Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1008: People want to save themselves

Chapter 1008 People want to save themselves

Originally, he tried to wait until he grew up and found Marianne Tatu revenge. As a result, Marianne Tatu was dead, so Xiao Yuan turned to hate the son of Marianne Tatu... Zhou Yuchen.

Before Marilyn Tatu’s death, she made a proper arrangement for Zhou Yuchen. She worried that the young child could not keep the family property she left behind. Before her death, she decided to turn her estate into a heritage trust...

Every month, in addition to the living expenses, Zhou Yuchen can get a sum of money to buy something he likes every year.

And each festival has special funds to ensure the life of Zhou Yuchen.

Originally, Maritim Tatu was preparing to bring Zhou Yuchen back to France, but the parents of France's Marianne Tatu had passed away. Her relationship with her sister was incompetent, and she was afraid to give Zhou Yuchen to her sister. My sister will try to get the property to treat her own children, and then entrust Zhou Yuchen to the nanny who has been taking care of their mother and son.

The nanny was widowed in his early years, and later lost his son in the middle ages. He was also alone in this world.

Therefore, when Marianne Tatu entrusted Zhou Yuchen to the nanny, the nanny was excited and felt that Zhou Yuchen was pitiful. She agreed to it without thinking. She said to Maritian Tatu if there is Zhou Yuchen in...they Two people also have a dependence in this world.

Marianne Tatu had only one requirement for the nanny, and he did everything he could to take care of Zhou Yuchen. All the expenses needed for their life were handled by Marianne Tatu.

Marianne Tatu is a celebrity. When she died, Xiao Qinghai found Zhou Yuchen and wanted to bring her son back to Xiaojia, but he saw Zhou Yuchen’s eyes being shocked.

Zhou Yuchen has been hidden by Marianne Tatu, so he is too small to be willing to leave the only trusted nanny, and he is not willing to return to Xiaojia with Xiao Qinghai.

Xiao Qinghai felt that if Zhou Yuchen was brought back, it was estimated that Xiao’s old lady could not accept Zhou Yuchen’s eyes, and finally it was put down.


Yun Yuli walked downstairs with Zhou Yuchen and loosened Zhou Yuchen's hand. He said: "Everyone is bullying and hard. The more you endure, the more you will be beaten! People must learn to save themselves!"

Yun Liuli told Gu Qingcheng that the original model had told Zhou Yuchen as it was.

She stood in front of Zhou Yuchen, holding the book in one hand and holding the mug under the arm in one hand: "I am like you, not good at dealing with people. I was also isolated in middle and high school! Someone told me If I don't stand up, I will be bullied even more! He told me... you can't beat everyone, you can catch one and fight to death, people are like this... you yell at them! Be bullied again!"

Zhou Yuchen squinted at his lips.

The reason he was bullied was because he always refused to fight back, but also because he was inferior, because his eyes were inferior.

Yun Yuguang couldn't see Zhou Yuchen's eyes, couldn't see his expression, and could only see the indifference and alienation from his delicate outline.

Such an expression cloud glaze is very familiar, and the expression of the once glazed glass is exactly the same.

Since it brought trouble to Zhou Yuchen, Yun Liuli did not intend to sit next to Zhou Yuchen. She would sit somewhere else tomorrow, and she hoped that Zhou Yuchen could listen to her.

Zhou Yuchen hides his eyes under the bangs, gazing at the slender back of the cloud glaze, and the fingers that had been tightly tied together had traces of stretching.

Zhou Yuchen is different from other people in the school. He doesn't like cloud glaze...

Perhaps... because Zhou Yuchen smelled the same kind of taste in the cloud glass.

This feeling is especially noticeable when Yun Liuli tells him that she has also been isolated and outdated.

They are not good at communicating with people, and it is easy to be isolated and become the target of bullying.

Zhou Yuchen never cares about the isolation of others.

Once the cloud glaze, it never meant to be.

Now the cloud glaze began to care, but it was because of Gu Qingcheng’s birthday wish.

And Zhou Yuchen, because of the appearance of a person, has become somewhat concerned about whether she will be disgusted and she will always be bullied and look down on herself.

That person is the du shadow of Yun Liuli and the dormitory.

It was just a week of school. Zhou Yuchen bought a pile of books in the bookstore opposite the school. When he came out, he was hit by a junior high school student who rushed past the bicycle. The book fell to the ground.

Du shadow came out of the tea shop with the other two girls in her dormitory, helped him to slap the book, and looked up at the moment, the bangs blown away by the wind, a green emerald, an amber hazelnut was revealed in the same way. In front of Du shadow.

Du's shadow is beautiful and the little face is slightly wrong.

Zhou Yuchen quickly lowered his head to arrange the bangs, put on the sweater hat, pressed his hair, panic and grabbed his book from the shadow of Du, and listened to Du shadow: "Your eyes are beautiful!"

This is the first time in so many years that someone has said to myself that his eyes are very beautiful...

Later, Zhou Yuchen began to pay attention to the shadow of Du, and naturally noticed the cloud glass of the same dormitory with Du Shadow.

As soon as he saw the cloud glaze, Zhou Yuchen realized that the cloud glaze was the same kind as himself, so he didn't like it because Zhou Yuchen in the subconscious mind hated himself.

Zhou Yuchen silently pays attention to Du shadow. He knows that Du shadow is lively and cheerful. Many people like Du shadow. Although it is so conspicuous that it is so beautiful with Yun Liuli, it is not so conspicuous. But her personality is easy to follow. like.

At the beginning, Du Yu saw that Zhou Yuchen would greet Zhou Yuchen. Later, everyone began to alienate Zhou Yuchen, and Du shadow also followed Zhou Yuchen.

Later, Zhou Yuchen heard Du shadow and others said that his eyes were terrible. Zhou Yuchen was really upset. He felt that he was probably a monster as other people said, otherwise the color of the eyes is different.

After experiencing Du shadow, Zhou Yuchen is not so easy to open his heart to others. Even Du shadow has never done anything. Even the idea of ​​being friends with Zhou Yuchen has never been.

Zhou Yuchen stood in the stairs downstairs for a long time, and all of them were in the clouds and the sentence was to save themselves.

Zhou Yuchen closes his eyes and tells himself... Never feel moved by someone else's words. Others just say it casually, don't be too convinced.

He held the book on his chest and walked toward the school gate.

On the next day, Zhou Yuchen sat in the third row, and there was still a vacancy around.

(End of this chapter)

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