Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1024: This is the information of Miss Yun’s boyfriend.

Chapter 1024 This is the information of Miss Yun’s boyfriend.

The lawyer sent by Gu Qingcheng’s assistant was his friend, and it was also used by the top. After roughly understanding the situation, he transferred the monitoring of the door of Zhou Yuchen’s community, saying that Zhou Yuchen was a legitimate defense.

I even have to tell everyone who participated in Zhou Yuchen that day, and then I will take Zhou Yuchen to the hospital for an injury test.

The lawyers on behalf of Zhou Yuchen are particularly crisp and neat, and they are simple and neat, and they have made it clear that if they are private, they will compensate Zhou Yuchen for the loss of mental damage... In addition, the injuries caused by Zhou Yuchen in school over the years are serious!

In addition, Xiao Yuan is also required to apologize at the school conference. This is the end of the matter.

Xiao Yuan’s aunt went to Xiao Yuan’s aunt. Xiao Yuan’s aunt jumped when he heard it. He said to the lawyer: “Haicheng is so big, you are in the world to inquire about who we are in Xiaojia! The little monster hit The young master of our Xiao family still wants us to lose money and apologize, what are the dreams?! Let him go to jail today is light, I tell you!"

The lawyer just smiled and said that the lawsuit was accompanied by the end. At that time, Xiao Yuan’s intentional injury was sentenced according to the seriousness of the plot. He was confident that Xiao Yuan would enter at least three years.

This matter is big, especially the other party is still a famous lawyer, so Xiao Yuan’s aunt had to call his brother Xiao Yuan and his father.

Xiao Yuan, his father heard, for so many years, his son has been bullying another son, don't mention too much bad, can only go out in person, and lawyers say they are brothers, and return to privately let them reconcile.

The lawyer here has already asked Zhou Yuchen’s meaning, Zhou Yuchen said that it’s not a jade.

So, the lawyer smiled and Xiao Yuan’s father shook his head, no way... Xiao Yuan’s father could only agree to the lawyer’s request.

After Xiao Yuan, who was lying in the hospital, woke up, I heard that Zhou Yuchen had found a lawyer to sue himself. His father had promised to apologize to Zhou Yuchen in front of the teachers and students.

Xiao Yuan gritted his teeth, his mind was still clear, he would not go to jail for the sake of vomiting.

The matter was solved quite smoothly. In the afternoon, Yun Liuli went to pick up Zhou Yuchen.

Zhou Yuchen came out to see a smile on the lips of the cloud, especially good-looking.

After the lawyer handed over the man to the cloud glaze, he left. Yun Liuli asked him: "After leaving the hospital, Xiao Yuan will apologize to the teachers and students in the school. How is your mood?!"

After being bullied for so many years, Zhou Yuchen was thinking of Xiao Yuan’s apologizing to himself, and he felt that his heart was hot.

Today he can see it all because of the cloud!

If it wasn't for the glazed glass that extended his hand to him, now...he is still Zhou Yuchen who can't help the mud!

Still, the garbage that was played in the middle by Xiao Yuan’s friends.

Thinking of this, Zhou Yuchen raised his hand and took the cloud into the arms.

The cloud glaze is a little awkward, but I am still not used to being too close to others. I want to push Zhou Yuchen away, but I hear Zhou Yuchen snoring a little.

Last night's coming to the cloud, the cloud was already clear, knowing that Zhou Yuchen was also beaten last night, there was no effort to struggle...

Just listen to Zhou Yuchen solemnly saying: "Thank you for the glass! Thank you..."

Zhou Yuchen's world, because of the cloud and glass, has the light and hope!

People are greedy, Zhou Yuchen grabs it and doesn't want to let go...

The lawyer saw this scene before boarding the car, chuckled and started the car, and called Gu Qingcheng’s assistant back, saying that things had been done.

"The boyfriend of your boss's little girl is really good-looking, no wonder your little girl is going to save it! I just saw two people hugged together when I left. It’s called a pair, it’s just a golden boy. Jade girl!"

The assistant was also shocked, and the cloud glared to make a boyfriend? !

"What are you talking about?! Hug together..."

"I am so an adult, I am joking with you, you are childish or I am childish!"

The assistant hangs up and laughs.

Yun Liuli didn’t know about Gu Qingcheng’s thoughts. As an assistant to Gu Qingcheng, he still didn’t know? !

Gu Qingcheng because of this, you can simply look for a psychiatrist to see the cloud glass many times.

Now Yunxiaojia has made a boyfriend, probably life will be normal, the small assistant did not hold back to the Gu Qingcheng office, told Gu Qingcheng about this.

After listening to Gu Qingcheng, he took a moment and suddenly thought of the fact that he had asked him to help him in the car yesterday. He was annoyed inside, but his expression was not obvious.

He asked: "You mean, after the boy was brought out by Chen, the glass was hugged with the boy?!"

The little assistant nodded: "So it should be a boyfriend can't be wrong!"

In order to flatter, the assistant also took out the information he had found about Zhou Yuchen from the folder and placed it in front of Gu Qingcheng: "This is the information of Miss Yun’s boyfriend, you can see it!"

Gu Qingcheng's brow is slightly tight, picking up the information and looking at the eyes...

In the photo, it is an extremely beautiful boy. The facial features of the five senses are very handsome. The color of the pair of dice is different. The bangs seem to be up, and the expression is indifferent and awkward.

Gu Qingcheng's brow wrinkled more tightly. When I saw the name, I felt a little familiar. It only seemed to be the classmate who Yun Yunli wanted to send to Liu Sheng to learn Muay Thai.

Yun Liuli has always been indifferent, when did he help his classmates...

At that time, Gu Qingcheng had a different heart, but because Yun Liuli saw that he was like seeing her own, Gu Qingcheng only pressed the wrong heart to help.

Is it... Is the cloud glaze like it? !

With Gu Qingcheng's understanding of Yunli, she is very disliked by others.

Even if the cloud glaze is so familiar with Lin Wen, it is deliberately avoiding touch, let alone the opposite sex...

Gu Qingcheng’s heart was blocked, and he browsed Zhou Yuchen’s information. He was cold and illegitimate!

Even if the mother is a supermodel, it is also an illegitimate child!

How can an illegitimate child be worthy of cloud glaze? !

Look at the child's deeds Gu Qingcheng must be hehe, this is called Yun Liuli to see the previous self, she is afraid of some misunderstanding of her previous!

The previous cloud glaze learning is top-notch, steady first place!

But this child's academic performance is simply unstable! Flickering!

Gu Qingcheng looked at Zhou Yuchen's information and looked more and more angry. The more angry he was, the more he looked. The Kung Fu had already pulled the tie and untied the shirt button.

Gu Qingcheng assistant stood by and looked at it. I felt that Gu Qingcheng’s mood was probably the same as Lao Zhang’s. No matter how good the boyfriend of Yun Liuli was, Gu Qingcheng still felt that the cabbage he had raised for so many years was actually arched by the pig. .

Baby, the recent investigation is particularly strict, so thousands of thousands of people will no longer write welfare, and add more to thank you, the babies are eager to vote for the moon, every three hundred votes plus one more! For example, 300600900... When you vote, add more and more monthly tickets and more!

(End of this chapter)

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