Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1013: Look good? !

Chapter 1013 is good-looking? !

"Small brother, have you brought a beautiful girl?! I have never thought about such a beautiful woman before! It looks good to die! There is another kind of exotic wind!"

The little girl who was dyed on the side turned back. Baba opened her mouth to Zhou Yuchen. All eyes were envious and admiring. The little faces were red.

Just this little girl just wanted to talk to Zhou Yuchen, the big guy, just to see the little brother has been stretching a face, the face of high cold abstinence, especially the wound on his face, looks like a bit of awkward, afraid Suddenly the opening will be embarrassed, so I only dare to secretly appreciate it.

No, the barber just married Zhou Yuchen, and the little girl couldn’t help but turn her head and talk.

Suddenly praised Zhou Yuchen was overwhelmed, almost subconsciously looking toward the clouds and glazed, Yun Luli's eyes were staring at him, nodded: "This is better!"

Therefore, Zhou Yuchen's ears are even more red.

Zhou Yuchen cut his hair and went to the rest area to sit and wait for the cloud.

However, in just ten minutes, a few girls have come over and Zhou Yuchen has a conversation and want to contact.

Zhou Yuchen was not good at dealing with others, and he was afraid of being afraid of people. His face was not snoring. He just showed his temperament of high cold and abstinence, forcing those little girls to leave, and it was a pity.

Zhou Yuchen looked up at himself in the mirror, looks good? !

Clouds and glass say good-looking, that is probably really good-looking! After all, the cloud glaze is so beautiful...

Zhou Yuchen suddenly realized that he thought the clouds were beautiful, and the heart thumped again and jumped up. He hanged his throat and twitched his hand.

Soon, the cloud glaze also cut the hair and blew it in the direction of Zhou Yuchen.

The cloud glaze with short hair and short hair is cut, and the feeling of being a little more refined is fine. The facial features are as delicate as painting, and the beauty is so fascinating.

Zhou Yuchen looked at the clouds and glazed, and walked through the bright and bright Huaguang... The ice muscles and jade bones, Yingyingshengguang, took the light of this room should have been awkward.

Zhou Yuchen saw some stays...

Seeing Yunxiaoli smiled and asked: "Look good?!"

Zhou Yuchen nodded, really felt good-looking, he said: "Good-looking!"

Cloud glass looked at the time, and Zhou Yuchen said: "You look good too! If you mind your eyes, there will be a beauty store next door... you can buy a beautiful woman."

Zhou Yuchen’s fist smashed and stood up. Zhou Yuchen was taller than a cloud, but he was too thin and childish. He had no deterrent at all. He asked: “You said... all the schools know that my eyes are Two colors?!"

Cloud glazed nodded and said it was extremely natural: "Know it! But the whole world is not the only one. You have two colors in your eyes. You have a lot of online search. Do you have any good cover?!"

Zhou Yuchen nodded and asked: "But... don't you think I am a monster?!"

Yun Liuyan shook his head and looked at Zhou Yuchen with that inexplicable look. I don't know what Zhou Yuchen said.

Zhou Yuchen's tight fists slowly loosened, and a pair of exotic people seemed to be convinced. He said: "Since everyone knows, there is nothing to hide!"

Yunlili seems to agree with what Zhou Yuchen said. She asked: "Do you want to learn self-defense?!"

Upon hearing this, Zhou Yuchen’s heart thumped and thumped a few times. He understood the meaning of the cloud, so the warmth in his heart was even worse!

His throat swayed and squatted for a while, then he said: "Clouds, why are you... so good to me?!"

"Because I saw you, I will think of the one who did not live up to expectations. I am saved... You should also be saved!" Yun Liuli said that it is common, as if things should have been like this.

Zhou Yuchen’s heart trembled, so... Cloud glaze is to save him right!

Zhou Yuchen’s eyes were a little hot, and he nodded for a long time: “I want to learn!”

"Then I will take you to a place! But today I can't. I have to go home soon today!" When the cloud glazed, the lips couldn't cover the upturn. "Can you go back?!"

After a moment, Zhou Yuchen nodded.

"I am leaving!" Yun Liuli waved to Zhou Yuchen, and happily came out of the barber shop, touched the length of his neck to the neck of the neck, guessing what Gu Qingcheng would see when he saw his new hairstyle. reaction.

Zhou Yuchen looked at the back of the clouds and couldn't help but sway, and guessed whether he could do so with care and happiness in the future!

Zhou Yuchen doesn't know...

But today, Zhou Yuchen’s dark life has extended a hand to him to pull him out of despair.

That person is a cloud-like glass that he did not like very much, but now Zhou Yuchen looks at the cloud glaze... It is a good one.

Zhou Yuchen turned and walked in the opposite direction to the cloud glaze. He also had an expectation in his heart. One day he didn't want to be able to live like a cloud. He could have been an ordinary person and not being bullied. It was very good. .

With such a small hope, Zhou Yuchen returned to his home...

Although Zhou Yuchen lives in the old community, it is a small house with only five floors and an elevator in his early years. It is not too bad today.

Zhou Yuchen listened to the grandfather and grandmother on the first floor and said that this piece will be demolished. Their early small house was worth the old nose money, saying that Zhou Yuchen was preparing for it. At that time, it must be demolished. At that time, Zhou Yuchen Listening to my heart is extremely unwilling.

Now, he sat on the sofa and thought about it. He felt that people always wanted to look forward. He couldn’t always immerse himself in the past. It was supposed to be planned for the future.


When Gu Lanjia went to Yunding Apartment, Gu Qingcheng had already stepped on the door first. Seeing that Yunli Glass is not about to call Yunli Glass...

Gu Qingcheng’s class time Gu Qingcheng was clear and clear. This point did not see her in the apartment. Gu Qingcheng wanted to make a phone call and ask if she was still at school, just because his clothes didn’t change in the past, he took a look at the glass. The boy named Zhong Qingyi still has the entanglement of cloud glaze, and he is the duty of a foster father.

When Gu Qingcheng just took out his mobile phone, he heard the sound of the elevator door opening.

Looking back, Gu Qingcheng stunned...

The little girl with long hair and waist, cut the neck hair at this time, similar to the BOBO head, the hair is longer.

This hairstyle is more and more lining up with the glazed glazed glaze, the five senses are full and full, the black ink is three or seven points, one side is behind the ear, one side is hanging on the ear, with a few mature mature charms, there is quite a lot of eyebrows. Gas field!

Gu Qingcheng looked at the cloud of glaze in front of her eyes. She saw her holding the shoe in one hand and changing shoes. When she bent down, she put her hair together, and the neckline showed a soft beauty. He didn’t open his eyes uncomfortably.

(End of this chapter)

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