Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1011: What are you doing with me? !

Chapter 1011 What are you doing with me? !

It is noticed that the cloud glaze is going to go, and Zhou Yuchen’s lips are licking.

Yun Liuli holds a plastic bag in one hand and straightens up to Zhou Yuchen: "I am gone, you want to consider whether you want to cut your hair..."

When it comes to cutting hair, Zhou Yuchen is more and more tight. He is afraid that his eyes will be exposed to people. He is afraid of more than ten years... He suddenly let him open his own disguise, he is afraid of it.

He looked up and saw that the cloud glaze had turned around. It was almost subconscious that Zhou Yuchen stood up, lifted his foot to the footsteps of the cloud glaze, and held a plastic bag with medicine in his hand.

Yun Liuli went to the temporary stop of the taxi, put down the two big bags in his hand and licked his hand. Yu Guang saw a thin black figure and saw Zhou Yuchen standing there.

Eyes meet, Zhou Yuchen's dodge of flashing turned away, looks like a panic.

"What are you doing with me?!" Yun Yuli asked Zhou Yuchen.

Zhou Yuchen was asked by the cloud glaze...

What did you do with the cloud, Zhou Yuchen did not know!

Zhou Yuchen, who was broken by the cloud glass, panicked and turned away. The cloud glaze seemed to suddenly think of something to call him: "Zhou Yuchen!"

A bus whizzed past the two people, and did not annihilate the crisp voice of the cloud, Zhou Yuchen's footsteps, and turned around...

I don't know if it is out of pity. I want to help Zhou Yuchen at the moment: "I also want to cut my hair. Do you want to go to the barber shop with me?! But I have to go back and put things!"

Zhou Yuchen heard the words of Yunlili, his eyes were hot, and he nodded, but he still stood weak and stood still.

"Then go! I have to go back and put things!" Cloud glazed.

Zhou Yuchen stood in his place for a long time, and finally he still lifted his foot and walked toward the direction of the cloud.

He walked one meter away from the cloud glaze, standing side by side with her on the side of the road, driving in an empty taxi, and holding the cloud glass to raise his hand...

Seeing that the taxi stopped, and the cloud glass was bent to get the plastic bag at hand, Zhou Yuchen had already smashed the plastic bag in one step.

The cloud glaze did not stop, saying: "After things are placed, you are riding the co-pilot."

Zhou Yuchen nodded, put things into the back row, and carefully opened the front passenger car door.

Not far away, Xiao Yuan’s mouth was holding a cigarette, and he saw Yun Liuli and Zhou Yuchen getting on the bus.

"Hey... Is that Zhou Yuchen?! How did we spend a car with our school?!"

Xiao Yuan’s nephew didn’t say anything, he didn’t know what he was thinking.

"I am really worthless for Zhong Qing, so I like cloud glaze... But everyone can mix up with Zhou Yuchen every day!"

"Is it true that the beauty has changed the **** now, do you like to stock up?!"

The companion with Xiao Yuan made a laughter and joked that he also wanted to become a stockpile. He didn’t know if he could kiss the school.


After Yunli Glass got on the bus and reported the address of Yunding Apartment, Zhou Yuchen was really shocked.

Although Zhou Yuchen does not care about the surrounding things, he also knows that Yunding Apartment is Haicheng's premier apartment, which is the best in the world.

The driver drove the car to the door of Yunding Apartment. Before the cloud glaze took out the money from the bag, Zhou Yuchen had already given the money...

Zhou Yuchen, who helped with a large plastic bag, followed the tail of the cloud and stalked like a tail.

Zhou Yuchen followed the cloud glaze into the elevator. When the top elevator door opened, Zhou Yuchen helped the things out, but the people stood still at the door.

He stood quietly at the door, looked at the huge Yunding apartment, and saw the cloud glass to pick things up in front of the open kitchen, opened the refrigerator door, and put the things bought from the supermarket into the refrigerator.

Zhou Yuchen looked down at the big bag in his hand and stared at the marble floor of the clean entrance. He took off his shoes, stepped on the floor with white clean socks, and smashed the plastic bag to the side of the cloud.

"Thank you!" Yun Liuli looked at Zhou Yuchen's plastic bag at her feet, bent over and picked up the things inside and stuffed them into the refrigerator.

Zhou Yuchen discovered that where the cloud glaze is to be placed, it is clearly to stuff things into the refrigerator.

Yes, it’s stuff...

Seeing that things are going to fall, Yun Lan glass hurriedly pressed the contents of the refrigerator and went to the plastic bag with one hand, but it was not long enough to reach...

Yun Liuli said to Zhou Yuchen: "Help!"

Zhou Yuchen: "..."

"I am coming!" Zhou Yuchen and Yunlili changed their positions, took all the messy things in the refrigerator and put them on the counter, reorganized and put them in the refrigerator.

Compared with the clutter of the cloud glazing, the refrigerator that opened the door became more spacious and neat.

"Wow! You are amazing!"

Clouds and glass really praised.

Zhou Yuchen holds fresh fruits and vegetables in his hands and puts them on the insurance layer: "I lived when I was 11 years old. These are the aunts who took care of me and taught me, so I must learn all..."

There are still a lot of Zhou Yuchen!

At the age of eleven, Zhou Yuchen, who is different in color, was used as a monster. Taking care of Zhou Yuchen’s nanny, the so-called “home” uncle’s pressure was forced to be left alone by Zhou Yuchen, although the nanny went to see Zhou Yuchen every other time, but the total Can't do it every day.

Therefore, the nanny began to teach Zhou Yuchen how to live alone in the principle of teaching people to fish instead of giving them fish.

Yun Liuli did not ask, just nodded.

Watching Zhou Yuchen sorting out the refrigerator, washing his hands at the sink, and taking a few kitchen papers to wipe his hands, he was skilled and veteran. She threw a freshly washed apple to Zhou Yuchen: "Go, cut hair!"

Zhou Yuchen licked the apple in his hand and was washed with cloud glaze, slamming hard, and then followed the footsteps of the cloud glaze and put on shoes at the door.

Yun Liuli noticed Zhou Yuchen's socks, which did not look new, but clean and white.

After contact with Zhou Yuchen, Yun Liuli felt that this thing was sometimes very nonsense.

Zhou Yuchen is not dirty, let alone any smell, but everyone is far away from Zhou Yuchen, Yun Liuli and Zhou Yuchen have sat, know that Zhou Yuchen always has a faint smell of laundry detergent.

In the view of Yunli, Zhou Yuchen still has some slight cleanliness. After seeing Zhou Yuchen several times at the same table, Yunlili found that Zhou Yuchen did not wear the same clothes and shoes every day. He should have all the clothes and shoes exactly the same. of.

When I arrived at the barber shop, the cloud glaze went in and said to the clerk who was entertaining them. She wanted to cut her hair short, and then pointed to Zhou Yuchen, who was sitting on the sofa with her rules: "Design a sunny hair style."

(End of this chapter)

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