Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1015: Gu Qingcheng has his own heart!

Chapter 1015 Gu Qingcheng has his own heart!

Gu Qingcheng restrained and pulled the quilt to cover the cloud, but sat in front of the bed of cloud glaze, and did not leave...

I haven't seen it for so long, and the cloud glaze has become more and more beautiful, and there is a feminine faintness between the eyebrows.

Perhaps only the cloud glaze fell asleep like this, Gu Qingcheng dared to look at his little girl like this.

Gu Qingcheng has always let people secretly take care of the cloud glaze. He knows how the cloud glaze looks like an indifferent appearance, and how it is decided to those who pursue her.

But to myself... She is like a peach blossom that is blooming in spring. I try my best to let her notice her beauty. Every day I use all kinds of ways to tell myself that she has grown up.

However, she is so beautiful, why should he use her to tarnish her, and how can she face her father under Jiuquan?

He is now keeping her like this, and when she meets someone she really likes, he let go...

Gu Qingcheng exhaled a long breath, leaned over and fell a kiss between the clouds and the amount of glass, very pious, with the deepest cherish.

Gu Qingcheng in this life is the most important position to put the cloud glaze on his own heart.

For a long time, Gu Qingcheng straightened up, pulled the curtains for the cloud glaze, and gently covered the door before leaving.

I don't know how long it took, the cloud glare eyelashes trembled, tears slid out of the corner of my eye, across the nose...

She knows... she knows! Gu Qingcheng has his own heart!

He refused to accept himself, it must be because the heart of his heart could not cross!

In the past, if Yun Liuli only guessed that he liked himself, even Gu Qingcheng personally admitted that she would hesitate, but today Gu Gucheng thought that after the cloud glass was asleep, the cloud glass could be confirmed.

that's nice……

that's nice!

He doesn't dislike himself! He doesn't love himself!

He is just... have a heart!

This is fine! This is fine!

Yun Liuli is not afraid of anything, I am afraid that Gu Qingcheng does not like himself. If he does not like it, he will not know how much he wants to impress him with the heart of Gu Qingcheng.

This evening, Gu Qingcheng’s kiss, I don’t know how much courage left in the heart of Yunli, she can’t wait to rush into the room of Gu Qingcheng and hug him.

But the cloud glaze is still restrained, she has to slowly...

The glazed lips of the cloud swelled, and the night slept very sweetly.


Early the next morning, the cloud glazed up earlier, busy preparing breakfast for Gu Qingcheng, I can think of my cooking level, Yun Liuli still gave up, she is still doing the cake, she fools her stomach, she can OK, but she does not want to wrong the Gu Qingcheng who has always been picky.

When I opened the refrigerator, I saw the small cup noodles that I bought yesterday. I was hungry and screaming. I first made myself a noodle, and then I watched the big hotels on the mobile phone takeaway.

After Gu Qingcheng’s washing out, he smelled the smell of a noodles in the living room.

Gu Qingcheng frowned, lifted his foot toward the direction of the restaurant, and saw the cloud glazed with a handful of chopsticks and sucked the noodles, and looked at the phone with one hand.

"Get up early in the morning to eat instant noodles?! I am not here, are you taking care of yourself?!" Gu Qingcheng asked.

Yun Liuli had to be denied by mouth, but when she turned around in the belly, she especially wanted Gu Qingcheng to feel bad about herself, so she said: "I wouldn’t have cooking, I can fill my stomach with instant noodles... ..."

The words of Yun Liuli really make Gu Qingcheng's eyebrows wrinkle tighter.

"And..." Yun Liuli smiled at Gu Qingcheng, "bubble to save money and convenience!"

Gu Qingcheng has a tight heart: "I am missing your money?!"

The cloud glaze pulled out the paper towel and wiped the mouth: "That is always your money. The name I spent is not right, I have to save some... I remember the account, I will return it to you!"

This is like a knife in the heart of Gu Qingcheng.

Sure enough, Yun Liuli saw her hands in the pocket of Gu Qingcheng's thin lips.

"You can rest assured that the money, I promised that your father will take care of you, just treat you as your own child! Don't grieve yourself in money!" Gu Qingcheng said as he walked toward the kitchen.

Yun Liuli looked at Gu Qingcheng's unbuttoned shirt cufflinks, rolled up his shirt sleeves to reveal a solid arm, and had a personal body.

Cloud glaze restrained the lips that he was about to lift, and felt that the idea was also very good. The rottenness of his own cooking was a mess, but Gu Qingcheng could raise his stomach!

Since he loves himself so much, she is too hungry to eat what others have done. Gu Qingcheng always has to come back to stay with her.

Yunshuili looked down at the heat of the noodles in front of him and said, "But...because my father, you have raised me to the age of eighteen, and I have done it to the best of my life. I can't be so shameless! Moreover, fighting rice raises rice and raises hatred. You haven't heard of it! What should I do if I develop a rice bug that depends on you?!"

Gu Qingcheng seems to have heard a joke, the action of the cuffs did not stop, like laughing and laughing, raised the quiet scorpion and looked at the cloud glaze, turned and took the pot on the gas stove.

"Don't talk about rising rice... All my family is yours!" Gu Qingcheng turned his head and stared at the cloud glaze. For the first time, he was so solemn and clouded, "Do you understand?!"

"Why?!" Cloud glazed restrained his own heartbeat.

For anyone who dares to say that all my family property is yours, how do you hear how it is like a marriage proposal...

"Because I treat you as my own child! Maybe there will be only one child in your life!" Gu Qingcheng gently said, "Small glass, if you rely on my rice worm, I am very happy, at least you can live happily!"

Yun Liuli listened to Gu Qingcheng’s words and was red-eyed...

Obviously hurt yourself so why do you have to refuse her thousands of miles away!

"Besides being your own child, can't...what else?! It can also be the kind of all your family!" The voice of the cloud glaze is very small, like temptation and self-talk.

The volume control of the cloud glass is very good. It is the kind that will surely let Gu Qingcheng hear it, but if Gu Qingcheng does not want to respond, it can be pretended to be the volume that has not been heard.

Looking at the back of Gu Qingcheng, seeing his smooth movement, he opened the hood and added water to the pot to open the fire...

This is what I did not hear.

Gu Qingcheng does not say anything, this is his attitude...

I can hear the words of cloud glaze, Gu Qingcheng's heart is sweet and sour, and I feel sorry for the Yun Shoushan couple.

Gu Qingcheng closed his eyes and turned his head to look at the clouds. The little girl looked up and looked at Gu Qingcheng.

Waiting for the water to open, Gu Qingcheng said to Yun Liuli: "I used to chat with your father. After talking about it, your father said... his biggest wish is to be old and retired, to be able to watch your marriage and have children with your stepmother. And then bring you the child..."

At the end of the month, ask for a monthly ticket, baby!

(End of this chapter)

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