Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1017: He didn't want to let the cloud lining down

Chapter 1017, he does not want to let the clouds fall out of disappointment

In the end, Zhou Yuchen didn't want to endure the disappointment of Yunli...

He has been living in the quagmire. He never asked someone to save him. Yun Lanli extended his hand to him and said to pull him up!

The appearance of such a person is difficult for Zhou Yuchen. In the private heart, Zhou Yuchen is afraid of being abandoned by such a person. After such a person gives up, he is again a muddy!

Therefore, he did not want Yun Liuli to give up because of his disappointment. If even Yun Liuli gave up on him, who else in the world would save him!

Yun Liu deliberately slowed down the pace and Zhou Yuchen went to the school, watching the students coming and going in their direction, Zhou Yuchen's forehead took a layer of fine sweat.

The combination of handsome men and women is how to catch people's eyes.

"You look so good, so others see you nothing!" Yun Liuli walked and drunk Zhou Yuchen to talk.

Seeing Zhou Yuchen’s appearance as an enemy, Yun Liuli said: “In fact, you really don’t have to care about how others see you. Others think that you are not good. Are you really bad?! If we all point to other people’s rumors We are not tired of living, we are not renminbi, but we can all let it all!"

Zhou Yuchen nodded when he heard the cloud.

"Life can't care about everyone's thoughts in life. Just care about what you care about. You can do it!" The clear voice of Yun Liuli is especially soothing.

Yes, just care about it... The person you care about is enough for yourself!

Zhou Yuchen looked at the cloud glazed sideways. The little girl glared at her lips and eyes with a smile. The line of sight seemed to him to make Zhou Yuchen feel a thrilling heart, and the heart jumped exceptionally fast.

That way, Yun Liuli and Zhou Yuchen walked together, and the soup was fried in the school network in two minutes.

It is said that the cloud glaze is followed by a big handsome guy. I don’t know where it came from. It should be the person that Yun Liuli said last time!

Some people even sneaked a back image and sent it to the school's online network. The big handsome guy around the cloud glass was boasted in the sky. He said that his face is handsome and exotic. It looks like a mixed-race, and he has a face with Yun Liuli.

Some people asked the big guy who came to send the cloud to the glass, which school is the school grass!

It is also said that if this person is a school grass, it is definitely a school grass in the well-deserved school grass!

When Zhong Qingyi saw the news, the whole person was a little embarrassed.

He stared at the back of the photo and always felt a little familiar, or Xiao Yuan, who was next to him, said: "This is not the garbage of Zhou Yuchen..."

Zhong Qing’s strange side looked at Xiao Yuan, and then looked back at the photo, and sure enough... the clothes were the same.

Xiao Yuan took out the lollipop in his mouth and said to Zhong Qing: "You didn't go to the party yesterday. We saw a cloud of glass and this garbage on a taxi, clear... you still I will accept your feelings on the cloud, you are my brother, I will persuade you!"

Zhong Qingyu did not say anything, his thin lips were close, his eyes could not hide, and his throat was slightly swaying.

It is precisely because Xiao Yuan knows that Zhong Qing’s thoughts on Yun Liuli are very heavy, so he persuaded himself to persuade.

Seeing Zhong Qing’s unspeakable snoring, Xiao Yuan’s line of sight fell on the photo and smashed at the bottom.

When Zhong Qingyi saved Xiao Yuan’s life, Zhong Qingyi’s person from childhood to large was a figure of the moon, and his kindness was rare and clean, just like his looks.

Therefore, Xiao Yuan has always treated Zhong Qingyi as a brother. Today, Jian Zhong Qing is hurt by the clouds, and Xiao Yuan’s heart is also a bit angry.

When Yun Liuli and Zhou Yuchen sat together in the last row of the classroom, almost all the eyes of the classroom people looked in this direction...

Zhou Yuchen’s nervous palms are all sweaty, but they still stand up straight and do not care about what the spine pretends.

Cloud glaze is right beside him, he does not want to let the cloud glaze disappointed.

Guan Nina was still laughing and joking with other classmates. She saw the beautiful man sitting beside the cloud glass, and the heart thumped.

Guan Nina has never seen such a good-looking boy. She is familiar with the cloud glaze. She is so close to the cloud glaze that she is embarrassed to glance at the glamorous and beautifully fascinating boys around the cloud glaze. : "Your boyfriend?! So handsome! You are really tight! You don't tell me if you are such a good friend!"

"What! This is Zhou Yuchen!" Yun Xiaoli gave a briefing to Zhou Yuchen. "Zhou Yuchen is my roommate, Guan Nina!"

Really four eyes, Guan Nina saw that the different colors of the eyes suddenly thought of the shadow of the former Du...

"I know the Zhou Yuchen you said. I saw him at the door of the bookstore. The colors of the eyes are really different, like monsters!"

Guan Nina’s breathing has to stop. Where is this monster? Is this the best guy a monster? !

Looking directly at Zhou Yuchen, looking at Guan Nina's eyes, calmed down after a slight panic, it was incomparably indifferent, and people felt that the bones were flustered.

I thought that the cloud glaze had been sitting with Zhou Yuchen a few days ago. Guan Nina looked at the cloud glazed eyes and complained a little more. She squinted at the soft flesh of the cloud glazed waist, and the voice was a bit grievous: Ok, you! You must have known that Zhou Yuchen is a big guy. I have come over to advise you not to go too close with Zhou Yuchen. You are too thief!"

Yunlili smiled and asked: "Do you want to chase?!"

Guan Nina bit her lip and nodded: "You help me!"

This world is a world that looks at the value of the face. Now Zhou Yuchen has a face, and this long and beautiful, unparalleled, which girl is not moving? !

Yun Liu did not agree with Guan Nina, nor did she refuse Guan Nina...

Later, in that class, Yun Liuli and Zhou Yuchen were filled with people. If it was not Zhou Yuchen's side, it was estimated that there was a girl sitting on the side of Zhou Yuchen.

The professor said that he was very helpless. In that class, everyone basically sneaked back and looked at the handsome man in the last row. Who still listened to him?

After that class, the name Zhou Yuchen swept the entire campus.

His photos were also posted, and no one thought that Zhou Yuchen’s bangs would hide such a magnificent beauty.

Especially the classmates sitting around Zhou Yuchen in that class saw Zhou Yuchen wearing the old clothes, but no one could smell anything in Zhou Yuchen's body!

Almost instantaneously, everyone understands that Zhou Yuchen, who is wearing only one year's clothes, is clearly the same for all clothes!

Zhou Yuchen not only does not stink, but also has a faint smell of laundry liquid, which is particularly good.

(End of this chapter)

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