Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1009: Gu Qingcheng said that the itinerary has changed

Chapter 1009 Gu Qingcheng said that the itinerary has changed

Yun Liuli and Guan Nina came in from the outside of the classroom. The cloud glass looked like a vacant space around Zhou Yuchen. She sighed a little, and Guan Ni Na went to the second row of vacant positions. .

Many people didn't go to the classroom today to skip classes, just to see the picture of the school flower cloud and the school geek Zhou Yuchen. I didn't expect that the school birds and birds didn't have the bird Zhou Yuchen, and they sat in the second row.

Guan Nina is a good person. When I sit down, there are a lot of people coming over to drink Guan Nina to say hello, even with the cloud and glass.

When Yun Liuli and Guan Nina were about to go to the second row, Zhou Yuchen heard the snoring from the surrounding students. The eyes of Liu Hai couldn’t help but look in the direction of the second row. Zhou Yuchen only took a look and recovered. My own eyes are on the books.

"It is said that Yun Liuli may have been sitting with Zhou Yuchen's geek, and he is stinky!"

"It must be a rumor, but it is occasionally sitting once, the school flower is so simple and kind, it is definitely embarrassing to move, just sit once!"

"I think it is... It must be Zhou Yuchen's shameless face to sit next to the school flower, and the school flower pity him, so he acquiesced!"

Zhou Yuchen seems to be unable to hear these arguments. His attention is all on the books, and the hand of the pen is tightened...

Although Zhou Yuchen didn't care if Yun Liuli would sit with himself, he couldn't help but feel sorry... Fortunately, he told himself yesterday that he should not believe anyone's words, otherwise he will only be sad today.

The lesson in the second row of the cloud glaze is not so good, the students in the back row, and the excuses on both sides talking with Guan Nina to test the relationship between Yun Liuli and Zhou Yuchen.

Cloud glazed opened his notebook with a calendar. There wasn't a word on it. She spread a circle on the next Wednesday.

There are still five days!

Yunlili plans to live in Yunding Apartment on Saturday and Sunday, clean and clean, and pack things that I have not had time to take out.

In the future, Yun Liuli plans not to stay, she wants to live in Yunding Apartment.

No matter whether Gu Qingcheng is not there, there is the atmosphere of Gu Qingcheng!

Thinking of this, the lips of the cloud glass are not consciously hooked up...

In the lesson, Yun Liuli hurried back to the dormitory, put down the books and handwriting, and carried a backpack on his back to take a taxi to Yunding Apartment.

Back to Yunding Apartment, Yunli Glass changed clothes and opened all the boxes with their own things. Both the clothes and the small ornaments were taken out, and the room and the living room were filled...

At 4:30 in the afternoon, Yun Liuli packed up the house and looked at it... finally got a fireworks atmosphere.

Yun Liuli took out his mobile phone and took a photo and sent it to Gu Qingcheng.

Ten minutes later, Yunlili received the information of Gu Qingcheng.

[Gu Qingcheng: These things don't have to be done by you, so go to class. 】

The heart of the cloud is sweet and can't help but go to Gu Qingcheng's room.

Gu Qingcheng's last change of home clothes, the housekeeping aunt has already put a clean stack on the bed, cloud glazed sitting on the edge of the bed, holding Gu Qingcheng's clothes, the lips are not consciously want to rise.

As long as Gu Qingcheng does not drive her away from his world, Yun Liuli is already very happy. She believes that Gu Qingcheng loves her, but her parents Gu Qingcheng dare not easily cross his bottom line.

Yun Liuli buried her little face in Gu Qingcheng's clothes, and there was still the atmosphere of Gu Qingcheng. The little girl fell happily on the big bed and made a few rounds.

Probably Gu Qingcheng’s assistant informed the aunt of the housekeeping that the cloud glaze was in the apartment today, and the aunt of the housekeeping squatted at the fresh vegetables and fruits at five o'clock, and left the cloud glaze after making a meal.

Yun Liuli doesn't like other people to interrupt, Gu Qingcheng's assistant has already explained the housekeeping aunt long ago.

When the housekeeper aunt left, he wanted to talk to Yunlili, and he was afraid that the little girl had lost this well-paid job. So she wrote a message strip on the table, put on her coat and knocked on the cloud. The door leaves.

The cloud glaze that just came out of the shower used a rubber band to pull the long hair that was still wet into a ball. When I opened the chair and sat down, I saw the message sheet of the housekeeping aunt under the soup bowl, saying that let the rice go to the glass. Put the tableware on the table, she will come and pack it in two hours, and will not bother to hit the cloud.

The cloud glaze put the note on the side and watched the sumptuous dinner. He took a sip from the soup bowl and the squid soup tasted particularly good.

Whether it is ribs or fried lotus roots, it is a dish that Yun Liuli likes.

Thinking of this may be Gu Qingcheng's painstaking account, Yun Liuli could not help but happy, and the cloud-opening glass with a wide appetite ate half a bowl of rice at night.

On the weekends, the cloud glaze stayed in the apartment for a few days. On Monday, Yun Liuli took a book and put a check on the desk calendar, two days away from Wednesday!

When I arrived at the classroom, Yun Liuli saw Guan Nina sitting on the second row of tables and was joking with other students. She didn't bother with the past. She chose the second-to-last row and no one was sitting down. She went to the bathroom and went back to Zhou Yuchen. stunned.

How did the cloud glaze sit next to him? !

Zhou Yuchen went relatively early. After sitting in that position, the students spontaneously avoided the circle. The cloud glaze also saw that there were fewer people sitting there. I didn't expect the position of the book next to it to be Zhou Yuchen's position.

After hesitating for a while, Zhou Yuchen still walked over and sat next to the cloud.

Yun Liuli received the information of Gu Qingcheng. Gu Qingcheng said that the itinerary has changed. I have already arrived in China this morning and returned to Haicheng in the afternoon.

Clouds and eyebrows are all smiles, and the whole classroom is eclipsed.

She lowered her head and sent a message to Gu Qingcheng. She did not pay attention to Zhou Yuchen sitting next to her.

[Cloud Glass: Do you have dinner at home in the afternoon? ! 】

[Gu Qingcheng: Yes. 】

The cloud of glass bites the lower lip, and the tip of the ear is red.

In that class, Yun Liuli took a very good mood, took a quiet class, and felt better...

In the afternoon, there was a class in the cloud, but she planned to skip the class. She had to go back and wait for Gu Qingcheng to come back.

After class, I packed up the things and the clouds were slid.

Putting books and cups in the dormitory, the clouds and glazed greetings did not hit them with Du shadows, then they hurried out of the school with their backpacks and went to the opposite supermarket, ready to buy things back to Yunding Apartment.

From the supermarket, the cloud glazed with a big pocket and a small pocket to prepare for a taxi, saw Zhou Yuchen sitting at the door of the pharmacy.

His black sweater had footprints, a dirty mess, and an ice pack in his hand was covering his face.

The pedestrians are looking at Zhou Yuchen, but Zhou Yuchen is just sitting there, as if there is no life dummy.

The third is more... ask for a monthly ticket at the end of the month! ! ! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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