Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1014: I am very happy to watch you grow up for your father.

Chapter 1014, I am very happy to see you grow up for your father.

Gu Qingcheng only feels that at this time, the cloud glaze is replaced with high-heeled shoes and a small suit. It is definitely an elite temperament. If she is not wearing a youthful full-length trousers and small white shoes, Gu Qingcheng will think that after five or six years of seeing through time and space. Cloud glaze.

The phone has been dialed out, and the mobile phone of Gu Qingcheng has not had time to hang up. The cloud glass of the good shoes is smiling at Gu Qingcheng. He took out his mobile phone and hung up: "I have been at home and still playing." What phone!"

Gu Qingcheng returned to God, looking at the clouds and glazed hair, looking at some cute, especially when she laughed, especially childish.

"Did you eat?!" Gu Qingcheng pulled the tie and took off his suit jacket.

Clouds and glass shook his head: "When you come back to eat together! Auntie is not doing it?!"

"Gang Hao good soup is gone..." Gu Qingcheng said to the cloud glazed with the slippers, and said that he had advanced the room to change clothes.

The two people haven't seen each other for so long, but when they talk about it, they are often gossip, and the atmosphere is particularly good.

Yun Liuli went to wash his hands, and even started to have a meal without changing his clothes. He also took out the drinks in the refrigerator and put them on the table...

After a long time, I lived with Gu Qingcheng again. Although there is no strange feeling in Yunluli, I am not embarrassed, but I have no plans to use Gu Qingcheng to accept myself.

All said that to seize the heart of a man, we must first grasp the man's stomach.

Yun Liuli looked at the table full of food and thought about going back to her spare time. She was going to study with the master of cooking and try to catch Gu Qingcheng's stomach. Of course, it is still the same for Gu Qingcheng.

Yun Liuli felt that his thoughts were perfect. After the rice was placed on the table, he changed clothes.

She arranged her own things that day, and hung the pajamas at the bottom of the press box that had been prepared before, into the closet. Those pajamas were all in the **** style.

The cloud glazed went to the bathroom with a silk nightdress and nightgown, and the black silk sling nightdress and nightgown were put on, especially the cloud glaze cut the hair, and then wearing such a nightdress, the taste of the flattering.

She was somewhat unprepared. She used to have the courage to buy it because she made up her mind to take Gu Qingcheng, but now she is ready to make a sudden move. Is it so obvious to attract a lure? !

After thinking about it, Yun Liuli adjusted the neckline of the nightgown so that he didn't look so naked.

When the cloud glazed adjusted the clothes in the mirror, Gu Qingcheng knocked on the bedroom door of the cloud glaze: "Well?! The food is going to be cold!"


The cloud glaze opened the door in the pajamas as soon as it was bitten.

Gu Qingcheng, who has already turned around and listened, didn’t pay attention. When the cloud glazed opened the chair and sat down opposite him, Gu Qingcheng’s glimpse...

Clouds and glamours simply opened up to Gu Qingcheng: "Good-looking?!"

Gu Qingcheng’s dark and deep twilight became deeper and he nodded: “Eat!”

"I always wanted to try a mature style, so this time I cut my hair, my pajamas have long been bought and I have never had a chance to wear it..."

This is true to the cloud.

Gu Qingcheng gave a cloud of chopsticks to the cloud, and listened to the cloud and asked: "I may feel strange when I dress like this. After all, I am a child in your eyes, but in the future you will have to look at the eyes of adults. Look at me, I am already a college student!"

So much has been paved, Gu Qingcheng thinks this is what Yunlili wants to say...

For the cloud glaze eager to prove to Gu Qingcheng that he is already an adult, Gu Qingcheng’s previous attitude has always been, you are still a child.

Today Gu Qingcheng nodded.

Everyone is coming from a child. When I was a child, I always thought that one day I could grow up suddenly. The younger the child, the more obsessed he grew up.

Therefore, Gu Qingcheng gave the soup to Yun Lanli and placed it in front of her: "Yes, you are already a big girl!"

When I heard Gu Qingcheng’s words, the smile of the cloud and the lips was a heartfelt happiness...

Gu Qingcheng raised his throat and looked at the cloud and said: "As an elder, I am very happy to watch your grown up for your father!"

The smile on the face of the cloud glazed.

Gu Qingcheng pretends that he can't see the expression of cloud glaze and starts his job: "Dine!"

I don't want to push Gu Qingcheng too tightly. Yun Liuli picked up the chopsticks. "We have a boy named Zhou Yuchen in our school. I saw him as if I saw me before I met you, but I think he is more pitiful than me. ......"

Gu Qingcheng knows that cloud glaze refers to campus violence.

Because at that time, the cloud glaze really didn't care about how others looked at themselves, but Zhou Yuchen was especially concerned about seeing his eyes.

He is more sad than the cloud glaze, because he cares about everyone, and Yun Liuli only cares about the people he cares about.

"So you want to help him?!" Gu Qingcheng's voice is very strong, especially able to directly hit the magnetics of the human heart.

"Yeah!" Cloud glared nodded. "But... I can't talk about it. I'm going to take him to the boxing gym that your friend opened, let him learn some self-defense, but I don't know if he has money!"

Yun Liuli heard that Zhou Yuchen’s family was very poor and lived in a shanty town.

Gu Qingcheng mobile phone vibration...

He glanced down and put down his rice bowl, and said to the cloud: "I will say hello to Liu Sheng..."

After that, Gu Qingcheng took the phone and got up and walked toward the bedroom.

In the big event, Gu Qingcheng will avoid the cloud.

It is also Gu Qingcheng who is not willing to let Yun Lanli know the dirtyness of this world. He always thinks that a clean girl like Yun Liuli should use the beautiful nephews to appreciate the beauty of the world.

The glutinous rice meal was very unpleasant, because Gu Qingcheng didn’t come out after a meal.

Rice Gu Qingcheng took a sip, and the vegetable cloud glaze gave Gu Qingcheng a hot pot. He sat on the sofa and looked at the TV program channel. He wanted to wait for Gu Qingcheng to finish his business and then brush himself in front of him. A sense of existence.

Yun Yunli has been waiting, wait until she has been lying on the sofa and sleeping, Gu Qingcheng came out of the room.

Seeing the cloud glazed in the sofa and sleeping in the hand still holding the remote control, Gu Qingcheng's heart is soft.

He put his phone in his trouser pocket and walked to the sofa, calling: "Small glass..."

Responding to Gu Qingcheng's only the soft breathing of the clouds.

He sighed and went around the sofa and the coffee table, hugged the skinny little glass, went to the bedroom door and gently lifted the bedroom door with his toes, and placed the cloud on the big bed.

The moonlight shines in from the transparent floor-to-ceiling windows, and falls on the long legs of the white ash-like glass. The silky black pajamas slide up, and the more and more cloud-like glass is charming, especially the slender legs.

(End of this chapter)

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