight back. They could only let them be beaten and then go home.

Later, Gu Qingcheng inadvertently saw the injury on the cloud glaze, and found out what happened after telling the cloud glaze. Everyone is bullying and hard, and the more you endure it, the more you will be beaten!

Gu Qingcheng said that he can also help the cloud glaze to teach those students who have bullied the cloud glaze, just... If the cloud glaze does not stand up, it will be bullied by more powerful people, and people must learn to save themselves!

It is Gu Qingcheng’s personally taught cloud and glass fighting, Gu Qingcheng said... As his adopted daughter, fighting is the most basic skill.

Later, the cloud glaze was blocked again. From the beginning, I didn’t fight back. Later, I only caught one person playing with my life, and then I didn’t dare to bully the cloud.

The cloud glaze is still the same as before, but no one dares to borrow the glass of glaze. Those who have been looking for trouble with the cloud glaze have seen the clouds and glazes.

Seeing Zhou Yuchen, Yunlili seems to have seen himself once...

Yun Yunli is lucky. She has Gu Qingcheng redeeming her from helplessness and despair.

Yun Liuli saw Zhong Qingqi holding his own mug in his hand and said: "That is mine..."

Zhong Qingyi nodded and handed the thermos to the cloud.

"Thank you!" Yun Liuli took over the mug and turned around and noticed that Zhou Yuchen stood still there. She licked Zhou Yuchen's wrist, "Go!"

Zhou Yuchen didn't want to trouble the cloud glass. He wanted to break away from the hand of the cloud, but he listened to the cloud and said: "Would you stay here and beat?! Can you beat them so weak?!"

When I heard the words of cloud glaze, Zhong Qing’s friend seemed to hear a joke and sneered: “As far as he... glaze is too much to see him! A chicken, we are all dirty with our hands!”

"That is, this weak chicken has only been beaten! I said glazed... What do you care about this weak chicken! How good we are, how many girls in the school are chasing after the sputum, but there is only you in the heart of the Qing dynasty. Don't be too unconscience, don't see the cleansing of you!"

Yun Liuli looked at the boy who spoke, blinked his eyes, and asked in a serious way: "There are so many boys chasing me. Do you want me to agree to conscience?!"

The other people who blocked the cloud glaze couldn’t speak.

Yes, people who chase the clouds can go out of the city from here...

Yun Liuli looks at Zhong Qingyi: "Zhong Qingyi I already have someone who loves. I will only love him in this life, so I will reject you and refuse to give you hope."

Yun Liuli said it was straightforward.

After that, the cloud glazed with Zhou Yuchen walking down the stairs.

A group of friends of Xiao Yuan and Zhong Qingyi were shocked...

"Clouds say that... she has someone who loves! It’s so powerful with love!"

"The person she said... Wouldn't it be Zhou Yuchen?!" The man slammed into Xiao Yuan's arm. "What is your dog's illegitimate child?"

"Crap it! Cloud glaze can look at Zhou Yuchen! What is there for nothing?" What is it?!"

"Maybe... the picture may be loved, just the cloud glaze is not said, love it!"

"Let's shut up!" Zhong Qingyu snorted with a fist and said, "No one can mention this matter! If tomorrow, Yunyun and Zhou Yuchen will be together, don't blame me for turning my face!"

After that, Zhong Qingxi repressed the anger in his heart and turned away.

"What do you mean by Qing Jie! For women to talk to their brothers!"

Xiao Yuan's brow wrinkled, raised his hand and patted his angry friend, saying: "The heart is not good, don't go to the heart!"

After that, Xiao Yuan caught up with Zhong Qingyi, and hooked the neck of Zhong Qingyi: "You can rest assured... Zhou Yuchen will fix it for you. I will never let the woman you like have anything to do with him!"

Zhong Qing’s heart is sad.

He never liked a girl so much. After being rejected, he said that even his friends could not do it. After that, Yun Liuli mistakenly turned himself into a person who beat hands, which made Zhong Qing’s heart not angry. !

"Forget it, if Zhou Yuchen has something to do, Yunli Liu will definitely count this on my head! And..." Zhong Qingyi looked at Xiao Yuan, "In fact, the things of the last generation are all things of the older generation. Even if Zhou Yuchen’s mother did anything, Zhou Yuchen did not step into your home half-step from beginning to end. You should not anger to Zhou Yuchen’s body. After that... don’t bully him!”

For Zhou Yuchen, Zhong Qingyi does not like it, but there is sympathy.

Xiao Yuan stared at Zhong Qingyi, and he said: "My life is saved by you. If you say something, I will listen!"

"Let's go!" Zhong Qing sighed and reached out and patted Xiao Yuan's shoulder and left with Xiao Yuan.

Xiao Yuan’s hate of Zhou Yuchen’s mother is not unreasonable. Zhou Yuchen’s mother is the French supermodel Marianne Tatu who has passed away.

Marianne Tatu met Xiao Yuan's father, Xiao Qinghai, during Xiao Yuan's father and mother's honeymoon. Without knowing that Xiao Yuan's father was married, Xiao Qinghai, who was named Zhou Qinghai, had Zhou Yuchen.

Later, Maritian Tatu came to the country to find "Zhou Qinghai" to know that Zhou Qinghai is Xiao Qinghai, and Xiao Qinghai's wife already has children.

When the two women with their stomachs met, everything was clear. Xiao Yuan’s mother listened to Marianne Tatu’s narration and Xiao Qinghai’s acquaintance. She knew her husband, Marianne Tatu. It was also a victim, so she divorced Xiao Qinghai after giving birth to Xiao Yuan and left Xiao Yuan to Xiao Qinghai.

However, Zhou Yuchen’s mother did not choose to be with the scum male Xiao Qinghai. After the birth of the child, she continued to walk better and better on the road of supermodel, but in the year of Zhou Yuchen’s three and a half years, Marianne Tatu’s body Suffering from cancer.

Xiao Xiao who lost her mother from a young age, under the education of her grandmother, hated Marianne Tatu.

The first is more... Zhou Yuchen is a man...

(End of this chapter)

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