Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1016: She wants to have a baby with Gu Qingcheng!

Chapter 1016, she wants to have a baby with Gu Qingcheng!

In the past, Gu Qingcheng did not say it to Yun Liuli.

Probably about my father, so Yun Liuli listened carefully...

"Later, your father handed you over to me... Let me take care of you as a biological daughter. I look at you so beautiful and lovely, I just think, after I retire... I can bring you a child too! It is also a wish for your father."

Gu Qingcheng's mellow voice is so inexplicable that a word is nailed in the heart of the person.

He usually has so many words, maybe he really doesn't know how to answer his own question!

In the mouth of the cloud, she felt bitter and felt that she was probably miserable by her own biological father...

Who wants Gu Qingcheng to help her bring her children! She wants to have a baby with Gu Qingcheng!

In the big apartment, only the sound of the range hood is buzzing...

Yun Liuli wants to **** her nose, although she complains that she really wants her father.

Gu Qingcheng stared at the cloud glaze, his hands on the edge of the flow table, and the mature man's gas field was pressing.

He slowly opened his mouth: "Most of the arrangements for you later respected your father's wishes. He said that you painted paintings very well. He gave him a portrait on his birthday, and your father always put pictures. Put it in the wallet, he said that when you grow up, you can be a good painter!"

The cloud glazed with red eyes and looked up at the deep-eyed Gu Qingcheng, so Gu Qingcheng will arrange to go to learn to paint? !

If the cloud is barely sturdy, it will not follow the path that Gu Qingcheng has arranged, and instead goes to learn the costume design...

Gu Qingcheng’s voice is as calm as ever. He said: “Although I want to help your father finish what he wants to do for you, you have ideas about your future. I respect your choice. What are the variables in the future? We can't predict, I can only help you go according to your father's wishes, I mean you understand?!"

This means that Gu Qingcheng will not let Yunlili become his wife!

Cloud glaze understands.

The gentleness of this statement can be too cruel.

Gu Qingcheng knew that Yun Liuli was thinking of him, but he used this to stab her heart and wanted her to die.

Can Gu Qingcheng say this, do not hurt yourself? !

Does he really care if there are other men around the cloud? ! He also wants to bring clouds and glaze to the children born to others...

This said Gu Qingcheng letter, cloud glass does not believe!

With Yun Lanli's understanding of Gu Qingcheng, as long as Yun Liuli marries other men, Gu Qingcheng will disappear into his own world.

There was no fierce debate as before, and Yun Liuli nodded silently.

In the process of getting along with Gu Qingcheng, Yun Liuli is also growing up. Compared with the previous eager and squatting, she can now hold her breath.

She is too concerned about Gu Qingcheng too loves Gu Qingcheng, so she learned to take care of Gu Qingcheng's heart.

She knows Gu Qingcheng, more than knowing herself!

When I heard the sound of the water, the cloud was opened and the voice was hoarse: "The water is open!"

The cloud glaze is sitting in the dining room. The original scent of the instant noodles in the mouth has become a bitter taste. The noodle bucket is pushed aside, and the sour noodle soup made by Gu Qingcheng comes up. The cloud glaze only feels appetite.

And Gu Qingcheng Yun Liuli has long known that it is a long-lasting battle. When I have enough to eat, I will have the strength to fight with Gu Qingcheng. She does not intend to talk to Gu Qingcheng any more. She said that she must be the winner. By.

After eating a meal, Yun Liuli and Gu Qingcheng mentioned Zhou Yuchen’s affairs. Don’t forget to say hello to Liu Sheng, she thought that Zhou Yuchen was poor, but the poor had the ambition of the poor, and Zhou Yuchen had time to go to Liusheng. The meaning of cleaning and cleaning is to pay the tuition.

Gu Qingcheng should have come down, and I feel that the little girl in their family has grown up and actually knows to take care of others' self-respect.

Knowing that Gu Qingcheng was busy, Yunlili refused Gu Qingcheng to send her to the school. Anyway, Gu Qingcheng said that he would settle down in the country for the time being. He had a mobile phone and a computer at work, and he was able to come over.

Yun Liuli was very happy to listen to, and Gu Qingcheng said... After finishing the class, Zhou Yuchen went to Liu Sheng to recognize the door and come back!

Gu Qingcheng has a smile at the bottom of his eyes: "I am not in a hurry. Today I am going to Lao Fu, I will come back late at night, dinner myself!"

Yunluo nodded and went out to hit a car. Just got off the bus and saw Zhou Yuchen who stood still at the school gate and hesitated.

To be honest, Zhou Yuchen is a bit flustered, so that his eyes are exposed to the school, so that all see their own eyes...

He is afraid, and his heart is not at the end.

Up to now, when the primary school students used chalk and paper to smash him, the things that called him monsters were still vivid, and it was just that they could make Zhou Yuchen tremble.

That fear has been around for a long time and deep, and it is not easy to overcome.

Even the little girl who passed by Zhou Yuchen in twos and threes lowered her voice and said that she was so handsome. When the school had such a handsome guy, Zhou Yuchen was afraid.

I always feel that others are saying that his eyes are strange, he is a monster.

He began to regret, regretting the words of Yun Liuli, cut the bangs, that Liu Hai points is the umbrella of Zhou Yuchen's mind.

Zhou Yuchen was so happy that he would turn away. Who knows that when he turned back, he touched the clean and beautiful scorpion of Yunlili.

The midday sun is just right, sprinkled into the cloud-like glass-like glutinous rice, Huaguang overflows, as if the sky is eclipsed in a flash, the cloud glaze is a rare beauty, at this time standing in the sun more beautiful and thrilling, beautiful people asphyxia.

Zhou Yuchen's footsteps stopped, and he was holding his book tightly in his stiff body. He wanted to find a place to sneak in.

"Why don't you go in?!" Yun Yuli asked Zhou Yuchen.

Zhou Yuchen's inertia bowed his head and his eyes were dodging. He even began to be afraid of the quiet and clean voice of the cloud.

Although he is always bullied, as if his self-esteem has already been stepped on his feet, his last pride... is not willing to show his fragile side to others.

So these words he did not want to talk to Yun Liuli, and now... is the most unwilling to say with Yun Liuli.

One came because Yun Liuli helped himself so much that he couldn’t stand up. He felt embarrassed.

Secondly, it is also because the attitude of the heart to the cloud has changed, even if he is unbearable in others' hearts, he still wants to keep a copy here... a decent.

"My things are at home, I want to go back and get it!" Zhou Yuchen spoke, but he was still awkward. He looked up again and said to the cloud. "But it is not particularly important to think about it. Let's go in!"

There was a smile on the face of Yunli, nod: "Go!"

(End of this chapter)

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