Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1012: I am with you!

Chapter 1012 I am with you!

Zhou Yuchen put his hands on his knees, tightened nervously, lowered his head...

Every time he goes to cut his hair, he won't let the barber move his bangs. It's all rough and rough, and then go home and repair his bangs so that others won't see him different from ordinary people. s eyes.

But today, Yun Liuli brought him, it is bound to cut the bangs, he is afraid to see other people's disgusted eyes.

Sitting here waiting for time, Zhou Yuchen sprouted and retired. He just wanted to get up and find an excuse to leave. He listened to the clerk and asked Yun Liuli and Zhou Yuchen to say that two teachers had already vacated.

Zhou Yuchen’s fist was tightly squatting, only to listen to the cloud and glazed to him: “Don’t be afraid! I will accompany you!”

I am accompanying you with three words. For Zhou Yuchen, I don’t know what it is like to hear my ears go to my heart.

He obviously doesn't like cloud glaze!

They belong to the same kind...

For a long time, Zhou Yuchen nodded, and after washing his head with the cloud, he walked toward the empty seat.

Zhou Yuchen sat down and watched the hairdresser put a shawl on her hair. The heartbeat was very fast. She heard the cloud and the hairdresser said, "Let's just cut it, as long as it looks like the sun, it will be like a normal college student!"

Zhou Yuchen: "..."

After the cloud glaze was finished, he sat down next to Zhou Yuchen. He raised his hand and stroked the length of his hair: "When you cut it here, will it look mature?!"

"It won't be! Your long beautiful looks like young!" The barber understood the meaning of the wrong cloud, and hurriedly opened his mouth.

Long hair with a long neck, can be tied into a short ponytail, the shawl has a little more feminine.

The glazed glass is beautiful and amazing, so the barber's words are not completely flattering.

When the cloud glaze is heard, the little face is a little bit sloppy. She just doesn't want to be regarded as a child by Gu Qingcheng, so she wants to mature.

"That... what hair will I look mature?!" The big eyes of the cloud look at the barber in the mirror.

When the four eyes were opposite, the barber immediately realized that he had not said anything well. He bent down and gently followed the hair of the sapling glass: "That will cut the length you want, I will not leave you a bang." And, three or seven points, the most mature and have a gas field!"

When the cloud glaze is heard, the lips smile and nod. "Good! Then it will trouble you!"

Zhou Yuchen, sitting next to the cloud glaze, looked at the cloud glazed from the corner of the mirror. He first saw the cloud and smiled so many times.

More than in the school!

In the past, Zhou Yuchen always focused on Du shadow, and Du shadow was always together with Yun Liuli, so it will inevitably be noticed.

The name of the cloud glaze ice and snow beauty is not white!

Just as Zhou Yuchen looked at the smiling face of Yun Liuli, the hairdresser went down with a pair of scissors, and Zhou Yuchen’s hair in front of his eyes was bright and bright.

After hearing the hairdresser behind him sucking a cold breath, Zhou Yuchen's hand under the haircut shawl tightened hard, almost subconsciously hanging his head.

"This little brother looks good!" The barber suddenly whispered, looking at the clouds and looking at the glass, suddenly had a feeling!

My girlfriend is so beautiful, my little brother must look good! This is also used to say!

Upon hearing this, Zhou Yuchen’s back was stiff and I didn’t know if it’s true or not.

"It's beautiful!" Yun Liuli looked in the direction of Zhou Yuchen.

Zhou Yuchen's five senses hate deep and straight, the skin is too white and the clouds are not inferior, but also with the juvenile and youthful, young and delicate, people feel good and soft, he does not lick his lips When I talk, I feel cold and abstinence, especially with a wound on my face, blood on my lips and forehead, and it seems that there is still a bit of fierceness.

In any case, Zhou Yuchen is indeed a young boy, rare and handsome, and he is shocked to be a man of heaven.

Hearing the cloud glaze, Zhou Yuchen dared to look at the clouds with his eyes, some embarrassed.

Under his wide and deep eyes, his eyes were pure and clean, and his gaze at the clouds seemed to stop.

"The eyes are also very nice, like the Persian cat I raised when I was a child!" The cloud glazed directly looked at Zhou Yuchen's eyes, and there was no disgust at the bottom of the eyes.

When I was a child, I grew up with a Persian cat. I like it very much. The Persian cat is also double-colored, one-color amber, and one-color light blue.

Zhou Yuchen was stunned by the black and bright scorpion of the cloud glazed, and the red roots were invisible.

The smile of the lips of the cloud is getting bigger and bigger, as if I just thought of Zhou Yuchen seriously: "Zhou Yuchen, you are the second best man I have ever seen!"

Zhou Yuchen’s ear made a big red, and the heart was smashing through the sputum. He only felt that the blood was powerfully beaten with the heart and transmitted to the limbs. Even the injured fingertips were followed by fever, as if they were growing out in an instant. Like new nails, itchy.

It doesn't matter if it doesn't come up, but Zhou Yuchen can no longer look at the cloud with the glass. His fingers clenched into fists and carefully pondered the words of the cloud, the second nice man...

So who is the first good-looking man? !

Is it the father of Yun Liuli? !

Yes, it is said that the girl is like a father... The cloud is so beautiful, the father must be a beautiful male.

Zhou Yuchen secretly aimed at the cloud glaze in the mirror. She saw her eyes closed and let the hairdresser play. The appearance of the eyebrows was beautiful and beautiful, and it was not contaminated with human smoke.

Zhou Yuchen's heartbeat speed is getting faster, he hurriedly withdraws his own gaze, and some kind of feelings that he can't say in his heart roll over. He strongly restrains his eyes from moving to the cloud glass, but the scorpion is not controlled by one inch and one inch. .

Clouds and glazes are like a very pleasant mood. Under the long white cloth, the clouds and glazed legs overlap and the small feet wearing small white shoes are gently swaying, and the posture is as casual.

He thought that his kind should be cautious, but the cloud is not...

Cloud glaze was redeemed.

Zhou Yuchen looked at the tip of the cloud swaying slightly and wanted to be redeemed...

Will the cloud save the glass? !

Zhou Yuchen closed his eyes and his lips were unconsciously shallow.

In fact, Yun Liuli is already saving him, she said... People want to save themselves!

Twenty minutes later, Zhou Yuchen's hairstyle was cut first.

The staff in the store saw Zhou Yuchen's handsome facial features with injuries after cutting his hair. It was... I have never seen such a good-looking boy.

"Handsome guy! Cut it! You can open your eyes and look at it. If you are not satisfied, I will change it again!" The hairdresser looked at Zhou Yuchen. It was really a teenager who had never seen such a good-looking boy. It felt better than the movie stars!

The third is more... ah, still can't have time to let the old Gu come out, stuck in the chapter of tomorrow hahahaha... ask for a monthly ticket la la la la la la!

(End of this chapter)

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